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Comments on "Interesting....."
Did you consent? Or is it plagiarism! And do you have this kind of foresight at the racetrack? If so, how about a tip.
gotta love how even the pose is very similar!
The color combination the above man is wearing is nothing short of amazing. Bravissimo!
WOW clear case of inspiration.
A tan would make the second gentleman even better!
i think they owe you royalites!
Well here on the shores of Lake Michigan it's winter white out season; snow blowing sideways and zero visibilty. But we await the chance to pop out our summer white bucks; but oops no red rubber soles on these. Guidance please fellow readers; do we need bucks with darker soles ?
Your art will sustain your influence through the ages Masterful...
unmistakable. but your subject does it better.
they both even have that stern look. j.crew's andrea bocelli look alike is wondering where his serious phone call is as well.
kinda new style. loads in bcn! must come and see it 4 real!
There's some great coverage of the red/black sole debate for Bucks in a magazine I recently read. It was in a 1932 issue of Apparel Arts Magazine. Nice to know some things don't change. My vote is for red.
Well, there is a certain similarity... But in fact they didn't get it Sart! It was all about the bracelet on his ankle, wasn't it? :))
That's hilarious! But they weaseled out on the anklet, the cowards.
I love this juxtaposition. The man in your image is more elegant in every way. He is focused on communicating and he sits in such a catlike manner he almost floats, his pants are daringly short and the anklet underlines the purposeful gesture.
In the bottom photo, by contrast, the man looks tired and distracted, the crate is too low for him to sit comfortably there. The clothes don't fit, or match each other, nearly as well as the other guy's. And to think this photo is meant to sell clothes! A resemblance to your image is all this shot has going for it, as far as I can tell...
who ever was the stylist for that shoot should send you a bouquet of flowers Scott, since your photo inspired him/her.
I forgot: as a new reader I should say 'hello'. And thank you Sart for this wonderful blog, beautiful photos, interesting posts and often - amazing stories hidden behind portraits and scenes. This blog is not only about fashion. It's something more, whether you want it or not ;)
I spent two days patiently poring over the archives. Phew! :). It was worth it.
Wish you all the best.
Men should stop shaving their legs. Period.
Wow, apart from the obvious comparisons, this just highlights the superior quality of your photography. Well shot!
Wow Sart, I feel like this is such an achievement.. :)
Hilarious! I'm surprised they didn't go the whole hog and throw on the anklet for good measure!
Oh, I love this.
Thanks for the inspiration ...to Mickey and also to me.
I second anon 10:02...
Your photo and subject are better in every way and they had the advantage of studio lighting, make up and time...
Then again, your guy looks like Dr. House who is always going to beat Mr. Bocelli.
Going sockless can look nothing but affected, and it does on the man J.Crew guy. But it looks totally natural on the Euro fellow.
Just wanted to tell you, I love this site!
Seconding that your shot is by far the superiour one.
Also, J. Crew sells to people in the age bracket? I did not know that.
When Scott gives somes inspiration to the designers(and me to).
Bravo Scott!
Everything minus the anklet!
Kudos, Sartorialist!!
I have to say, your picture is far better. Everything was perfect in the first... It just doesn't work nearly as well on the other guy, and they missed all the key details that made it such a great look... The anklet, the white buttons, dark shoe laces, precise fit of the clothes...
White shoes, no socks & an ankle bracelet?? No! Sorry.
they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. what would be great is if you find someone on the street dressed like this in a few months, inspired by the j crew ad ;-)
the 6 degrees of separation is shrinking....
Despite the sycophantic responses here, I think this post is a presumptuous. Influences are everywhere and this isn't even that similar. You're photographing things long in the air, not creating anew.
Not trying to be rude. I just think the post is tacky.
The man up top looks wonderful. Sit the bottom man on a curb and he would look like a hobo; he is downright messy.
Mickey is clearly a reader: good for you!
hey...maybe someone should acknowledge the inspiration originates from the subject (the original dude's style), and to a lesser degree the photographer. just a thought.
man I just love Mickey
What lovely shoes, reminds me of the summer of 88 on the fairways of St. Andrews.
the jcrew guy is clean but not nearly as clever
Plegarism. 100%.
That is what everyone in the fashion world does now.
They look for street style and they copy it when styling the new looks. Its so so sad. So so sad.
Even more sad that European would never think about going to some site to print out a look from the street to style the collection...This is what happens when style is not in your vains..but in your "swipe"
Maybe Time will extend 'design influencer' to the _subject_ of the first photo.
He did do the hard part, after all. :)
looks like dr. house
i agree completely with what others said here... the imitation just can't hold a candle to the original!
oh man, there is no way this is an accident. I hope you feel flattered-- I almost feel indignant on your behalf, like you should get some credit! Your pic is far superior, and I will always look to YOU for inspiration before JCrew.
same photo june 2007 - pitti
J.Crew makes men's clothes? Oh right, that last 4 pages of the catalog.
shoes without socks ?
it doesn't matter what you wear, it's
simply hideous and horrible for a man.
Recognizing what we have known for some time. What is remarkable about this isn't just the outfit, which was chosen by your subject, but how closely the J. Crew image matches yours compositionally.
I have yet to meet a fashion blogger who doesn't check your site daily.
You have your favorite shots, I have mine. I put yours at the top. So much character ...yes, I love this one!
At the risk of sycophancy:
Foto numero uno is much better because of the guy's deep tan and the desperate phone call look! Foto numero due is lame because of the teeny crate and the annoying dude and his trying too hard pocket square.
Obviously a rip off of the Maestro! Who doesn't rip off the Sartorialist and who, might I ask, is not inluenced?
Me, very guilty! Thanks, Maestro!
Uno bacio
La Sartorialista
Yeah, I agree with the comments about this being a tad sychophantic. It's just white shoes with no socks.
Also to those who thought the top guy looked like Dr. House - get to your eye doctor. I thought it was Frankie Valli.
I deal vintage and see designers find inspiration in older pieces and looks all the time but this is just such a blatant copy/compliment all at the same time.
While I feel sorry for the J. Crew customer that is buying into the idea that J. Crew is selling them such an original product and look, I love that they at least had the good sense to copy something from such a fantastic source.
For as much as I enjoy Sart's site, all he does is photograph people who have a creative bent for dressing. No one "owes" Sart royalties and no one plagiarized from Sart. It's as much the creativity of the subject Sart photographs that makes this site.
Relax bitches. J.Crew is not an avant garde establishment. I think we can all agree on that. They are trying to sell clothes to middle america. Middle america dresses the way it does. Some people don't like it, some people hate it. J.Crew is doing the best they can to appear more european and stylish. Who can blame them? It's not their fault they are an american company that has to sell clothes to americans.
Got to get a pair of white wingtips for summer. The J. Crew version looks like regular white bucs (boring). I'm even warming up to the Thom Browne sockless look (can't believe it).
kudos to the man, and kudos to mr. sart. it was the two creative forces coming together that created an image from which to pilfer. had some unknown and less talented blogger deemed this image worthy of posting, who would have been the wiser? don't be so sardonic about mr. sart's part. his consistent talent and dedicated vision is precicely what skyrocketed this other creative fellow's style to muse status.
does ansel adams deserve no credit because nature made it?
I applaud J.Crew that they can appreciate the standards in style and design you've cultivated on this blog. What's the point of providing your images on the internet if no one benefits from them?
So J.Crew is offering stylish, thought-out, and classic pieces at affordable prices nationwide?
sounds good to me
wow. i haven't seen white bucks since the 80's. i actually like them on him.
My beef with J. Crew: they have featured this 'older' guy with the grey hair in their catalogue before. However, there is no woman featured in his same 'demographic'? (He looks to be in his late 30's, MAYBE 40s. Maybe). Let's get some older women up in there J. Crew.
Hate the sockless look. Always looks affected.
Your pic is 15000 times better.
The guy you pictured is fierce, the Crew one is bland.
Well, if this "hommage" says something about these Crew guys, is that they definitely missed the point of your brilliant picture.
The top photo is great not only for fashion value, but esthetical value... exposition!
Looking forward to seeing you again this fashion season, Scott - this may be my last.
Take care,
Maybe the JCrew model is sockless because JCrew's socks are absolute crap. Some of the worse socks ever. And it's a shame because they look great.
You were totally plagirized! However, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
This is just the most perfect example of why style is all in the small, small details. (and that je ne sais quoi of the individual). They may have copied you but I think your shot is just so much more "real". I agree it is all about the ankle bracelet and his cool attitude. Number 2 guy just look too professionally styled!
While it's clear that Sart's photo was better, I don't kind he can complain about plagarism, since Scott did not dress the gentlemen, but merely took a photo.
Isn't it funny that a candid street shot looks better than a studio shot?
Still, the photo is one of my favourites and started me on a white nubuck/red sole hunt months ago.
plagiarism. that's how you spell it.
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. J.Crew has been doing the 'sockless' look and polo with jacket look for years. The bucks are nothing new for them either. And nobody's ever seen a model sitting before? They aren't even sitting on similar objects!
Ha! That's great. Make to sure to get an image licensing fee for that one.
and why just today did i see similar white bucks in Off 5th.
hot oldies*
i really enjoy the simplicity with a dash of flare in the anklet and white pocket square.
Well white bucks invariably end up deeply discounted but still wonderful style; plan ahead; buy yours in November.
the 2007 original just ownes the crappy 2008 copy in EVERY WAY! they could've done a lot better!
Its cool design and really great to wearing it
Interesting no one recognised the gentlman in the top photo! Jean-Paul Goode,the advertising guru of the 80s, briefly Grace Jones' husband and father of her son. He's the one who designed her dramatic look and hair cut..White bucks were his trade mark..
pocket square is ideal. Makes the outfit culminate nicely.