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Comments on "On the Street..The Individualist, NYC"
Wow, I love love love this! The colours, the dramatic flair/flip of grey captured by your camera and the big proportions of everything which make you notice how petite she is. Beautiful.
I like the scarf!
Definitely The Individualist. What a beautiful handbag...
Heh. But surely in the backdrop there should be a cat among some pigeons?
She looks like she's enjoying herself, and the billow of the scarf/blanket is truly dramatic in contrast to all the tassels and dangles.
the prada bag with a down town look, awesome! If i could afford that bag, id be all over it.
I pose a qeustion:
Do you think that this bag has too much of an 'it' status? Im wondering if its maybe a little 'trendy'.....
Thank you for your website. Real people are the real inspiration. Living in the VERY rural midwest my style and creativity has gone through a period of apathy. Your website is a breath of fresh air - a reminder, portal, and more importantly, motivation to get my groove back. Thanks for the inspiration!
Looks like she raided her husband's closet in their Montana cabin. She looks warm and happy. Scarf rules!
i really like her smile and at first i was like, 'yuck this outfit is gross' then i had a closer look and was like, 'alright' then i was like, 'nah gross' i mean, check out her gross pants with the zips at the bottom like a nerd and the sickening overly large jacket/shirt/vest combo. to me this outfit just seems to almost hit, but then misses.
i really like the idea of wearing a cape though
that scarf totally refresh the whole outfit!!
this woman is amazing.
I'm lived in Montana, and believe me, this is high class for M-T! I'm loving the boots and trousers! Good colors.
I love how if you put your hand over one half of the picture, it looks like an entirely different outfit! Sort of shabby masculine on her right, and chic and whimsical on her left. Genius.
I love the movement of the scarf. It adds whimsy to the whole look.
What a zip!!!
Now this, THIS is style!
Interesting that she is posted just above the example of FASHION not style. Nice contrast.
The very possession of an "it" bag does not make it trendy, but what you wear it with. That is where one's real personal style comes in.
She is also very sexy because you notice her and not just each piece.
Odd combination of clothes but it suits her. She somehow reminds me of the Lawrence of Arabia! Must be the cape/scarf and rugged boots.
sart, what a pic. I love this woman.
i agree with theo... totally gross. the sweater/shirt combo is awkward, the pants are like diapers (that front zipper? ack!), the jacket is too long....
the shoes, bag and hat are great though. i just think, when you get to the age of this women, you can't be this sloppy and make it work, even if you DO have a great body, expensive accessories and a fabulous personality.
a great shot and great style. i agree with theo that it is hit and miss in as much as the big zip on her crotch reminds me of an appendage, and the coat is way too big, but for me it is a winner, because the subject is one of those few individuals who can make clothes come togehter well (even when they shouldnt).
its interesting, its textured, its not 'designer' or fashion (i wouldnt have a clue who the bag was 'designed' by... does it matter???, theres always lots of comments like that on this blog: 'where can i get/purchase that piece?', 'who is she wearing?', yawn).
this woman would make a floral frock and lavender cardy her own. i love it.
so les miserables....
She is just amazing--I have seen (and collected) other photos of her....always unique, interesting and refreshing!
cue the wind machine!
what a gorgeous image! an individualist indeed.
Billowing beauty.
It's not entirely there - zip on pants definitely a detraction - but I really like the proportions. In truth, it might simply be that I like your photography - great colours and diagonal with the scarf. Hmm...
are those the pants that zip all the way to the back??? ismell those are coming back!
so cheesy eighties, gotta love them if they did go all the way back.
Everything is too oversized for me. It seems as if she has played dress up with her hubby's wardrobe. Somewhere hiding in there is her body...
Everything is tied together so well. The jean length with the boots and Prada bag really speak of a collegiate western vibe along with the blazer.
to kim cres at 12.39pm - it's such an exact remark!it's really like this. very witty! and the look is super! with love from moscow!
Isn't she Michela Gattermayer?!?!
Somehow she knows what she's doing (bag, shoes, scarf tell you as much), but even though I think the oversized jacket and whatever is going on underneath it make her look messy, I think she does it no purpose, to balance the outfit. Lots of little details she put in that were thought up. But I still think she'd look better more out together. But hey, maybe that's why she's such an individualist, she doesn't want to be put together!
Nice photo, Sart. But really now, you've got to be joking, right? I am having a hard time believing this works on any conceivable level, IMVHO. The blanket around her shoulders makes her look like a little kid dressing up as a superhero. And why is she wearing a tea cosy on her head? Baffling.
Yes, freeonboard, she is Michela Gattermayer, the director of the italian fashion magazine "Velvet". That long scarf looks dangeorus: anybody remember the tragic destiny of Isadora Duncan?
better safe than fashion...
Lose the hat and we have a deal!
I know how she feels...sometimes I feel this way too but without the leather pants. I love the way she seems to be showing us her true self. Life is too short.
I love this portrait.
This I love, because it works, but unlike some of the other great ensembles seen here, sit eems so intuitively and unselfconsciously put together.
Maybe it's just the look in her eye which conveys this to me, but I like a wearer who seems to be saying "Maybe it's perfect, or maybe it isn't, but my concern is really just the happiness in trying something, more than the score society gives me". A kind of DIY spirit shows through.
One word. FIERCE! The hat, scarf, proportion of the jacket, the pants, the bag and above all, the man inspired shoes...or are they men's shoes...whatever...IT'S ALL FIERCE! She's workin' it all!
She Rocks. How many more well put together photos must we see. Simply put...she is different...and that is what works. Awwee to be fearless, not to have a care in the world of what the next person thinks. She's dressing for herself. She loves those pants and that hat...that's all that matters. To me she is a woman who romantizes the past and future. Meshing it so well together.
Great pieces put so well together!