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Comments on "On the Street...Mr. Marzotto, Milan"
Matteo Marzotto *is* style. Period.
Wow! He's perfection, especially his smile.
Wow! Serious style...wicked smile : )
Love this.
I love the buy-one-size-bigger-for-the-sweater comment. So true! I have a Versace cashmere coat that fits exactly like this, and I didn't even have to take it to my tailor.
true, but how else can you wear a sweater under a coat?
He is adorable no matter what he wears, but add a great outfit and who can resist?
That's just a great coat!
Love this blog. Keep up the good work.
It's not an either/or world, fortunately, but I do like this so much better than the bulky short jackets below. Human form is a lovely thing.
The coat fits him so well! His smile is amazing too :) Though I must admit, I go through the "well-fitted" vs "layer later" debate every time I buy a coat.
One thing that annoys me about coats is that I'm so ridiculously petite (I am of the female persuasion) that almost every coat looks huge and bulky on me.
This guy's coat is clearly perfectly fit for him, and it really makes a difference in the way he presents himself. Good capture.
i also loathe that sentence.
all through my childhood and into my teen years i shopped with my grandma and she always insisted on buying a size bigger for most things.
for me, for herself, for my grandpa.
but this picture - this wonderful, wonderful coat, is a testament to tailors and well-made clothes around the world.
Great, great coat.
But an even better smile.
haha love the "one size bigger" comment. Although sometimes it really is necessary to wear something extra underneath a coat it definitely ruins the whole cut of it.
everyone can learn from him
what an absolutely GORGEOUS MAN.
You and the rest of us.
What about the guy who buys the thrift-store coat so large that he can fit two people inside it?
Oh,what a polished outfit. Nice to see something near to `normal´again. He has lots of thick hair and I´d suggest he´d try some other haircut for the next time.
That coat is insane. One should always, always go with fitted. And its nonsense to say just becuase it's fitted you can't layer; what if you wear a thin cashmere v-neck sweater, you'll look bulky? Nonsense.
Brilliant look. The coat is good, but I also love his shirt collar and tie. Is he wearing a V-Neck under the coat?
sheer elegance. I wish I could convince my boyfriend to adopt this look
I have a similar overcoat (probably not as elegant as Mr. Marzotto's... but I like it). I cannot decide how to slim it down like this coat. I could have my tailor restitch the buttons to make it a double-breasted coat, or I can have my tailor "take it in" at the waist.
Your thoughts?
hear hear!
Absolutely brill. The coat buttons like a well-tailored 3 button suitcoat. Quiet elegance down to his shoes, which is where I always start looking.
Wicked coat - perhaps a Raffaele Caruso Sartoria Parma coat. I bought one at yoox and it fits like a glove, with or without big knitwear. So buy italian sartorial coats and there is your solution to almost look like the gent.
I love it.
But I'm always cold. I HAVE to wear a sweater ... or two, sometimes three
Sart, show us some chic people who are defying the elements. Not fair to have people in mild climes like Milan, or editors who hop from cabs to inside buildings. People out walking around, in the cold.
Your commentary is so true. A few weeks ago, that's what i was told. "Take a 38 instead of 36 so that you wan wear a sweater underneath" (European sizes). I also prefer well-shaped clothes and anyway i already have the alternative of the warm and comfy like-ski-jacket.
this is a genuine example how a coat that style should look.
it would not not look the same if one size bigger, then the whole idea is wasted.
if you have to buy a coat one size bigger because of a sweater it´s the wrong coat. buy a jacket instead.
Dapper,cheerful,sophisticated--what's there not to love?
That sentence is very "mumsy", as it has been ingrained in me by my mother, and I although I hate it, I can see the sense in it. Still, I keep on buying clothes that fit perfectly, but cannot be worn with a sweater underneath.
However, if you buy a good quality, well cut garment, you won't have that problem.
Bah!. Tell me he's incredibly short or has some sort of nasty skin rash we can't see.
He looks ace.
True, but..
Sometimes I buy some clothes one size bigger. Depends on how and where I'm going to wear it.
To be able to play with my kids I need clothes a size bigger.
Or if I go to my parents to Moscow in the winter. there I will probably need a sweater under my coat. Depends on a coat.
rich and pretty
Hello everyone, my first comment and I will start from my fellow countryman (I too am from Vicenza, Italy). Always very well dressed Gent but seems to me there's too much room around the forarms and armpit, thus contrasting too much with the fitted waist. To me it seems like a normal fitting coat that has been taken in at waist.
I think I'm in love. To hell with the coat.
He's so damn purrrrfect!!!
The coat is fabulous, and so is his hair.
Also love the comment about buying one size bigger. My husband has a coat that is big enough to "fit a sweater underneath," but he almost never does wear a sweater underneath! I wonder if there is any hope for it in taking it to a tailor...
You know my mom always gave me that dreaded sentence, and then I couldn't figure out why I was always drowning in my coat! This is a great pic! I'm inspired again! Thanks Sart!
This is a beautiful, beautiful photograph. He looks great, of course, but the background wall and walk -- the colors and shapes -- are so wonderful too!
There are other solutions for those who find that room for potential bulky sweaters requires oversized outerwear. Why not layer at the skin level? Silk and performance poly knit long underwear work very well at insulating against chill winds while adding virtually no bulk.
Even regular cotton thermals don't require extra-big clothing on top. On especially arctic days, I can wear two layers of underwear - cotton over silk - without wrecking the line of a slim coat or even a light jacket.
you know what, morty, i've officially decided i don't like your taste, judging from your last few comments. this man has lovely thick hair, which balances his strong jawline. women love hair, and some lucky lady (or man) gets to ruffle his at the end of the day. and, he may not have hair forever, so he and his significant other should enjoy it now. this man certainly has no need for your "suggestion." he's clearly doing just fine without your stylistic coaching.
Like many people above said, I like his coat. However, what struck me most about his ensemble is the spread collar with the wide knot. I think they compliment his wide face (and wide smile) quite nicely.
That is one gorgeous man and one incredible coat!
and now, I must make plans to move to Italy.
i just buy the sweater one size smaller!
That coat looks bespoke. The waist is perfectly suppressed and the fit at the shoulders is fantastic.
Though it is a very black and blue ensemble overall he looks wonderful.
The coat and the man are absolutely beautiful!
his smile just brightens it all up!
nice photo!
Although I hate the dreaded buy a size bigger for sweater comments from my mother, in my adulthood, I realise what she really meant was I actually have to buy a size up for my shoulders and then get the coat altered to fit the rest of my body.
I have broad shoulders for a woman according to most clothing manufacturers, i.e. my shoulders belong on a woman one or two sizes bigger than the rest of my body. Why I hate ready to wear....But seriously, I resent the what if you want to wear a sweater underneath comment for coats, really do.
But my rule is if you want to wear something under your coat, wear it the day you buy it or don't bother at all...
Wowzers! What a man!
Awesome coat.
His coat IS perfect. The smile finishes it up perfectly!
does anyone notice in the bigger pic click of this, his necktie seems to be of some sort of wool/knit/non-glossy fabric? I think THAT goes very well with the whole look
Likewise, I grew up with the dreaded sentence. However as I learned, by engaging the experienced gentlemen fitting me and observing the style of my grandfathers, there are at least 3 distinct cuts of coat. Top coat, think bespoke, perfectly fitted. Over coat, looser fit all over. Great coat, loose in the shoulders, box cut and "baggy" usually constructed of very dense cloth. The difficulty arises when the wearer tries to use one coat for all three.
This gentleman know exactly what he wants and exactly how to get it. Bravo!
Positively Byronic!
Be still my heart!!!!
the fit of the coat is no doubt perfect, as well as the backdrop. he's an extremely good-looking man, isn't he.
love everything of this man.
even the coat
Any advice on buying a trench coat for men? It seems to be a disappearing art? Should it be completely focused on wearing a coat underneath?
Hellooooo Handsome!! He is dreamy from head to toe.
this is how a guy should dress. he's fitted, comfortable and smiling. my only suggestion would be a herringbone tweed cap and some rayban wayfarers, but i don't want to nit-pick.
Do not want to come through as a party pooper, especially as this Gent defenitly knows how to dress, but I stand by my original opinion that the coat, as it is very waisted, should be equally fitted on the arms and torso area. There is too much contrast and well, looks one size bigger (as mamma used ot say lol) on top.
As for the buy - one- size - bigger comment, I see it all the time at the shop (I design and sell clothes): customers wanting a slim fitting coat but wearing them (or trying them) with a not-slim-fit suit - something impossible to pull off unless you buy a size up (and thus ruining its original fit).
Mind you I am not implying that Mr. Marzotto is doing this
i never heard of that comment (1 size larger so your sweater can fit) but it's hilarious. just wanted to share that :D
I love this man...
In his smile, there' s italian Sun
For slightly bulky sweaters, wear a cape. Or, never wear bulky sweaters! They are oppressive.
gorgeous man, gorgeous style, gorgeous city + gorgeous photograph!
He makes me weak!
that smile!
un bel sorriso caro Matteo, oh yes!
That's an amazing coat! And my mom totally uses that sentence which probably explains why my father buys me sweaters 3x too big for Christmas.
I wish more guys dressed like this.
love it!
I prefer fitted to oversized, but modern women's coats are so tight nowadays, you MUST go one size larger just to accomodate anything thicker than a camisole. I did this with my new J Crew coat to avoid ripping that will happen with normal arm motion, and this larger size is still tightly fitted.
to nika - you wear a thin cashmere sweater! Or no sweater at all and a great scarf to keep you warm (right Sart??) :-)
The coat may be the focus to most, but, the smile is so unbelievably cheerful and sincere that I personally feel it should be posted on the new blog reallifesmile@blogspot.com