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Comments on "On the Street...Gianluca, Milano"
Love. He's invoking characters from Sherlock Holmes (or similar) but there's nothing costume-y about him. He looks very warm. I dig it.
Or Batman meets a monk. Not a look for the masses certainly, but I'm very glad you took this photo
He reminds me of the count from sesame street.
I love this - I think capes are great for me, when they are worn with the right outfit - I perfer it to be cut down a little, a bit too long for me, but it's fun and it works with that dismoal weather behind him.
don't tell me..someone else that works in the "industry"?..for a change.
I'd put money on this one goin past 100 posts.
I think he looks wonderful!
We get some pretty wild 'costumes'( say it as the French do) here in Marrakech.
The pointy hooded robe is the most wonderful and mysterious
Great pic, Sart. I call this one your 'Goth With A Beard' photo. I love the black cape and the rainy, somewhat gloomy city landscape. Very evocative.
anon 9:33am
I doubt it will go pass 100 post, because it doesn't have the "tight pants"! haha
I like this picture. The black cape fits in pretty good with the cloudy grey sky and the relatively monotone buildings.
Love the cape! Very Count Dracula mets Little Red Riding Hood!
Of course, as a New Yorker, I worry about how he might get out his Metrocard, then thru the turnstile....
My soul mate, hello! I´m a cape lover since I was 15 and still wear them (at present I´m 58).
No problem with metro, the secret is well organised INSIDE pockets and big enough slits for arms.
I love medieval cape-man.
It's a fancy dress costume. I admire the chap's bravery though
what?! pure costume. but who's to say one can't wear a costume. what a delightful imp. can someone be impish and dark, whimsical and austere, approachable and imposing all at the same time?
The Phantom of the Opera! Very daring, very dashing.
It's his face that is so special.
He resembles Vincent van Gogh, doesn't he?
This is bold, I like it.
First thought was that he looks like he'd fit into "The Wizarding World," and I love it, it works for him.
Looks more like Transylvania.
Oh, I love it! I love the movement and graceful lines of a long cape or cloak. Too bad it's been hijacked by goths and most people see it as a costume. This guy makes it look like real clothes.
Is that cape cuffed?
Oh, how dramatic! I love it, that theatrical look.
What drama! I like it.
> The Phantom of the Opera! Very daring, very dashing.
Yes, I had commented similarly earlier, but, apparently, my comment has been marked as spam or something (or deliberatedly deleted? dunno.) for some obscure reason. Oh, well, nevermind.
Van Gogh going for the vampire look... : ) He looks more like a character than a real person!
To Butch: Is your only concern when you are getting dressed how to have access to your metrocard within 2 seconds at all times? If yes, then i feel sorry for you.
I think it's Death, but he put his hood down, left the sickle at home and he's taking a day off. And guess what, he doesn't look so bad!
I would call this Harry Potter chic :)
I'd don't say it's a costume.
It looks like a "tabarro", traditional cape or mantel here in Italy, still common in the '50s.
My grandfather had one, he wore it while riding his bicicly to meet my grandmother (40 kilometers a day!).
I'm beginning to see them again on the streets (capes, not grandparents!) normally worn by younger people.
Not that comune, but not costume-y either.
He looks warm dry and interesting. I wonder what he's up to in his selftent?
You have posted several photos of this man over the years, and this one finally confirms what we have all wondered about ourselves: Yes, this lovely Italian man is a vampire.
Few men are brave enough to wear the Cape. Good for him.
His face looks like Van Gogh. I personally think he'd look better in a slim pea coat, but perhaps a big poncho is warmer.
In response to above,
Yes--Harry Potter chic indeed! Dementor-esque with the hood down. I love it :D
all I can think about when i see this is Sweeney Todd. I saw it this past weekend.
this is definitely one of my all-time favorite pictures on the site! I love it so much!
something about this looks sort of old master-y to me. maybe it's his face, he looks like young rembrandt or somebody.
on another note, this is also the second man-cape in as many days. are they coming back in?
Another man wearing a poncho type garment.
Another man ruining the look with the wrong shoes.
I do like this photo though. Surreal and beautiful.
aaa.. if only this handsome gentleman had put on some streamlined structured boots this morning.
he looks so nice and has that fantastic beard, therefore he can pull off wearing a cape without it looking like a goth-y costume...
Yes, it's interesting and all, but this belongs to Facehunter rather than TheSartorialist. Let's not get too arty...
i love the cape! the neck looks so comfy.
The cape is a rarely seen garment today on men. This cape works with the Milano cityscape in the background. It would probably not work with the NY cityscape in the background, unless the photo was of the Bishop of NY standing in front of The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine on a cold day greeting the faithful after morning prayer...know who you are and where you are.
I think the cape is a bit pretentious.
I'm thinking more like a short-beared Rasputin. Very mystic.
All I know is that you, dear Sart, are such an artist! We love your work. The sequences you have manage to post lately are borderline delirium. I mean where on earth you spotted this man with the cape!
Do not put in the same folder with Vigo in the poncho.
I mean rally... a Milano vampire standing on a crescent in a rainy day proves that you are simply a wizard.
from the background scenario I understand he's very close to my home.
If I'll ever meet him I'll tell him winter in Milan is not that bad.
how striking, in that cloak. :)
"it's time to play number of the day! count all the buildings behind me!
Ask your kids who he looks like, Sart.
i wonder where he parked his horse ...
seriously, absolutely fab, medievally speaking!
and WHERE in the world did you come across this guy??
I think it's great to see a whole new type of garment (even if its an old one being revived). Since WWI I don't think men's fashion has seen a single addition of a new type of garment that is sui generis - (maybe the zip-up hoodie?).
I'm definitely certain I wouldn't have the stones to wear it - so kudos to him!
WOW, great cape
The Grim Reaper.
I think he looks fantastic. But I'm a little jealous because his cape gets Sart love, and mine only ever gets fun made of it.
I just now stumbled across this fantastic blog. . . And I had to put in my two cents! After careful consideration I really think I like this look! It has a mild Goth undertone, without invoking images of black fingernails and pale faces. On top of the overall wearability. . . think how warm and comfortable a well-made wool cape would be! I want one now!
That is an attractive man who knows how to pull off an unconventional look!
Very Name of the Rose
definitely one of my favorites...he is very vampire-esque and amazing, even his eyes are piercing
Nice! He looks a lot like Bradley from last season's Project Runway...anyone else agree?
Reminds me of the theater kids in my high school who wore black capes and trenchcoats and played "Dungeons and Dragons" on weekends. Not working for me.
I really like capes but wearing them is very difficult. I have a loden with a cape that I almost never wear because the image I have in my mind before I put it on never matches with reality. Anyways, this guy does it really well. Thanks for the great pic Sartorialist.
"Luke, I'm your father!" :-)
_ DeeDee
ooh how bram stoker-esque
I love his coat. Its very mysterious.
he looks like a vampire...
He looks a bit like Dracula...?! But it's kind of cool!
Cheers, Martina