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Comments on "Ciao from Milano"
i don't even know why i like her so much. she is spritish, like a fashionista pixie wit her little pig tail buns, her little skirt and her wizard of oz red shoes. i also love how happy she seems.
that trim better not be real
she looks so familiar.. is she the same girl from october in the purple cardigan? or april in the white ruffle blouse? are they all the same person (hehe) or am i way of base?
anyways, she's cute :] i like her shoes.
She's adorable. Please no small-minded comments on her red shoes.
Wow, what a cutie!
gorgeous...almost like an italian, subdued interpretation of harajuku.
I'm in love.
Adorable girl, adorable smile. I like how her red, lovely ballerina shoes compliment and in the same time contrast with the rest of her outfit. Great as usual.
Love, love, love the jacket! Not so sure about the hair...
This is fur done right: funky, fun and quirky. Not stodgy at all. I love this look including the cute double pigtails in her hair. What a great unique sense of style this woman has.
Thanks for inspiring me everyday, Sart! :)
Cute, lovely, charming, cheerful, adorable. I mean: the girl, the hair style, the clothes, the shoes... ;)
Even if the fur trim is not fake, what usually makes be feel bitter... Looks like natural... Hmm, I guess... But maybe not. Well, I don't know :)
Ah, here we go! She popped to my mind lately and I was wondering how she was doing, what she would be wearing now, what her hair was like etc. Like an acquaintance you hadn't seen in a while. Nice to see you again, girl!
She looks like a cat!
(That's the first thing that crossed my mind.)
I loooooooove and heartily approve of the red shoes that simply POP from the otherwise similarly toned outfit.
What a cutiepie!
I love those red shoes! And she looks so happy in them!!
i love it! i like the splash of colour her shoes give her outfit.
the red shoes... the red shoes :)
The shoes are amazing!
She exudes style and personality! Fantastic!
Very whimsical! I can see that short is huge these days...She is Audrey Hepburn isn't she? What a great smile--the best accessory.
This is some one who has fun with her look. I imagine that the way that coat moves when she walks has got to be fun and feel good against the skin. The shoes sort of echo the hair -- together they make the look pixieish when it could otherwise look decadent (the coat, mostly). I imagine the outfit without the coat could be rather conservative, but again, the shoes and the hair make it playful, so it works the same way both inside and out on the street. Just wonderful!
Is this the same woman from last year with the beautiful ruffled grey tuxedo shirt? She's got mad style.
Hurrah! Someone adorable with no statement bag! I mean, she's still probably worth a small fortune, but it's refreshing to see someone that doesn't look like they're imitating 23-year-old hollywood floozies. I do particularly like the mix of textures, it's quite striking.
Eventhough I am not a very big fan of fur I like this look very much. the dress is simple in structure so it coincides well with the sweater and coat. the red shoes are fabulous and she has a great smile. Fun and Chic!
She seems so sweet and happy.
How cute!!!
there is no way she can look this cute everyday?
the buttons on this jacket...sit perfectly alongside the gray and blue of the coat. the white of the buttons and the red shoes subtly pop giving the outfit a little more character whilst perfectly complimenting the barrage of neutral colors; and the top...amazing material! is that silk?
I wonder how much of her hair color plays a role in the aesthetic of the outfit...I wonder if it would work as well with blonde-haired woman...
does anyone know where those shoes are from? and beautiful dress! and smile :)
Meooow! Love the hairdo, just like kittens ears sticking out! The coat is divine, especially the colours and textures. Refreshing to see flat shoes instead of the clobby heels with open toes and opaque tights.
That jacket would definitely catch my attention on the street!
She looks like a cute anime! Pretty ensemble, and best of all, a gamine grinning.
There's something really adorable here. I like the way she's done a lot of the season's favorites (tights, patent, shirt dress) but in a way that's a bit uncanny and humourous. This is really fresh and she doesn't look like she's suffering for fashion.
Everything is wearable but it's done in areally cool way.
And oh, that smile! It's great to see happy people!
Charming childish look. She seems like a japanese cartoon character: from the little buns to the little red shoes. The smile matches the rest. Fresh and sweet.
Although this look is fun and unique, this woman is dressed waaaaaay to young for her years. I love all of the pieces except the coat. I think she could add a significant amount of sophistication without losing the fun and youthful glow she seems to be going for with a different coat.
I loove her hair. so unique. and is that a navy blue sweater underneath with gold accents? i love the layering she did with the various shades of blue, especially over the rather plain silk dress beneath. amazing.
the red shoes are such a great touch to compliment the hair. absolutely adorable smile : ) cheers girl!
aww, how sweet! i love the blue houndstooth with the red flats. And the hair is adorable. Her bangs will be the inspiration for my own hair cut in a few days!
I can't believe everyone loved the shoes... that's the only thing I would've changed; I'd wear gold.
Those flats look like a new pair we have at Kenneth Cole that just came in. Shiny red patent.
wow. she is the epitome of cute an fun.
she is my new best friend, just cause she's the kind of girl that would be you know?
love the little cardigan with yellow detail.
such a pretty face!!
Thos shoes would last about five minutes on that pavement.
I agree with the cat comment. The pigtails sticking up look like ears, together with the fur give her a feline look.
She is adorable, I imagine that she must look that way no matter what she is wearing, but she has a great sense of style nonetheless.
I love her smile!! She's my favorite "regular" from your wonderful blog. I always love what she wears. ^..^
I've got a girlcrush. She reminds me also of Natalie Portman, beautiful in a very childlike way.
she is so cute! and i love the red shoes!
I think this outfit is just perfect for her! She is so pretty and sweet and so are her clothes. From tip to toe.
lovely! this is the way i always want to look...*sigh*
Audrey Hepburn meets Minnie Mouse... being an unashamed dead animal lover i think the fur is FABULOUS with the red shoes that lighten the whole effect. She's great!
:) She's so cute! Bet she's really fun to be with.
:( That's real fur isn't it? Hope it's recycled fur...
cute! and I wish i could go to milano sigh...
She has a certain other-worldliness. The fur, the coiffure. This look says, Ewok!
Really nice pictures!!
You know I shouldn't like this but she is irresistible. Such a cutie, and she just looks like someone you know you'd like.
This shot contains some good fashion in that it shows individuality and spunk, but it's 100% about the girl. She's oozing chutzpah!
I love her quirkiness. Clothes tell a lot about a person's character, and she seems like a very fun person. It seems like her clothes make her happy. She's not dressing for the sake of fashion, but rather to enjoy herself.
(I do hope the fur is fake. It is very cute, but if it's real, it should not be promoted.)
Oh man, are the pigtail braided buns coming back? I used to love doing that with my hair when I was 12... I wish I was gamine enough to pull it off now.
I also love that each piece itself isn't necessarily fabulous, but the way she's wearing them makes the ensemble what it is.
As others have commented, this girl is very cute. I love her dress and her stockings (grey!). I also love what she did with her hair, her bag, jacket and her red shoes. However, all those elements together? No. It looks too much like a Japanese cartoon. I can understand that people like it, but it is too much ‘going back to childhood’ at one time for me. And that coat… I’m not a fan.
It's cute, but in a mutton dressed as lamb kind of way, and with maybe a dallop of escaped mental patient pulling anything and everything off the neighbor's laundry rack. And the shoes and tights make her look stumpy. Killer smile, though, which can save almost anything.
miao from milano.
the photographs you take depicting people all over the world really makes me appreciate the human race. i love the way you are able to capture their quirks in a single image. i love her coat and shoes and the buns in her hair definitely helps define both her style and personality.
To 6:45 PM
Ouch... that was harsh. A perfect objectivity a.k.a constructive criticism? But I liked that though. You made me laugh :)))
she's adorable, looks sweet and quirky. it's definitely not my style (it could use a bit more editting and toning down) but i appreciate she's having fun with her look. i'd feel very happy seeing her walking down the street
This photo is an example of why your blog simply brightens my day! Her look is unique and fun and her smile is irresistible. I have the impression that how she dresses is a reflection of how she sees the world--as a romantic comedy with amusing bright spots. She's optimistic. Brava! ps the fur looks real to me
I never really look at what she's wearing - her face is stunning! That hair style suits her very well and I love the Dorothy-esque red shoes!
She´s so cute with her smile and all!
She's so sweet! Her hair is adorable.
Love, love, love all of it. The colors, textures, no makeup. I would have liked to see a little heel on those cute shoes.
this girl is waaay cute!! love her hair, her smile, her style.
she is entirely too cute!
love the coat.
i love her outfit. i'm seeing more of those little buns up top & i can't get enough of them. she looks cozy and sweet
Björk meets Emmanuelle Alt!
i love the way it looks as though she just threw this look together and ran out the door. she looks so spontaneous and fresh.
each piece she's wearing is very simple but together has such impact!
her look is expressive and experimental without looking calculated or trying too hard. i'd love to see the rest of her wardrobe!
Sart!! You've been publishing pics of this girl since you started going to all Milano shows. I'm really intrigued by her style. Is she an editor, Does she work in the fashion industry? C'mon, unveil it for us ...
so cute! in a good way!
She is really cute. I love her outfit; just the way it works. I wish American women would dress like her.
She has a great sense of style.. I also thought of a kitten when I first saw her.. She's chic with an element of fun
from I can say
davmo (monza-milano-italy)
She is so beautiful with this cutty smile
She looks like a kitten esp with tht hairdo..
I have seen her THREE TIMES on different fashion blogs. she's a pro.
very cute although not my cup of tea.
Those shoes are Lanvin, like the ones Nicole richie have!
Love the blog <3