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Comments on "The Men from Haversack, pitti"
Am I alone in believing that slightly-built Chinese or Japanese men just have a natural ability to carry off the 1920s/1930s look? So many of your postings seem to confirm that they most certainly do!
Both these gentlemen have perfect haircuts, and perhaps most importantly of all, they know how to stand properly.
My one very slight stumbling block is the rather short length of those baggy trousers in the first photograph, but I understand we will be seeing more of this trend over the year ahead!
Re: the top one-button ensemble -
I've never been able to pull it off, and when I see someone else try it, it looks like they're going incognito, hoping nobody will notice.
Maybe his is the way to do it, just blatantly (here, via a big loud button) say, "yeah, I've got one button, what of it?"
I love the layers of color up top on the first gentleman. the shirt, vest, and... is it a little scarf there?... well, it looks great with the navy jacket.
the pants look a little bit like j.crew handmedowns, but that is forgivable.
those vests and pants!
Scott, call me naive, but what does Pitti Uomo mean?
As an Asian male I find South London Boy's comment very offensive and racist. I would like to believe that it was not intentional and of course give him the benefit of the doubt. No, not all chinese/japanese men (as he puts it) play rugby, but to generalize is wrong and naive, to say the least. Thank you
number one is simply perfect!
love the loose-look, but I never loved countryside-patterned knitwears.
The guy on the upper picture looks great from head to the waist. The scarf, shirt, pullover and the jacket are perfect, down to the detail of the single button and the glasses looking out of his pocket. Below the waist it becomes clown-like (more the length than the width of the trousers). The shoes are very nice again.
The lower picture is nice, but it all looks a little too arranged.
By the way, I love this page and the photos in general!
Those vests are amazing! WOW!
I almost choked on my morning tea when I spotted the second (bottom) photo. What a wonderful look!
This is a classic preppy outfit and I love it. I like the dress shirt with bengal/university stripes, the v-neck jumper, and the canvas deck shoes. The flat-front olive khakis are nice too, though I note (w/disapproval) the absence of cuffs. WTF?!
But obviously this photo is all about the vest! Is that a classic fair isle knit, or some sort of ethnic third world pattern? Either way, that v-neck vest rocks! I love the tilted, off-kilter chest pocket. Well-played.
I thought the first (top) photo was great from the waist up. I liked the color of his trousers, but the fit bothered me. The second (bottom) photo would have been a perfect casual preppy look if he left off the vest.
Ooh no i'm not a fan of either of these fashions, sorry!
Gentleman #1: my new style icon
I love the story the top photo conveys -- country gentleman artist the morning after! He's a little hungover and he's gone for a walk 'round the stableblock before sitting down to drink more coffee and read the Sunday papers in front of a cosy parlor fire. He's contemplating a Bloody Mary.
South London Boy: What were you thinking when you wrote that comment bro? Extreme political correctness may be inappropriate, but so is blatant racism.
Yes you are alone South London boy
The young man in the top photo is perfection. Above and beyond the superb color coordination of the outfit (and that sweater makes the whole thing pop!) a lot of it has to do with his presence: the way he carries himself, his posture and most of all his facial features: there's something about him that says -- leader.
My apologies to Y.Yamamoto. I had no intention to offend, and regret any upset I may have caused.
This is blowing my mind! I feel like so many of these elements shouldn't work at all--much less together--but wow! Bravo! Simply impeccable. Eeee!!!
the first guy looks great.
I enjoy the above gentleman's sweater especially and the neck scarf is awesome.
But black shoes? Especially with a brown belt, no?
I love the 1-button jacket the gentleman in the top pic is wearing. Now for the important question: where can I get this stuff?!?!?
Not a fan of the comically wide pants in the first picture. There is "easy cut," and then there's just sloppy. If this trend continues we will all look like awkward teenagers wearing their older sibling's too-large hand-me-downs.
I really love this blog because these are all the details that often writers forget about in their stories. I mean, look at how carefully the textures and colors were chosen. It's offbeat, but then again, somehow it's proper.
Thanks for the inspiration. I love what you do. You have a good eye, and obviously a way of approaching people that encourages them to agree to have their photo taken.
i'm glad yamamoto said something...the racial generalizations that i read here just make me shake my head...clueless and insensitive
Both guys only confirm the obvious: japanese men are the epithomy of cool and easy dressing up, they just have it in their DNA.
I am so excited I found your website off Style.com. I love all of your pictures. Explain more about your pictures and adventures! I want to LEARN!
The pocket on the second man's vest is pure delight! These fair isle sweater pieces seem to be having such a "chic" moment. There are so many details to absorb in each look, thanks for these Sart!
I must confess to really disliking the vest and jersey with the Mongolian-like prints, not for me and they shouldn't have been for these fellows either. As an aside, though race issues should never come to play on this and though they often do, I do think that yamamoto misunderstood what south london boy said, read it again and see if it's still offensive.
well, I have seen that fairisle pattern before (top pic) I made lots of sweaters using it for Howard Partman at San Fransisco Clothing on Lexington in the 70's. I wonder if this is one of those, or whether it has been redone by Howard with someone else - or what .... nice to see it again, anyway! very fresh looking.
not at all sure about this short trousers look, though.
I agree with 'atk'. The upper picture in the upper part is perfection, or at least my version of perfection. Though I can see the appeal of wider pants, they'd be much better with some other outfit.
Totally dislike... looks like campers at all... forever!
A Tale Of Two Pants--pairs, that is.
The top guy does cropped volume (as well as the rest of his duds) in a very nice way.
Bottom guy's pants also voluminous, but ill-fitting. Though his color sense is admirable
design 5:41 am,
i have that exact fair isle (and another in different colours, same pattern) and i'm pretty certain it's an original English 40s one.
Re: M's comment
I did re-read South London Boy's comment and I still find it offensive. It's OK, we don't have to find excuses for everything. Just because his comment was racist and offensive it does not mean the writer is racist too. He is probably a good person who works and pays taxes. It's just that he is naive and unwordly.
South London Boy ~ Don't apologise to the racist bullies. You did nothing wrong. As a fashion insider, I agree with your obeservations. There is nothing wrong with recognising racial differences.
Love those vests!
Re the S. London Boy dispute, good lord, let us please allow room for certain genralizations, based on opinion, without which we would have to talk endlessly about specific cases.
One does not defame an entire group of people by sugeesting that it lends itself to this or that fashion.
You don't have to agree with SLB (who very graciously apologized for having "offended); let us retire certain sensitivities when the imputation is noninjurious/noninflamatory.
Thank you.
I'm a US-born Asian woman who didn't find south london boy's comments offensive. I reread them after the firestorm and still don't see the problem. I think he meant to be complimentary. We're so prickly nowadays, aren't we? Chill.
I agree with anonymous (11:23AM). I think South London was (trying to be) complimentary.
gooood calll south london boy. I was definitely thinking the same about the length of the pant the first guy is wearing. i just hope hes about to go on a beach or something. ha.
Scott-I am assuming this is a new brand in Japan. Great looking product, where can we buy.
I agreee with y.yamamoto.
To suggest that we'll see more of wide pants is truly racist.
Y. Yamamoto needs to lighten up BIG time and drop the boring PC stuff. Rent a Bill Murray comedy fur gaod's sake and find a better way to speak truth to power than the comment page of The Sartorialist. Oxfam here you come...
I'm not sure I want to encourage the controversy bubbling away here, but I can't resist.
How did this one get overlooked?:
"Both guys only confirm the obvious: japanese men are the epithomy of cool and easy dressing up, they just have it in their DNA."
If you want to object to a "racist" remark, that seems to fit the description.
Yet, both remarks were positive, not negative, -- they were meant as compliments. I think everybody should lighten up a bit and think about context and intention. And I agree with Butch -- it would be difficult to talk about almost anything without generalizations.
For example, would anybody object to a remark that said: "Swedes look so great in dark blue -- they can carry off that sailor look better than anybody else."
What's the difference?
These two men are referencing 20s/30s fashion, but keep in mind that it was as significant in Asia as it was in Europe. If these two individuals are good at these references, maybe it is because they can draw on two cultural manifestations of the stylistic elements.
But basically, it is best not to read too much into a photograph -- they may be Asian-born; they might be third generation Europeans..
Any idea where they sell vests like that?
these photos are really gorgeous.
WOW! These guys could start a trend!
Yes, stop the racism and pretend that you don't see that they are Asian and that they are GORGEOUS!!
The Button details, the cut of the khaki's and the layers of the first gentleman are all terrific. Very mid century bohemian. The look also reminds me now of Junya Watanabe's new Fall collection.
check it out
My personal fav of what I've seen out of Paris this year.
Quick words on the easily thrown around word "racist" and the strange forms it has taken just in this little commenting section.
A racial generalization - be it positive or negative - is always dangerous because it presumes that millions of individuals share some necessary trait simply because of their ethnic makeup. A compliment that "all Japanese are fashionable" can so easily facilitate its evil cousin "all Japanese are fascist/stupid/etc." Plus, why assume these men are Japanese? Or even Asian instead of Asian-European/American?
Thus, SLB came off as offensive. Not because he is "racist" (in the self-aware, villianous kind of way) but because he "racialized" fashion in an unnecessary way. Pointing out the dangers of "racialization" is also not racist in itself.
I don't think Y.Yamamoto is overly PC, or "prickly." I'm sure SLB is a nice, well meaning person in real life. But race should never be tossed around casually.
NOW - can I just say how much I love those bright punchy carnivalesque colors and print peeking out behind somber winter navy??
And, I digg that man's sleek helmet hair. It is so precise to become almost cartoony!
Yes, yes, yes! I've been thinking the charlie chaplin/ baggy, 1920's pants look for both men and women would be very smart! Both guys are channeling the silent film era in an updated way! Very cool ;)
great looks on both gentlemen though i favor the first one.