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Comments on "On the Street....That Hair, Milan"
that hair, that coat, and those shoes!
Are you serious?
I love it!
Very Victorian..Edwardian...? Either way - dig it.
And I love the shoes, too.
Love those shoes!!So giry with the rest of the androgynous look of the rest of the outfit. The black turtleneck frames her face in sttark contrast to the peachy compleexion and yellow-blond hair. Lively!
i don't get this...not one bit.
i bet she doesn't even try to look that good.
I don't think got the memo that the 80's ended.
Noooooo, those shoes!! How elegant.
the shoes are great!
The hair is fun, but I want those shoes!!!
I just finished writing about Christian Dior's Couture collection and Klimt--and here you capture a woman, who, neck up looks like she was Klimt's subject. How wonderful!
I love the shoes and the colour of the jacket. Nice & casual.
and those shoes!
oh my!
marc jacobs spring 2008 hair. lookin g3wd!
wow, I have never seen eighties done so modern. Love the shoes, Chanel? I also like the cool, sporty watch.
So cool, so natural, so not-trying...and yet succeeding. A great smile helps, too.
How great, how free she looks without a big bag hanging from her!
big, natural hair is fantastic and the shoes are amazing. amazing and i want them. but the rest of her look doesn't do it for me.
Her hair, jacket and those awesome shoes! she has pizazz!
Those shoes!
Ugh I actually cannot stand her hair! It's extremely outdated and makes her seem much older than I'm sure she really is. It's like if one were to paste the head of an old 80's icon onto a chic young body.
I do love her shoes and the maroon blazer.
Reminds one of Hanna Schygulla.
that jacket and that shoes are nothing without a big blond hair.
hi! from latinamerica =P
still not feeling it
Forget the hair, the outfit is truly awful! Is this an episode of What Not To Wear?
LOVE her jean color!
This photo has such an amazing "feel" to me. I am just so refreshed by the blue tone. Lovely photo!
the shoes are perfection -- but she reminds me of my ex-boyfriend's mother.
Flock of seagulls meets Rod Stewart circa 1984? I can dig it.
I love those shoes so much I can't even focus on the top half of the outfit. wowsa.
The best part is her smile.
oh she's fabulous!
everything but the jeans.
I'm sorry, but this does not appeal to me. I did the 80's the first time around and am not keen on going back. Nonetheless, I guess for some younger people it's novel.
I love the shoes, but the hair looks frowsy--if that's the word.
it is apparent why darker jeans are in style.
She's just C O O L.
love her attitude. excellent combination of colors.
Love it! Those shoes are fabulous!
Her watch is a Nike Running watch, in case anyone cares. I have one in black and they are excellent for athletic activity.
Kim Wilde forgot to comb her her!
Off! How was the party yesterday????
Details, pleeeeease!!!!!!!
oh my good...
Shoes, jacket, sweater, great. Hair ... hmm... dated but pretty. Jeans...ugh.
That's not 1980s hair that's 1900s hair - BIG difference! I am impressed with this.
I'm not normally one for shoes but those are great
She looks like Elsie Tanner who was in Coronation Street during the 60's/70's!
She works at L'uomo and she's the cutest person there is! The hair is a whole lot bigger than it seems.
please sarto explain this look. i just can't get it!
I assume this outfit is clearly inspired in the 80s which is not particularly my favourite time for fashion and hairstyle.
That hair is interesting though, with that touch of 100 years ago and she has a very honest and warm smile. I also like very much those shoes.
Her pose is very nice too, but I am not a fan of the outfit. All the pieces are OK, but blue and black and wine together... The shapes don't convince me much either and that watch...
Perhaps if she was wearing a special vintage feminine dress that matched that hair and shoes, she could be great and ready for a spring garden party...
By the way, I'm looking forward to know how yesterday's party went. And Sart, you will be posting some pics for all of us that couldn't make it there, won’t you?
She looks like Melanie Griffiths circa Working Girl. Not in a good way. She looks happy though, so what does she care...?
Forget the hair! Those shoes and jeans are fantastic!
more than that. perfect colour of the jeans.
those shoes. amazing!
she seems to be a very nice person.
Looks like some-one from the 80's.
Stop kissing The Sats butt...she's hideous, straight out of a nineties foreign language textbook!
Love the shoes, but are you serious about the rest of the outfit? And don't even get me started on the helmet...sorry i mean hair...
I get the sense that she is having a lot of fun with the hair - style with a sense of humor is hard to beat.
I get the sense that she is having a lot of fun with the hair - style with a sense of humor is hard to beat.
Good morning Mr Sartorialist, or I should say Bonjour! Really enjoyed your opening party last night, congratulations, fab turn-up, and great exhibition.
Eli Hagen, anyone?
With a smile like that, she can shave her head bald and look great!
i love the blue jeans. it's nice to see actual *blue* again, after so much dark rinse, dark tint, etc. and the contrast with the jacket is great. the hair is festive! a bit nutty but festive. who hasn't had a mood like this? she's expressing it, and that's great. anyone else tired of all the cookie-cutter fake-smooth blow-outs in magazines, on the runway, on the street?
Bad, BAD hair. Please God don't let 80s hair come back. But the shoes rule!
I love it. What makes it for me is the magenta jacket. I dont see the 80's reference so much as a cabaret feel - a happy Max Beckmann - Weimar resolved..she covers the roaring 20's, the chanel 60's the rocker 80's and is the happy postmodern orchestrator of the whole look.
Aw, people who say 80s hair are not really looking at this girl close up.
It's long that she's loosely stacked on her head. She's a modern day Gibson Girl with a killer smile. And those killer gams. And shoes.
Shoes! and jeans! love the unusual combination.
i love everything...but the hair! but im sure it appears really cool in person. the color of those jeans and the fit, along w/ those shoes...love it!
From the ankles down, i love this look
Fun, FUN hair!!! wheeee!!! let's all have more fun, please? If you let the fashion police prevent you from having fun with your hair, all is lost. Love the shoes too.
The 80's called....
nice smile, but aaieee, that hair.
gorgeous hair, gorgeous pic, gorgeous shoes. a very positive image.
Those shoes are all. They're beatiful. Are they Manolo Blahnik's?
her pomp and pumps are deliciously divine!
So Neo-80's...and I mean that as a copmpliment too. She totally gets the fun parts of that decade.
everything from the ankles up is awful. the jeans look like something from the halls of an orange beach high school, and my nana has the same hair-do in grey. and please, the blazer, turtleneck and gold hoops? ick.
Love it! That's the most creative I've seen skinny jeans look in a while. I've wished I could wear my hair that way for a long time, but its just too thin and not coarse enough...sigh
I'm reminded of a movie called "Art School Confidential," where a first-time painter convinces a whole art school that he is the "next big thing" because of his complete lack of knowledge of even the basic rules of artistic composition. From the flock of seagulls/ziggy stardust vibe with the hair and the dynasty earrings through the too-faded, too skinny jeans and the super-cute but out of place shoes, this woman is oblivious of every fashion "rule" that has become unspoken in the last 50 years. And I really kinda love her for that. she's rocking a pink rubber watch and she looks good doing it. I don't know how. . . or why this works. Maybe because the individual shapes of the pieces really flatter her. In any case kudos!
I want those shoes! abosolutely adorable~ I like how she chose slim jeans to pair with those shoes. It makes her legs look longer.
Can't agree with the blazer and hair, though. Maybe just me.
I like a man with big, natural hair, so why not a woman?
What I do not like is the bright blue and faded wash of the jeans -- it drags the trendy skinny jean back to 2002.
its all in the attitude... and the shoes!. if her hair were in a ponytail you wouldn't notice either.
Everything old is new again. To the anti-1980s crowd: the styles are back, so get over it.