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Comments on "Winner of the "The Sartorialist Award for Having the Most Fun with A Seriously Cool Look""
I remember her! she's too cute! and totally gutsy!
but the hair makes her look sooo much older...
And she looks like Dianne Wiest! Especially in profile!
i wanna tap that
I love afros on white women. You go girl.
isn't it the 3rd time we can see this girl here?
I love her hair !
And her shoes are amazing!
I'm diggin' this, actually, I like the Gibson Girl thing.
Oh god, it looks great on her!
Like a modern Marie Antoinette.
Can someone say "Diane Brill"???
She is amazing! Edwardian lady meets Studio 54...?
Extraordinary beauty. Pure poetry. Romantic poetry.
her hair is "ce magnefic"
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing!
Sophisticated fun... a look I have yet to perfect as she has!
i understand that's how we ladies are supposed to be doing our hair this spring. i don't think my hair can actually do that.
but i reaaly do need to own that coat.
socks with sandals??? this woman looks like a serious mess to me!
god, i wish i had enough hair to work that.
Wow --I love it all!
She demonstrates how one can wear a coat with volume over wider-legged pants. And Kudos for her for forgoing the Gumby legs --that is, the pants are not overly long.
This is every straight-haired girl's dream. Or it's mine anyway, except maybe it'd be red.
I agree she looks 20 years older in the profile shot, but straight on she looks like her age, which I imagine is relatively young.
That hair - it's architectural! Cute look; bold, sophisticated, and creative!
that hair reminds me of a modern toulouse-lautrec woman from montmarte. how beautiful
wow..wow..wow n more wow..
luv her style...
can u be my gerlfren..
yess she got that guts n she can pull that off..
luv her..
adil sg
I've not seen hair THAT big on a woman since Dynasty!?
Same beautiful gal as in your January 22 post. I love her smile, not to mention her almost inimitable style! I could never pull off that hair! :)
thin grey stockings contrasting with gorgeous ysl sandals aren't really in the same league as the german-tourist-in-greece look, are they though?
nothing like a good bouffant (excuse the bad spelling).
you know last time you shot her i wasn't too sure about the hair .. but i think i like it.
she looks stunning, feminine and confident.
i've said it before and i'll say it again ..
It's the hair that counts!!!
Julie Christie in Dr. Zhivago? Wow, does she create a mood with her clothes and hair...
This woman could be the poster child for the anti-hair-straigtening-irons campaign that should be launched. She looks delicious!
Very daring, but she pulls it off. I love what she has done with her hair.
love that her pants are actually hemmed. it seems strange to me that lots of gals are risking ruining expensive fabric dragging it on the ground. Seems so decadent...not getting it. but she seems cool and crazy sane.
...So maybe I won't comb my hair this morning...
the hair is fine - sure, go for it but why the hair salon "jaws of life" clip?? those things are the white girl equivalent of pink foam rollers out in the supermarket. bad bad bad way to keep the hair in place.
use pins. use plastic forks even but please, lay off the jaw clamps!
I was going to say silly hair but the front view shows very, very pretty tendrils at the side. It's just too high. Horrible shoe arrangement. Wonderful coat.
She's great! Love the pants and shoes.
A little Katherine Hepburn going on.
the outfit is cool, yes, but the hair is what totally gets me. i love women that go crazy with their hair. tight, neatly combed coiffs can be so boring. go teased, go bedhead, go nuts. that's hot! something about the less you appear to care the better :)
Seriously cool because she's not overdone. She comes across as someone with both brains and kindness.
Love the coat, the shoes, the pattern/texture of the pants.
It's the Girl with the Hair!! like a lovely brioche! she makes me smile.
She's fabulous! Love the Gibson Girl hair.
Hmmm...let's see: tweed pants, funky hair, happy-go-lucky smile..TWO THUMBS UP!
One can only speculate about the outfit under the coat, but her hair especially reminds me of a retro theme in British fashion of late-60s-early '70s, i.e. in films like "Mary Poppins" and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"; and in "The Prisoner"; or for a more recent reference she reminds me of Hayao Miyazaki's animations, especially the last one. Brilliant, and nice photo with the washed-out background making the hair glow.
It works for her -- but only because she's less than 30 years old, with a fresh, rosy complexion. On anyone else it would just like like "that crazy lady with waaaay too many cats."
She looks much older in the first picture. At first I thought it was two different women. Wasn't she in a previous post 'that hair'? How do you get to picture same people over and over again? Are your photo shoots pre-arranged?
Are you sure she's not a model who just came from a runway show with her "stage hair"?
LOVE her YSL sandals
If she was a model she'd be about half the size, wouldn't she? And I'm glad she's not, she's gorgeous.
luv her hair
She's adorable! I love the crazy hair! The coat, printed pants, and way cool little shoes are great too.
love the hair!
I'm loving her hair style !
Can you say impossibly fabulous! <3 everything, especially the hair!! Also, her skin is soooo fresh and rosy!
its that young, old look.
get into it. its going around.
Like a blonde and rather jauntier Kathrine Hepburn from the African Queen.
WOW !!! speed mcqueen you really captured the best comment on her style.
I totally agree