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On the Street..MixedMaxed Plaids, NYC


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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

On the Street..MixedMaxed Plaids, NYC

Comments on "On the Street..MixedMaxed Plaids, NYC"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:32 AM) : 

white socks just remind me of elementary school.
everything else looks comfortable and works.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:44 AM) : 

I love coat's such as this!! You can find them in thrift shops for little as 20 bucks, i usually have them shortened a bit to modernize, or a nip in the waist for a sleeker fit - I must own about 15
Nothing like a great vintage coat on a guy - great!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:12 AM) : 

What is the story with the pulled up pants leg? Wouldn't it slide down as he walks? Was this just affectation for the photo, or does he try to maintain that look all day long?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:13 AM) : 

I don't know... Pants are short, socks white and coat one side longer...


Blogger The Spicers said ... (10:23 AM) : 

Love the mixed plaids and his rumpled just out of bed expression.


Blogger M said ... (11:14 AM) : 

I hope he's carrying a macbook air in that envelope


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:17 AM) : 

A rua marca tendencia. Creio que ja a captou com a sua lente. Um mix fantastico de overfashion. Chamemos lhe personnel-mix nao tarda vogue a falar desta new energy in fashion.Foram demasiadas tendencias que colapsaram numa saturaçao absoluta.

Emocionantes as suas fotos


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:40 AM) : 

Nice shot Sart! I love the plaid combination. Anyone know who makes his shoes?...


Blogger Kanani said ... (12:24 PM) : 

Just rolled out of bed, threw stuff on.
It's funny how some people like him can pull it off and still carry an aura of confidence. Others --and I'm not sure why, put things together and while it's wacky, their confidence doesn't come through. Rather, their vulnerability does, and it's a needy vibe that screams for attention or a role play.

This guy looks confident because what's thrown together hasn't been overdone.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:48 PM) : 

meh, not so much.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:56 PM) : 

love the white dress socks


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:01 PM) : 

This looks great!


Blogger Richard said ... (1:37 PM) : 

Love the coat, but I do not like the display of white socks and white undershirt.


Blogger j said ... (2:50 PM) : 

he's so cute and disheveled! it;s funny how one side goes up ... and one side goes down ...


Blogger timmy said ... (3:22 PM) : 

is it just me or does this guy look like that just graped him off the streets and someone with to much money switch him cloths??


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:11 PM) : 

I have to ask about the title of this post. Is "MixedMatched" the way you hear and spell "mismatched," or is it an intentional pun (mixed-up plaids that are also oversize)?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:21 PM) : 

If the little plaid fellow on 1/24/08 was the devil on my left shoulder; this fellow is the angel on my right. He tells me "Love and plaid are alike. More is always better." One leg up my little angel, holla!


Blogger Pase Rock said ... (7:34 PM) : 

is it mixed maxed? mixed matched? or mismatched? I've been trying to figure this out since I was a child. no luck yet. maybe google can help...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:54 PM) : stuff.

This is one of my favorite menswear shots ever Sart.

How is your eye so always-right???

also, a pelasalminhas: beautiful commentary. Vou olhar para seu blog!


Blogger Austin.Garnett said ... (8:34 PM) : 

i love the flannel look of the pants, as well as their narrow legs.
my lifestyle has led me to cultivate this just-out-of-bed, maybe scatterbrained style.
do we think his coat is on crooked or somehow avant and tailored to have one side shorter?

which side of his coat would be a better look/fit for this man's coat?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:35 PM) : 

You've been a big creative mind on some of these shots, and honestly, I think you wish some moments would go on longer, but in reality they are really just too short. pity and a drag but we could always hope they could be more memorable as you have grasped many a moment pleasurably as evidenced here.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:07 PM) : 

Nice patterns. And he looks comfy in adorably rumpled trousers. I wish I could get me a pair of those trousers.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:12 PM) : 

I think it works well... but i love plaids anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:47 PM) : 

his white socks are in a way that says "I know I'm breaking the rules"


Blogger Elizabeth said ... (1:14 AM) : 

Yes, it works! I'm wondering about his trouser legs?


Blogger Theo said ... (1:39 AM) : 

soo obsessed with too-short pants and combining different types of the same colours/patterns (ie coat/shirt) lately. goodgoodgood


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:29 AM) : 

Only the polished shoes show that he cares at all about his appearance. Otherwise, I would have guessed that he just randomly combined that clashing shirt and coat.


Blogger schloffshow said ... (11:03 AM) : 

I met him after the event outside of which the photo was taken, the Thom Browne F/W 08 show during Fashion Week.

He is Takahiro Kinoshita, editor of Brutus magazine in Japan.


Blogger steevay said ... (11:43 AM) : 

This comment has been removed by the author.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:16 PM) : 

Just imagine him with black sox, pants with both legs the longer length and a white scarf under the collar of the coat. Waaaayyyy better!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:56 PM) : 

I never thought I'd say this about a photo from HERE, but this shot looks ridiculously contrived.

The pants are pulled up on one leg, the coat has been made to sit in a similar fashion, and the model is even holding one shoulder higher than the other! To top it off, the camera was held slightly askew when the shot was taken. You mean to tell me all of this just "happened?" Riiight.

Was this shot *really* taken by the same person that makes the rest of the photographs we see here? :/ But, I don't suppose *anybody* can be "on" 100% of the time...


Blogger molly said ... (12:49 PM) : 

this is one of my favorite shots ever. i love your site.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:59 PM) : 

Where could you find a coat like this in london? Ive fallen in love and cannot resist purchasing one, but im racking my brains and cannot put my finger on a designer atall.!


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