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Comments on "On the Street...Silver & Black, Milan"
Very charming young lady.
Very pretty. Perhaps the color of the shoes are a little contrasting.
It is not really silver, but pearl-shell.
silver or black would be better. Or red.
She has beautiful long legs.
Wow, that's a LOVELY smile ...
My first reaction when I first sew this picture was: 'oh, the sartorialist is in a boat!' Am I the only one who thought the same at first?
This is an interesting combination of textures and wow, that bag; I've never seen one like that before! I don't think I would want to wear it myself, but I enjoy seeing this kind of things in others.
I wish those grey warmers allowed us to see the shoes better...
What a beautiful woman. I like the fabric of her jersey and the whole outfit in fact. That bag reminds me of something Paul Smith might make, which is almost always a yes vote then.
What is wrong with contrasting shoes DIANA?
Explain please. Are your one of those people who match everything to everything and you wear blue because it "brings out" your eyes? eewww
i like the coat a lot...but that bag really destroys the whole outfit for me. i can't help it, i looked at it for quite a while...but i just can't get over the bag.
I like the way she's gradiated her leggings to the shoes with those leg warmers. What would otherwise be a sharp contrast is made fluid.
The bag is incredibly cute!
And the textures are interesting.
Love the bag. It's a CAR!!! So fun.
Gabriela, i also thought Sart had taken a cruise.
I love this look. That coat is utterly gorgeous, and i the scarf goes so well with it. I want to touch!
I'm not so crazy about the bag. It looks like she just grabbed it from a random gradeschool kid. Overall the outfit looks ok. The leg warmers with the slimming effect of the stockings look great on her.
Think the shoes are from Marc Jacobs.
The bag looks like a mini boom box but she looks adorable and makes leg warmers look new again.
beautiful girl, average clothes, horrible bag
I don't want to deconstruct this one. She just looks good. Period.
Don't know about this - you can see her on any street in Vancouver and Richmond. I guess outside of British Columbia this still might be novel.
Are those Marc Jacobs shoes? She is so sweet!
Oh how pretty she is! I WANT that handbag. I also want her legs in place of my own but not a lot i can do about that one! She just looks fab.
i love the coat but i really dont think that the bag looks right...the shape and size is just awkward
I like her scarf,but that´s about all.
I just love the shoes to this outfit. Charming, adoreable!
She looks lean and tall! That jacket is really cute.
I'm not usually a fan of whimsy, but the fact that the car bag has little red taillights--okay, I give, that's entertainingly wild.
I like the color of the shoes and I think the contrast is interestingly subtle, but I'd also like to see the outfit with footwear that contrasts even more strongly.
Lovely , lovely smile.
It is the greatest beauty asset !
But stylewise she looks like every teenager in all of Europe right now.
(And women who do not dare to be women )
But the look on her face is absolutely wonderful .
I love the look...except for the hair colour.
Otherwise, she looks lovely and cosy.
I love the humor her outfit. In times when the hand bag culture has become almost perverse. I enjoy the irony she splashes with the "car handbag"
Men say: look at my car...Women say: look at my handbag....
Plus her coat is lovely!
I love how the undertones of the shoes get picked up by the legwarmers--and what perfect legs to wear them with!
This is such a crazy mix, and what really pulls it all together is the hemline of the garment beneath her coat.
File this one under "F", for Fashion is Fun! Love the textured coat, and the whimsical bag suits her youthfulness. Pearly shoes complement the glow on her face. She looks wonderfully dancer-like without looking as though she just dashed out of a studio. I think this is the first time EVER that I've seen an example of leg warmers looking stylish as streetwear.
Awesome....i love the look, the shoes do it for me...with the socks.....awesome
great job sart
love the shoes, leg warmers, coat......but that bag.....she can do better.
Very nice, all together, but on a personal note, please, NO leg warmers! It's hiding the shoe, and while it's an interesting personal touch, it's too much.
Love the scarf and leg warmer color coordination. Ditto the jacket and leggings. What a sexy way to wear a short skirt during winter.
This handbag is great! mmm I want it!
I love the whimsy of the bag! And yes, I also thought Sart was on a boat--with probably the hippest lady on a cruise ship ever! I love the whole look, especially the joyous expression on her face.
this girl was posted the other day outside etro, now with her hair pulled back. Leopard print shoes anyone?
Nice, but Herbie must go...
mmm no...
the leg warmers are just no.
this look - leg warmers would be so elegant
with leg warmers I suppose its funky and young
but still, no
How can you not like that hand bag? It really makes the outfit and shows off her personality. Lovely girl :) Love the coat too.
i love how much fun she's having with this outfit! even if i'm not in love with the bag, you can tell she's happy and comfortable with herself and her personal style. what a wonderful, scarce moment. by the way, i think the leg warmers are awesome. i think many of you fashionistas are forgetting that it IS winter, after all. i (very unfortunately) don't know what winter is like in milan, but in jersey it's no joke.
That handbag is from Braccialini
a stunning example of individuality .. and what interesting use of texture.
i like it*
The leg warmers are such a cute addition- and probably really comfy/warm!
The bag and the shoes—they're what got me.
I also thought this was shot on a boat at first.
I love the bag because it disarms a dark outfit. Although, even without it, this is the darkest look I would call playful. Great blend of texture.
Love her smile... it gives a very charming personality to the whole look... ;-)
I love this look. Interesting is the notable change from the previous photo a few days back.
By pulling her hair back and changing the outfit she has gone from a very young look to a much more sophisticated look. The change is so dramatic that most didn't realise it's the same girl.
What fun getting dressed up can be!
LOVE the combo of the sombre black and gray outfit with cool shoes and leg warmers, and that bag! Style with a sense of humor is not seen often enough. To pull off the sense of humor in a classy, non-obnoxious way, that is very cool indeed. Where to find a bag like that?
Ack! I really do not like those leg warmers, not even in an obscure context....they just vex me!
Yech, I feel they ruin an otherwise passable ensemble.
Definitely love the coat, leg-warmers, the shoes and the Bag. I reckon that the bag and leg-warmers combined with high-heeled shoes translates the sense of humour and childish approach of her outfit. This girl reminds me of a say that goes for men but it is suited here too. Grown girls have bigger (and more expensive) toys to wear than kindergarden girls.
Don't you think so?
I thought it was a boat, too!
There must be something to the proportions & colors here (skirt-length/coat-length/rolled-end scarf/black tights) that make usually awful leg-warmers look good. Really good. Perfect.
i love the outfit! and although the bag works for her and she looks fab, i myself wouldn't have used it. can i have legs like that please?
So playful! Even if people dislike the leg warmers and bag, you cannot deny that she has created her own personal look.
From the earring bobbles, the knobby scarf, the textured coat, "gradient" legs, and silly bag, she is quite cute!
Examine her leg warmers closely and you can find that they actually conform to the heel of the shoe in a very peculiar way. If I may hazard a guess, she's wearing the Eamz boot from United Nude, which is a unique shoe that has a horizontal heel instead of a vertical one. I tried it on recently and was impressed by how comfortable it feels!
oh i love it
i also think her hair would like nicer a natural dark. but the outfit - adore it all.
Love her look!
Crop the picture to exclude the legs, and it's lovely. Include the legs... now that's another story!
I normally don't like leg warmers cuz they make your legs look bulky, but here they not only aren't bulky, they make her legs look longer. Good choice, especially to choose grey instead of black. All in all, a great ensemble of shape and texture. Love it!
I can´t stand her hair color.Neither the hand bag. However the coat, the leggings and legswarmer are great. Shoes only OK, they could be better.
I wish I knew where she got this coat! anybody?
beautiful legs and great colour contrast with her flats.
...but the bag should have stayed home. a bit juvenile i'd say.
her smile, the legs, and her coat are pulling this outfit along.
my opinion... lose the scarf, leg warmers, (they belong in the 80's anyway) and swap the tights and strange shoes for some more chic boots.
i'm not sure how i feel about the bag, but her smile and demenor is lovely.
I think her bag is a Braccialini creation... but I' m not sure!
nice & cute bag
Thats Lisa Jiang, we were both in Miss Chinese Cosmo Pageant 2005. She used to model in China and studies now in Milan. She is a sweetheart!
This must be one of the very few times i have seen leg warmers worn so well, and blended into the outfit perfectly...it's nice to see smaller bags as well.
I like this.
I adore the touches of white on the bag and the shoes - this is typical Asian charm. The different woolen textures give this outfit interest and depth.