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Comments on "On the Street...40th St, Midtown"
Get it! This outfit is straight bad ass. Hot damn! Is she a model?
Wow! An all black outfit that is SO not boring. All the different textures (patent, quilt, etc etc) make this outfit. Love the gloves!!
It looks like she is going to a very fashionable funeral. Fierce, i love it!
This girl is great!
Wow, that's really hot.
What is she wearing in her hair?
Amazing ensemble.
Oh yes!
is that a chiffon hat? or a bow?
Love the quilted gloves. And the bag. Love the whole look.
Looking great after working hard and planning carefully.
She looks absolutely fantastic, I want those trousers and her jacket super chic
She has no feet !
Wow, gorgeous photo.
She's so put together it scares me. How many people really walk out their door in the morning looking like that?
I would love to see what's going on with her hair in the back. Is that a bow?
She's beautiful and has great style.
But she's one of a number of women photographed here who seem to not be wearing a stitch of make-up.
I'm surprised she doesn't elevate the look with even just a touch of lipstick and/or rouge.
p.s. Sart...this site is one of the best things I see/experience every day--and believe me, I see/experience a lot of good stuff! Thank you!
like it..but i think it's a risky material/textural mix.
that's a great ensemble.
Very spiffy! All these long-legged women look great in this kind of pant. I'd have to stand on five-inch blocks to achieve that proportion, and a bag that big would simply overpower me. Best part of the look for me is the face-framing collar, the neat hair, and the detail of the textured gloves.
Now this is how you do black. Love those gloves!!!
Dear Sartorialist,
Just want to let you know that your blog has been added to the Topaz blog. Yes, we read your blog here in Katrineholm, Sweden!
i don't care what anyone else says!! I think she looks great!!..Stunning, love the trousers, gorgeous
I'm so into the huge bags, and I think The wider legged slacks are so flattering. I love the leather gloves too.
Love the photo and of course the clothes!
This is one of the few I like better in smaller view. The shiny versus matte surfaces come out better from a distance, I think.
I like her play with texture here, a must for a monochromatic look. The shapes work really well together, too.
I wonder if she ever trips on her pant-leg. I do when mine aren't even nearly that full or long!
ferre pants from nouvelle collection?
i am particularly fond of her hat.
beautiful. i love the elongated flared trouser legs. and contrasting them with a stunning cropped jacket. however i'm not a fan of the padded bag..a trend too far, in my opinion.
Love the wide pants and the high collar. Mmm-tastic. Now where can I find myself a big clunky piece of black luggage like that?
Very nice, I just wish she had feet. Though it is kinda cool how she looks like she came out of the ground and her feet haven't fully materialized into our world yet.
Very elegant. Those trousers are stunning. There's a 1940s undercurrent to the whole look.
i love those pants! if i wore them, though, i would definitely trip and fall in them :)
by the way, this page is a little screwed up in firefox. the photo is way at the bottom of the page.
Is that an organza bow in her hair? . . . Beautious - she's got such a dark mood about her, like out from some sort of espionnage movie, but that bow changes everything.
I think this is one of my favorite outfits - The textures break up the monotony of all the black. I love the jacket's collar, the gloves, the oversized bag- and I have a suspicion that her shoes are just as interesting - if only we could see them!
delicate, pretty, pouty face yet one bad ass outfit. contrast in a great way i just love it I keep looking back at it
The "all black" look has never looked this good. She looks fantastic.
Fabulous....but much better as a picture, I suspect, than as an actual person walking past you. I think if I saw her on the street with that jacket....
But gorgeous editorial.
Far too studied.
She looks like an extra that was dressed as "Fashion Type #4" for a fashion show scene.
This is not style but merely fashion. The clothing is wearing her and the hair bow sends it into Sex And The City place.
Lily Q!
Not again.
Oh this is the epitome of style nothing is a glamourous, sexy, mysterious or classic than all black...yes
I like everything but the jacket. Love the pants.
I wonder how high her shoes are....I'd be dwarfed by those pants.
And I've tripped coming off the bus in my wide-legged pants once already so kudos to her for pulling it off so elegantly.
It's amazing how Sartorialist spots fashionable people on the street. I used to work on 40th & Madison and would roam the area (mid-Manhattan library, Bryant Park, etc.) in my lunch break. I don't remember seeing anyone spectacular.
This must be a show costume. Somehow she has landed on a street. Can´t believe she is going anywhere cause there are no feet.
Fabulous. Amazing.
Most of see people this well-dressed once in a hundred years.
She looks fantastic with no makeup- I do not think it is a necessary part of a look at all.
GOD where do these fantastically fashionable people COME from?!?!?!
dear sartorialist,
is that a hat or a hair ribbon? i am a collector of hats, but it is quite hard to tell. i almost want to contact my milliner to have her make something like it. also the gloves are beautiful. do you know who they are by?
The most beautiful pic yet. The collar opening to her face, her bow adding a sophisticated touch of whimsy. And the pants add great drama. The gloves are the completing touch - the only criticism I can think of is that her bag should have been smaller. But it's still perfect!
fantastic. are the pants judi rosen?
I adore how she's playing with exaggerated perspective with this silhouette. The bottom is oversized and the top is tailored and fit. It gives the effect of making her appear to almost be leaning back and looming over you the way a really tall building would from street level. Amazing.
I'm with Amy...I love the quilted gloves.
She's a beauty.
I am woman hear me roar! I love the Prada bag. What is that in her hair? I want one!
Hot. sigh. She looks like Sean Young in Blade Runner.
Am I the only one that finds something unnerving about this outfit?
...each piece is simply wonderful but maybe a bit too much ensemble, it all looks so "new" - like she just walked out of the store wearing her purchases.
A very striking all black outfit that is not boring in the least. Inspiring.
But I don't know about the Gumby legs: how do people walk around in pants that long without totally destroying the hems??
It's not that I dislike this outfit, I just feel she's trying too hard. Maybe if she did a Coco Chanel and removed a couple of elements?? I'm a big fan of the long flared pant though - yes, you trip over them and they collect all manner of street scum, but the right ones can even make my short, chunky pins look decent.
Everything on this lady looks great except for the complete lack of feet. Even a hint of those will do.
she's beautiful!
that collar rocks!
great outfit.
i love all black.
the textures make it pop.
"Dang, I wanted the coat from the Matrix but could only afford the shrug".
Pants are superb - her face is beautiful. Everything else is fashion victim-y.
I'm with Ame, I too find it a bit "unnerving". She seems too young for this ensemble, like she went into her mom's closet in her black leotard and put on pants that are too long, spotted some shiny gloves and jacket, grabbed a huge bag, and then quickly tied a scarf on top of her head. She carries it wonderfully and looks fabulous, but in a mildly age inappropriate kind of way IMO.
love her. again. hasn't she been on three times or something?
Love the wide leg trousers and the cropped patent jacket. Great mix of black textures!
so futuristic yet so classic. Perfection for the 21 century woman.
Such a strong, dramatic statement, I love the element going on in her hair and the play of textures in the whole outfit.
legs for days; the best accessory she's got.
Fabulous although I'd like to see the shoes. She could teach the oft-photographed, young New York "socialites" a thing or two about putting clothes together that look intersting.
All together I think this look is too much. Too contrived. It's a bit matchy matchy even in all black! I do love her chiffon bow in her hair. Maybe that should be her only accessory?
Wednesday Adams has grown up to be such a lovely vixen.
Love the black pants, lengthens her legs.
I could do without the hair accessary.
Love the bag!
I would applaud this outfit all the way, if it were not for the size of the bag...granted she may have to haul many things around, but a 2.55 would have been a nice substitute.
All black, all the time. That's NY. I felt SO out of place in my white puffer coat when we visited at Christmas.
She has attitude so she can make this work. That doesn't mean I like it. The no feet effect is odd.
That's really hot.
Sartorialist, Thanks for making "our world" more interesting by awakening our senses through your passion!
I am no fashion diva but as a photographer I like that she's standing against such a matte background. It makes her black outfit pop. It singles her out. Nice. Did you pose her or just catch her in the moment and capture that senseless look?
Thanks for sharing your talent with us, anyway. You are "favored" in inkedfinger's world. The pleasure is mine. :)
Sorry, I just can't help saying...she has the same silhouette as Gumby. It must be the lack of feet and the flared legs. Separated at birth?
i have black "elephant bells" like this and the hems are absolutely trashed... and, worse, they soak up all the disgusting street juices when it rains. it's more than a little disgusting to think about it, so i try not to. she has the length just right (not too short and not too long) so the line is sharp. the "no feet" look is crucial -- it makes your legs look ten feet long and (from the rear view) puts the emphasis on a perfect posterier.
I like the shoes.
Her face, body language, clothes all say, today i'm sticking in the present and not moving forward. do new yorkers like to appear angry?
I kept wondering how the wide pants trend would look off the runway. In this case in looks great, specially paired with the very small top. Great use of total black!
What a hot babe.
strong yet feminine, very good look.
Love the pants, but the bag is so so, the collar and whatever is in her hair is fantastic. The all-black outfit is definitely helped by the mix of texture here.
i actually love the fact that we dont get to see her feet! im sure they show when she's in motion though. I adore her look but the bag kinda spoiled it for me..its so passe?
For a bit heavier of a girl she looks good.
There's too much going on and she's trying too hard. All black is so NYC. I don't see what the big deal is.
I never commented a picture before but i'm starring at this one !
I'm speechless ! She's sooooo beautiful, all this dark outfit is paralyzing me. Very nice
From an industrial designer's POV, this is completely amazing. The geometric lines, black color, textures, and finishes...aaaaah! I wish more people could pull off this futuristic look. Simply wonderful!
i kind of like not seeing her feet. i like the gumby look! :)
i admit to doing it from time to time. it makes me feel tall or like i'm kind of floating, though it does destroy the bottom of pants.
such a stunning ensomble. the mix of rich textures creates an amazing effect. the patent pieces make a great contrast with the covetable bag, shirt and trousers, which make her legs look long and slim. this type of pant is very flattering for most body types and is worn well here. a great example of not so basic black. (plus i love the bow in her hair.)
Why anyone would wear their pants this long in the real world is beyond me. Unless she is just stopping to pose between the Town Car and being carried into the building, within 10 minutes her hems will be visibly sodden, which is not hot. I agree with others that she looks a bit overbranded.
Will, I love your page, simply because it shows REAL people wearing good clothes, just like the AA and Esquire of old.
But (there had to be a but of course) I'm simply fed up with girls (and boys) in black. Has been done, seen it, thanx. Uninspired, I would call it at its best.
Anyone know where she got the jacket? I need one stat!
ame & idontgetit: THANK YOU!! I was starting to feel like my brain was broken because everyone was praising this outfit and it just kinda made me go "yuck". The shiny jacket AND gloves are too much together, and the giant bag (which would be oh so lovely with another outfit) adds too much weight to the bottom half when paired with those pants. I do LOVE the wide-leg trousers; if she lost the jacket and shortened her hem a touch, this would be quite nice. I'm a huge fan of layering and mixing proportions, but this is just too much and doesn't feel quite right to me.
lol. dracula. her outfit makes me laugh.
Definitely trying too hard.
Wow. She makes wearing all black look good.
She's rocking this outfit, deffinately!
A photoessay in Proportion.
Love the quilted patent and perfect pant length... she's beautiful
it's not bad at all but it doesn't seem quite right on her. i would agree with the one comment that mentioned her trying too hard
This is just perfect. I don't even get the feeling that she's trying too hard - might be because the lack of make up. This is one of the most inspiring photos so far. I just love it.
This is definitely my favorite look that I've seen on The Sartorialist so far! I'm always hesitant to wear all black, but this woman does it just impeccably with the mixture of different textures. The patent leather jacket and gloves add a little something extra that complete the look.
Wonderful find!
aargh. Looks like amputated feet.
is there a rule that you can only write hyperbolically positive things about the people in this blog?
I love the different textures in her clothing. It really works. I particularly love the gloves and the hat/ bow she has in her hair. I think a hat or fascinator really dresses up any outfit and they should be worn more often and not just at the races or a wedding.
i love those patent quilted gloves!!!
This girl makes me want to move to New York.
Love it. Parisian Chic meets Sex and the City!
right on, thank you "anon - 1:52 PM".
AMAZING. I love it
blah i'm just sick of the head to toe black look. why are people so afraid of color!?!
Who needs feet with those gorgeous legs?! Its a shoeless dress!
Fierce! That jacket is amazing and I think the gloves really work with this outfit. Love the long pants.
In the '50s, young women wanted to dress like their mothers. Fashion was for grown-up women.
Why can't that come back? Why can't this girl dress like a grownup?
Also, I remember the very long trouser fad around 1974 - this isn't new, but I think it looks fine!
she's short.
...and those pants make it evident.
if she was a bit taller there would be less of a "gumbY" look.
Hey Mister Genius Sartorialist; you should check this site and see youself at work... so sexy with your knees bended !
LOVE those wide leg trousers. And I'm all about a big bag!
This outfit is 'da BOMB! Despite being all black, it's interesting. Love the way the patent works with the other materials. The hair looks artsy and chic. Those pants are enough evidence to show that one doesn't always need to hire a tailor. Love the backdrop too.
Huh? Who'd want to dress like their Mom did in the 50s? Do you know how most moms dressed like in the 50s!?
I saw this girl at Whole Foods (Union Square) on Saturday. Could not believe it, but she had the same bow in her hair and the same gloves on. The gloves were the giveaway. She was wearing different pants though, with black riding boots.
I wanted to be all like "I saw you on Sart.." but couldn't quite bring myself to do that.
I LOVE the ensemble, but the absence of any warmth on her face is a turn off, like she's taking herself and her outfit too seriously. A smile would have been a nice contrast to her decidedly fierce get-up.
agreed. the only statement i can give is: bad ass!
love it.
i don't mind if she looks sad, too black, too serious, too severe, or anything else, she's precious. Really. All black is often boring, but not when so nice clothes and accessories, and a so black look face. Just wonderful and gorgeous!
To Anon 12:27 -- "a bit of a heavier girl" ???????
She is not remotely "heavy."
love this look!
perfectly crafted.
wish there was no bag though.
Just something about it...
the attitude goes perfectly well with the outfit! I love this look.
love it!
normally, i'd say a big bow in the hair is ridiculous, but she pulls it off.
i love that women are wearing less makeup now.
so real!
Jacket matches the gloves in same fabric, It is nice. Give it little shinny in all black.
Nice bag too~
But i think the hair is too safe. Could be more modern
Hot look, but her pants ate her feet. That's not hot.
love, the popped collar the quilted gloves and the bag so fab..although i thought super long pants werent in anymore, but still beautiful
I'm adoring the gloves completely.
This look is straight up hot! My fav so far....
I must disagree with the majority and say that I don't find this outfit all that amazing. I'm not sure if anyone has said this already (too many comments for me to read), but I'm a big believer in having centerpieces of an outfit and doing the rest of it simply. It's like with makeup. Doesn't someone look ridiculous with strong eye makeup, bright color on their cheeks, AND lipstick? This woman has some gorgeous articles on, but by combining so many bold pieces together she just looks ridiculous.
This is my kind of style...comfortable yet classy, kind of emo, kind of goth, but completely original. Love the use of all black. Maybe I'm slightly partial because black is one of my favorite colors. But nonetheless, I love this girl's style :)
I love this. Looks so chic. Man, My clothes suck...
Something about this...I don't know, I just love it.
Utterly stylish - this, to me, is as good as it gets!
Lengths, textures and styles mixed to perfection on the best possible background - black - for such an exhuberant display...
Thank you so much for this beautiful picture.