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Comments on "On the Street...The Charmer, Milano"
wow.....luv the rings..
luv the shoe..
very nice...
adil sg
The jacket is amazing. He's what the 50s would if they were in 2008.
What's he doing with his fingers?
What are the yellow things on his hands?
Is that a label he left on his right shoe?
So many questions...
(I know, this is starting to sound like the David Lynch site at imdb.)
this dude is awesome.
he pulls of the suave waiter look really well. especially with that LV portfolio
that jacket!
those shoes!
those sideburns!
love it.
I want to love this because my boyfriend is also a stocky asian...but I just find that the fit of this man's suit is a tad unflattering. I understand the look he's going for but I think he missed the target just a tad. For someone with already narrow shoulders why would you want to further accentuate that? He looks a little clownish and a little too little boyish to be a charmer. I want that suit to be cut a little wider in the shoulder and the waist and then I would find this man extremely dreamy. Ahhh...
oh wow haha not quite sure what to say to this one other than this guy's got personality!
You've been nominated for Best Photography of 2008!
http://bloggies.com :)
intrigued by the cuffs on the jacket. better him than me, but i applaud his
willingness to drive.
Take that Vuitton thing from under his arm and you have a charmer indeed. Thom Browne was so freaking forward, let's face it, this look is acceptable now,even almost "nice".
Cool. I like the individual constituent items (esp the Black Fleece style blazer) but together it's a tiny bit bold and costumey for my tastes. Like a cross between a member of the Hives, Jerry Lewis, and a broad comedic character from an Indiana Jones film.
He looks like he might have a jalopy, a straw boater and a beaverskin coat...
I've been looking for a pair of proper saddle shoes to wear with dark jeans for a while - all I seem to find is either vintage pairs or new golf shoes.
What's up with the labels left of the shoes? I thought only homeboys with their air jordans do that.
Too Polished. He is too polished to the fact that I don't know whether I like it or not.
Im not sure whats worse, the label left on his shoes, the Louis Vuitton folio, the rings, the stylized facial hair or his overall demenior. However I like all the little white details socks / shirt / jacket.
Isn't it wonderful how the very best of American popular culture gets picked up by gullible foreigners? --I wonder if his silly posturing is crips-speak for "dust me."
what are the gold things on his hands?
Is that a name-tag on his right shoe?
Is he wearing white gym socks??? (hard to tell, but they're white for sure)
I am confused!
Cultural reference: from the waist-up, it's less "The Charmer" to me, and more "The Prisoner," as Patrick McGoohan used to wear a blazer with similar piping in the 60's spy-fantasy series. Not that that's a bad thing...
Take the tag off the shoes and they're genius (and probably incredibly comfortable, tag or not). And eliminate the LV logo.
So awesome. Not sure I would wear this all together personally-- but so many cool elements here. As someone else said-- one of your top pics!
Hilarious! Love this pic and the outfit.
Amazing pic
Not a look that does anything for me. The LV kit reminds me of advice from an old clothes horse. Men do not wear fur coats, leather pants and they do not drive Corvettes.
I would add, they do not carry an LV portfolio. It's what the British would describe as,"Wide Boy." Now, a vintage LV trunk in the living room doing service as a coffee table...that's another story
I'm with cowboydan. Each of the elements on their own are chic, but wear them all together and it's SO self-aware. Try a little restraint. This is like Bape meets Madison Ave. And it's bad.
to Sammy Wammy:
Opening Ceremony sells contemporary "Saddle Shoes" - the soles are super slim & they're light weight as well. they actually have those same colors this gentleman is rockin.
Holy crap that is amazing. Where the hell would you even find a jacket like that? Tell me now, oh Man from the Good Old Days/Gangster Rapper!!
he looks like a hipster going to a 1980s themed prom where he will buck tradition and dress like a rockabilly kid from the 50s. then there's the whole louis portfolio thing he's got going on...
really, he's just trying to do too many things at the same time and drives me to believe he's late for his curtain call at the "happy days" musical dinner theatre.
Meow, meow... I love this cat!
The "gold things" are triple finger rings. LOL, have you not seen any hip hop music videos? Bling bling!
I like the blazer and the shoes, but I hate that he left a tag on his shoes. That is very tacky! In addition, I hate the Mr. T style knuckle rings. Overall, he just looks odd.
Words fail me.
Am I the only commenter who goes to metal shows? This hand gesture can be traced back to Ronnie James Dio in his heyday with Black Sabbath.
You use the devil-horn sign in joyous approval when moved by the highly rockin' nature of the situation you find yourself in.
If I were this guy, I too would throw it with both hands--one because of my fine threads, the other because I got to meet The Sartorialist!
The tag left on the shoe makes me want to cry, but the highwaters fill my heart with joy.
good for him...he's doing HIS thing and it works,that's what fashion is all about.
He obviously doesn't take himself too seriously.
What on earth is on his fingers and what is on his shoe? I love the rest of the outfit. A new take on black-tie.
YES, this is when fashion and personal style together becomes ART and artistic point of view this look is truly unique and it just screams personality!
You just can't hate this it's PERSONAL STYLE.
I love him.
That's a man who had a really good time when he got dressed, and I find that kind of pleasure charming indeed.
Though I'm laughing at the "Prisoner" reference--he'd better avoid a turtleneck in that coat!
Can't even read the comments, I'm so eager to make my own: he's sexy stylish!
Love the culture play and his general "swagga." Cute to boot, too!
Je trouve la photo très amusante! La photo seulement. Pour ce qui est du modèle, je trouve les vêtements peu flatteur (il semble très serré dans cette veste au bouton prêt à lacher!). Les bagues sont amusantes, mais une seule aurait suffit, non? La veste est très sympa. Pour ce qui est des chaussures, elles le sont aussi mais pourquoi avoir laissé l'étiquette après? Un mélange de bon et de très mauvais goût. Dommage.
Love the jacket and white socks actually work well for once!
Just in case you were wondering what the French contributer above said I've tried to translate it as best I can using my poor schoolboy french:
"I find the photograph very amusing! The photograph only. As regards the model, I find his clothing not very flattering (it seems very tight in the jacket with the button ready to pop!). The rings are amusing, but only one would have been enough, no? The jacket is very nice. As are the shoes, but why leave the label on? A mixture of good and very bad taste. Too bad."
Hm, Moi aussi, mate. moi aussi.
This is the most brilliant thing I've ever seen in my life. It's Poindexter Gets Laser Surgery and Moves to the Bronx-- or maybe post-modern Great Debater-- and I love it.
While the sideburns, the brass knuckles, and the shoe tag puzzle may be confusing to some, they are clear nods to hip-hop/street style-- the shoe tag in particular. A walk around Harlem circa 1994 would help-- it would reveal that Timberlands were the thing, and the freshness of one's Timbs was indicated not only by the cleanness of the shoe, but by the presence of the tag. Among people of limited means, "fresh" attire-- fresh anything-- is golden. This is why boys in hoods nationwide keep "the sticker" on their fitted caps, and girls keep the little leather tag on their Coach belts. This reality is surely what this charmer is paying ironic homage to.
This look is indeed "a mixture of good and very bad taste," and it's effin' fantastic.
a man from
love her coat. so cool!