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Comments on "On the Street...At Fendi, Milano"
i have never seen such an unusual and beautiful fur shearling. but, for me, her hat kind of ruins it.
Two things:
First, congratulations on the NYTimes article applauding your efforts!
Second, lovely photo. These ladies do look so stylish. Very au courrant. Love the coat lengths.
Damn, where is that coat from? (on the left)
i love this. i love it because being that it is summer here, in australia, i'm getting so bored of the short dresses and excess of skin, and knowing that in a few months when it is cold enough to be wearing tights most girls will be resisting. i also love the coat on the left being so unconventional, though i wish she wasn't wearing that beanie. i also love the outfit on the right and if the woman on the right was wearing the shoes from the woman on the left she would be absolutely phenomenal.. not that she isn't great already
I'm not sure about the lady in the hat, but I love the other outfit.
Very elegant.
I love the girl in the sailor jacket and the short skirt. I love the placement of the double welt pockets.
I always like so much Anna Lo Russo's outfits and the way she wears short skirts or dresses.
Very very nice also the navy (or black?) coat on the right and the suède shoes matching with the mat tights.
Great picture, great look!
can somebody please explain to me the attraction to shoes that look like orthopedic braces? seriously, I sincerely would like to hear. this woman looks great, has fabulous legs, but when you get down to the feet you wonder if there is a wheelchair waiting somewhere.
I love the jacket in white and red
I much prefer the simple pea coat and quiet black hose and shoes (also, note the beautiful star earring) of the woman on the right to the hodgepodge on the left.
Omg... both women on fab but the woman on the left takes the cake with those shoes and that COAT! My only complaint is that she cheapens the look (and spoils it) with that horrible gray hat.
It strikes me that her coat is a whimsical mashup of sport clothing and elegance. Adidas meets Mink, figuratively speaking. The shoes weigh-in on the sport side. Little Black Dress and stockings...elegance.
they both are so stylish! although in different ways. the right woman looks very elegant and the left one's outfit is bravier, i even noticed the green earings. great!
Love the earrings on both women..
It's Balenciaga. A friend of mine bought the same coat from Koh Samui in London about six weeks ago. It really is special.
do i spy a Balenciaga boot from Fall 2007?
something from last season?! i thought these people were ruthless...
I love Anna so so so much. She just looks great in everything, her coat is the coolest.
who says you can't wear navy with black?
I'm going to say it: I think Anna is starting to look a bit passe, what with the mini skirts and the gladiator shoes. It has been done, done, done, and she's done all of it to the point where it now looks worn out. I suspect those shoes will be gathering dust in her closet very soon now; or should be.
Anna is such a sight... I think she is always cool looking and daring, I love her green earrings I am getting a pear soon... and the B. shoes are fabulous on her beautiful legs!
That looks like the Balenciaga coat on the left. Loving those military-slash-Helmut-Lang style red stripes. Not loving the beanie or the orthopaedic shoes but it's all down to personal choice I s'pose.
I applaud Ms. Russo's willingness to break the rules for a "woman of a certain age." She always wears short, and wears it well!
yes coat. no shoes&hat. it looks like a sex & the city/Carrie outfit, in the nicest way possible. i just hate Anna Dello Russo's attitude, she always looks angry/unapproachable/something on the lines, even thou she has the best body and quite a great style.
The appeal in shoes like those is D-A-N-G-E-R. they speak of dangersex. She is in danger of falling over. Look how delicately she dances to keep upright, it's breathtaking. Look at those gams...walking like that has it's upside.
And plus, it's easy to push her over...
The coat on the right so, so brilliant! Great legs, gait...great!
Realy love how she´s wearing that Balenciaga shoes!!!
Not easy.
Well done!!!
mr. sart i know nothing about the actual process and application of photography, but the clarity of your photos is so captivating. this will surely sound odd, but i couldn't stop looking at the vibrant moss growing from in between those lovely plum and umber cobbles, and the gray-blue wall. so much texture and lovely subtle color!
and i love how this woman who knows you, who you've photographed so many times, turned her torso and face slightly towards you in this "candid" shot. oh oops, i'm on the phone, i didn't see you coming.. but i did. it's great. and she's got such style! how i'd love to rummage around in these ladies massive massive closets, although that sounds a little odd, too.
Nice legs on the babe in the white coat
Where is the white and red shearling coat from??!
The gorgeous white-and-red jacket reminds me of a Hudson's Bay design. And the trim navy jacket is so neat and elegant.
The girl on the left reminds me of the Asian girl in the coat with the yellow stripe, and it's not just that they both have stripes on their coat. There is something else about it...
where are the shoes on the left from??
Living catwalk. Just so cool and daring. And the beanie looks so elegant on her!
(And the boots are just A-mazing.)
the coat. we need to know about that coat on the left. it did dominate the photo with its beauty.
we lust it.
Ladies and gentlemen, is a fact...
"Done before...."
It is comical, in fact hilarious to read some posts criticizing Anna, top-style-diva! as if they where her coworkers or friends.
Just over the top pathetic.
Come on get a hold of yourself!
where is the coat on the right from? The sailor coat...the cut and length are both just right.
To Buddhapest, the dude who says Anna has done this lots of times before is actually correct. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's tired, but you need only look at her pictures on this blog to see that she likes the short dress/skirt and gladiator shoes thing. Again, I personally think she looks great here and she knows what works for her.
I LOVE the beanie! I think it balances the high fashion of the coat and the shoe, which are both such statement pieces. It makes her look like she is not tryng so hard, which is perfect! She looks BRILLIANT.
Budapest, SO to talk about Anna is not possible because... they are not her coworkers or friends?
That statement is as you say "pathetic"!
Why do you think to talk about Anna is such a forbidden act? Is in she out as public figure? Sadly your post did not show but disdain for those other posts...
In my mind it is pathetic to assume about the character of a person I have not met in real life... is like you say "I don't like chocolate cake but you never tried it" to me that is a towny mind and still think is pretentious to talk about her outfit as if you can do it better.
I love her style: no apologies to where what you like.
Who is talking about her character? Maybe you are talking things way to personal. People are talking about clothes.
And YES Balenciaga from head to toe seems too scripted.
Well, here's another comment from the "dudess" who said Anna has done this waaaaay too many times before. If you look back in the archives, you will find that in most of the pictures of her in the last 6 months or more, she is wearing mini-skirt/Big Shoes. I think she looks terrific in the style, as she well knows, and I happen to rather like the shoes.
But what is also true is that when you have shoes/fashion that is this over-the-top decadent -- can the heels/platforms get any higher? -- it is something that is at the end of its moment. It can not last.
And Anna is so fashion-forward, you could almost watch her as a barometer of when this style is dead.
I'd put money on it that it won't last through the next season.
And, by the way, the only photo of her that I could find when she wasn't wearing monster shoes, she was, amazingly enough -- smiling.
I think it is not a little presumptuous to talk of Anna's character from looking at her in photos. I myself have joie de vivre in spades, but receive "cheer up, it's not all bad" comments from complete strangers. Why? Cos my face looks sad on repose. Very irritating I must say!
I don't care what I have to do, but I will get THAT COAT. Oh, yes, I will.
the coat is definitely worth lusting after. The shoes, though, are not happening. but then again, she rocks the look... mostly with that attitude of hers.
anna della russo is amazing!!!is she married?
i know...look is greet, but mind crazy!
charlotte gainsbourg?? adorable, never the less.
I love shoes and I like that long black shoes
my dream is to see her wardrobe...