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Comments on "On the Street....Plaid & Stripe, Milano"
young men can rarely pull off moustaches: this is a great use of one. the hat makes his look intentional, doesn't it? and something about the light is making those jeans not look like jeans, if that makes any sense.
great shot.
I think I am seeing "plaid and piano," yes?
I love this man. His eyes ans his hat goes perfeclty together. I'm thinking red wine and late nights in candleligth.. but maybe it's just me;)
I have always prayed that keyboard scarves would permanently die; I see my wishes have not come true. Jorge from West Palm Beach
My friend wore this very outfit - every detail - in 1983. Maybe this chap bought it at resale...but I'm not "buying" this at all.
the mustache is an interesting touch...
Great, great, great. I love this kind of nonchalance.
This man is very handsome and I'm sure he could even be more handsome if instead of that moustache he wore a full beard or no facial hair at all.
To ‘a lady’, I don't think those are actually jeans... Just lavender coloured pants.
I feel he could be my best friend. and I like that very much
Dreamy. I'm moving to Milan asap :)
oh pleeease tell me where is the scarf from! *.*
a piano scarf? pretty dorky, imo...
that vivid blue sleeve peeking out really pulls it all together. neat little bracelet too. and where did he find a piano-scarf??
The lumberjack meets piano keys is surprisingly in tune. Sometimes things just work, and this does.
piano scarf. why not! i love the plaid too but i am starting to tire a bit.
Im guessing it was some pretty damn good pizza.
this kids got the "whatever-look", I like his silly approach to patterns... it's fun. squinting eyes with a little smirk sneaking in.
If only all men could dress this well... *sigh*
this look is very san francisco (where i live) - 80's mustache, ugly 80's piano scarf, 80's light colored jeans, and hat (people here love hats.)
unfortunately, i'm not into this look at all! :)
I like the way everything fits here.
He's sexy.
oh finally i found out: it is from hot topic although i think it isn't available anymore. :[
first of he is of the handsome!
2nd, i dont like the scarf, it takes away from the beautiful muted colours of his outfit.
3rd, i love the colour of his jeans, it compliments the brown tartan.
nice one!
he must be a student or something, saw him at a few shows in london.
His look is so great that I didn't notice the moustache until I read comments left here. That is a stupendous acheivement!
hahah! i sort of wish he was holding the pizza box. great photo.
former lumberjack turns to pimping.
has he got white shoes too?
What kind of jacket is that!!!???anyone?
such distinguished eyes.
the pizza box would have been the icing on the cake.
Lovely scarf, and he looks so warm and comfortable too! The small hat works on him somehow. I also think a photo of him holding his pizza box would have been cool too - it might have given it more of a candid feel. Generally great use of muted complimentary colours.
haha love the comment about the pizza box. i can imagine it now.
fierce! i think the whole outfit would have looked better if the plaid pattern was small/closer together. the coat looks oversized because of that.
yeah, sweet stache
that arm is waiting to take me out for a stroll. can I be your assistant? I can help u hold potential pizza boxes, etc while you shoot at temptations as such! xo-
Completely unassuming and sincere. The piano scarf isn't too much; it's just naturally dorky! I love especially how you can see something (a pad of paper?) protruding from his right breast pocket. He is living in his clothes, not the other way around.
No, this is not it, cute pizza box possibilities or not. That coat is ugly, torn between sayin it's something George and Weezy would've worn or Robert de Niro in Taxi Driver, either way, not a good idea. And then that silly scarf clashes with the brown plaid, it all looks quite bad Scott. Maybe the pants, but with the rest, also poor.
It is quite the cliché - an Italian with a pizza. Guess clichés should be born somehow... He looks laid back - i don't think he thought that much about patterns and so on - much more he loved the pieces.
It is indeed. Pity his clothes are not.
I love this photo and the style of clothes go perfect the character of this person!
ps.I would like to know what type of Pizza he had...
The piano scarf looks like it was designed by Mugatu just after/before the piano key neck tie. Very cool look though. I like the jacket and pants combo and anyone who can support the solo mustache is a friend of mine.
Effortless. BeYOND cool.
You're right; photography is that much more fun and meaningful when it's collaborative. Your pictures are beautiful and they inspire me!
I think the piano scarf here is fun; his outfit isn't to be taken too seriously. I especially love the corduroy hat.
face furniture is back in and this gentlemen carries it off completely. i love this frisco lunberjack mix he has going on - bonkers and wonderful!
reminds me of jhonny depp..
You can tell he doesn't take anything serious. He makes me think of Art Brut. I bet he has the same sense of humor. Also, those don't look like jeans to me, they look like grey chinos.
very hot.
I see this as a "Don't".
I like this (especially that cutie-pie face), except for that scarf. Even if it were worn with something other than plaid, piano key=Ew. Sorry Mugatu.
Seems like the standard 'I want to be in the strokes / libertines' thing.
that nasty jacket scarf collision annoys me a lot :(
cool face though.
The 'stache is popular now with young men who've done all the other facial hair configurations (including the dreaded muttonchop). My nephew looks a little dorky with his mustache, but this kid looks great.
I'm guessing his clothes are second-hand. He's got style and I'd love to see him at 4 month intervals. I'll bet he's changing all the time.
-- desertwind
Scarf is from H&M, winter 06/07. Just a couple of Euro's.
To any of you people that disagree with this:
Don't you ever just wake up and want to wear your favorite shirt with your favorite pants, even though they don't go? Don't you ever want to wear something because you like it and it makes you feel good? I know I do...
And if that's the case, then I'd just like to say- Lucky him! His favorite scarf looks really fresh with his favorite jacket.
I think the piano scarf looks great and it really makes his looks much more interesting..
H O T. H O T. H O T.
Yeah this is kind of boring, I see this guy every day and I live in Toronto. The piano key scarf is really played out. He just looks like your average hipster. Nothing special here..
I'm a musician, and there's only one rule I know of with any musical instrument related clothing: NO if you're a musician. Don't even think about it. And the skinny piano key tie? Come on...
i like how the moustache looks unseperable from the lips... way better than the fuzzy mess.
That's not stripes, that's a piano keyboard. He's an artsy Italian lumberjack. As a country-dwelling classical musician, I can totally appreciate his look.
my gosh. i want that piano scarf badly.
my gosh. i want that piano scarf badly.
this guy is so cute, i just want to eat him up!to me, his face fits the outfit completely. quriky, a bit odd. one of those people that it takes a while to get to know, but once you know them, you'll never let them go. know what i mean?
I am not seeing a solo 'stache here - is that not a soul patch and some 5, nay, 10 0'Clock shadow? Not a fan of any piece individually but he can rock it. I think the piano scarf's so old it can be campy-good.
Anyway, fair or foul, I'd so rather see the streets decorated like this than with the usual unwhimsical, daringfree homogeny. Wonder what shoes he's wearing?
Those pants: the slight sheen leads to a chino conclusion, but they also almost look like a certain kind of very pale blue jean popular in the very early seventies, like Lee or Sears brand? Does anyone remember what I'm talking about?
"I invented the piano key neck-tie! I invented it! What have you done, Derek?!" -Mugatu
Love this pic! =)
I agree with the played out piano scarf. They are everywhere in L.A. and so is the ironic mustache. Other than that... cute boy, I must say.
well I'd don't say his plaid jacket is all that common here in Italy; for sure he doesn't look completely average here in terms of clothing (but he does in terms of pizza :-) ).
On the other hand, moustaches and hat make him a younger, sexier version of many milanese old guys, so I'd say he mixes unusual (for Italy) and revisited traditional in a good way.
Also love the fact that his scarf doesn't match the rest of his outfit: he was simply out to buy a pizza!
I don't think that all mustaches are worn to be "ironic". So everyone who is "over the ironic mustache" how do you feel about a mustache that looks well suited to a mans face? i.e. this one.
I've got the scarve.
love it completely. just shows that when put together well, people can wear black with brown.
He has Johnny Depp's facial structure, and the mustache works. As does everything else. :)
I love it when a man wears a hat, I'm always too careful with the patterns matching, but this looks very good, and he's sending a very friendly vibe, so the cute pizza story is what you expect after this visual. CeeMArie
Mr. plaid coat, will you marry me?
Ciao <3