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Comments on "On the Street....Maroon Gloves, Milano"
This man, Cesare I assume his name is, has done many interesting and artie things. First, adding sense of humour to a very formal outfit with that electric blue shirt and that velvet (?) coat. Of course, those smile and those round great fun glasses do help to that. Second, a great mix of blues greys and black. Third, the wine coloured glove touch and the way he holds that scarf, it looks like some sort of roman toga. Magnifico!
The coat looks WAY too tight (although it may not have in actuality been so). I like the life the shirt brings to the nice, formal suit!
He's... okay in general. Nothing special - in my opinion.
What I really don't like is the shirt's collar.
Nice glasses although.
i love this!
when i get out of college I want to dress like this man.
I also like how the road gives the picture a great sense of depth.
Like the blue shirt
I like his look, classical with something italian style.
Jacket too tight, trousers too long. Is he deliberately wearing his overcoat badly?
the shirts collar is quite hideous! =)
but theres two things that strike me in this photo. firstly his feet! they are somewhat handsome and positioned at a very charismatic, confident angle.
secondly his hands and the way they are holding the gloves ever so delicately.
This week's sartorialist has been brought to you by bright blue and grey tights
(What do you think the blue and grey would look like *together*???)
maybe the nice outfit,not to tough to find elegant man in Milano though, but are'nt they ridicolous trousers that long toegether with fit pointing on the outside and that face?
Semplicemente perfetto, forse i pantaloni da scorciare 1,5 cm. Ma gli si perdona tutto, wonderful style.
The smile is wonderful. Nothing like a smile to help pull an ensemble off. Well done. Lots of fun.
This is soo underrated. What a beautiful, classic Italian sartorialist outfit, with a twist. That shirt is lovely, honestly want to go get one. Did anyone notice the shoes? Beautiful and if you look closely at the suit, you will see that it's not actaully too small, it's just the way he's standing. Otherwise, it's a stunning piece of craft in its own right. Well done Sir.
nothing like nice peccary leather gloves.
This is all so right. He looks so happy and handsome and it all seems so effortless.
The natural!!!
I wish I could see if he was wearing a ring.....;)
What a warm, lovely smile. This man pays attention but isn't precious about it. Looks like someone to party with.
Love him!
You know, it's not the most striking outfit and the pulling jacket button certainly draws the eye to his midsection. Nonetheless, this image's parts - the shoes, the particular manner with which he holds his gloves, his expression - all come together and creates a truly interesting picture. Form me, the parts are far more intriguing than the whole.
Obviously he just had a nice, small Italian lunch ;-) (the jacket's really a bit too tight in the belly region...) But I wouldn't say the pants are much too long (they look quite unusual long only for American eyes as they always want to show their socks. Not in Europe, buddies!) The pinstripes contrast very well with the tie. Surely he wears an outfit like this every day. It fits his (optical) personality perfect.