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Comments on "On the Street.....Mother & Daughter,Howard St."
I don't quite believe her to be her mom. Maybe she's babysitting?
If only my Parent/Guardian had dressed me so stylishly. I love the head scarf on the girl and the woman's side pony tail. Lovely!
Love the slightly matching awkward and sweet foot positions.
oooh, la la. such a lovely photo. the girl, the little girl, and the background. the colors, the focus, the expressions, amazing shot.
overall, the girl and the little lady's outfit are very interesting. the boots, however look a bit awkward, but it still goes with the whole look. it's odd to me that the pea-coat is only buttoned up on one side… anyway, great photograph!
i love this. everything about it!
My wife sat next to this little girl on the subway today. Her mother was standing, and told her daughter not to touch the dirty hand rail and then play with gum in her mouth. They're both beautiful. I believe the mother was wearing the same pants/boots. They were speaking a foreign language; we guessed they were eastern European?
Mom looks like a model, or at least she's studied the toes-in model posing techniques.
The little girl is wearing her own style. It's just age appropriate. It looks like she dressed herself in her brightly-colored skirt and neglected to completely fasten her own shoes, as my own girls would have. Plus, it all looks so warm and comfortable.
beautiful! i love how both pairs of feet look a little self concious or awkward.
Couldn't be lovelier. :) I really like the mother's outfit: The pants are very well styled and coat balances out the boots.
two angels or two spirits
What a lovely couple!
She's a mother? Both look fabulous.
Mom looks lovely at first glance, but I am too soon distracted by the extreme pigeon toe stance, which I find unpleasantly disturbing.
Love the kid's shoes and skirt.
this photo is a treasure.
They are too cute. Digging the details on Mom's boots.
beautiful shot.
cute how the mother's left foot turn in and the daugher's right foot as well.
for some reason the picture doesn't link to a larger version of itself. i'd love to see more detail of this one! mother and daughter are both adorable.
You know, I have been following your blog all the way from India. This is how my day begins. I take my cup of coffee, walk into the study (I work from home), log on, and come straight to the blog.
And the day there is a new picture, I am happy. Very happy. So Mr. Sartorialist, did you know that you make the lives of people across the world a little better. That's a big thing, you know. your blog is no longer about fashion. It has become a case study.
Like the short sleeves! And her hair, not too fixed but still beautiful.
Request, please. Would you tell us more about these ladies and why you shot them. Does she have an eastern euroepean accent? I find the picture very captivating. To me the woman exerts effortless style, which is evident in non-self-conscious way she dressed her daughter.
Looks more like her older sister. I like her coat, her facial expression and her shoes. But her stance (her left leg inwards thing) is a bit weird. The little girl is adorablea and with any luck will go on to inherit her momma's style and looks.
I Love You Mr. Sartorialist.
I like the mother`s outfit but not the daughter`s.
They look so cute together!
What a stylish mother!
Oooh!!! Lovely!! :)
They both loo so cute!
how cute! I love how the other gives off that dark vibe as though motherhood is rough but she's still able to pull off a chic look. def strong as a mother. The daughter looks like she's going to grow into her mother too...
Lemons @ 11:45 PM is so right..."Love the slightly matching awkward and sweet foot positions."
I love the subjects eyecontact with you when the photograph was taken. The feeling is amazing.
The feet are speaking volumes in this shot!
Very well composed photograph.
Wow, that mother looks very conscious of her appearance - her pose and face are kind of ridiculous. the child hopefully chose her own clothing to explain why she looks a bit ... well a different level of style from momma fashionplate.
And is every woman in nyc pigeon-toed? This is the most asinine stance i have ever seen.
It's not just the feet, but the general mirroring in miniature of expression, arms, feet; it's almost bewilderment in front of a camera.
I love to see the pictures in the larger form, but when I clicked today it downloaded to my desktop. I sometimes do grab bloggers pictures for my own desktop/screen saver use, but it never downloads automatically. I wondered if it was my mac or a blogger setting?
I'm staring at the NY sidewalk picture while enjoying our first large snowfall in NH ......
Both girls look sweet. But I can´t help being disturbed that the mother hasn´t spend effort,time and money on her own outfit. The little girl should also have had a bit more consideration on her outfit. Now the only cool thing she has is this charming `hat´.
Great photo!
They are a stylish pair; more parent/child photos please!
The little girl is so cute! I love her look.
...so cute.
(teenage mother perhaps??)
Re: anonymous 2:25am
I noticed the same thing! It seems to be the same on all blogger.com posts from December...
Very annoying; I do not want to download every pic I want to take a closer look at.
Sart, is this something you can fix (i.e. up to each blogger to determine settings) or is it out of your hands?!
Love the blog!
Wow - both giving you an intense look. Dramatic.
When I clicked on the photo, I had to open it with Windows Picture and Fax viewer, but the photo was much larger than usual! I could see many more of all the little details I've always wanted to see. Please continue with the larger photo sizes!
Gorgeous, just love it!
Hey Sart,
The same problem has popped up with this picture. It's asking me to run or save the phots again.
No, I don't believe their mother and daughter. Maybe they're cousins?
Beautiful woman.
Mother and daughtet, same stance, same stare.
Completely, utterly charming.
They're both so cute. Almost like two little girls (the crooked feet!). I love how youthful the mom looks. It's inspirational to me, especially because today I look like a congresswoman from the 1980s. Not sure how that happened, but it's not a good thing.
Now that is one hip Momma! These two have the same dramatic eyes and pretty skin--good things to run in a family, indeed.
I always wonder to what extent children choose and enjoy their own clothes. My memory is foggy, but I seem to recall feeling very pretty a hot pink dress with a full, tiered skirt waaaaaaay back in the early 70's.
Count me in as one of three who found the mother's foot position a bit odd.
They are darling, these two, but there is something about the mother that feels doll-like and precious.
I totally dig mommy's look. Love the jacket over skinny jeans and high heeled boots.
Beautiful shot, but I'd bet a hundred dollars that's the girl's nanny, not her mom.
So stylish in two totally different ways. Great body language and faces.
Deer in headlights!
That woman's eyes are gorgeous though.
I like her carefree pony with very clean clothing lines. The background lends interest too.
This is perfect -- a wonderful way to start the week. And you know, pratishtha at 2:56 am is right...
They're just lovely! OMG, they're so cute!
I've had very few moments where I actually wanted to be a mother, this is definitely one of them. How fabulous.
Amazingly beautiful pic. Very very cute.
My guess is that they are swedish..
To earlier an comment: this woman can't spend effort, time, or money on her outfit. She's a mother! Maybe what makes this duo beautiful is that they have managed to look messily flawless without these 3 things, of which too many people think are key to style.
ugh how can I stop from getting these comments in my mailbox!? really annoying.
I think you checked-off the box to have the comments forwarded to your email
just uncheck the box
what sort of camera do you use to compose your shots? i love the clarity and stark contrast. also do you use photo editing software to touch up or enhance your shots?
I don't know for sure they are mother and daughter but the way they interacted and the fact that it was Saturday (no nannies) has led me to guess they are mother & daughter
I don't know for sure they are mother and daughter but the way they interacted and the fact that it was Saturday (no nannies) has led me to guess they are mother & daughter
can't see any of urn posts on my mac. tried from two diff computers.
Lovely photo as always.
They are so so cute. Love it.
usually I agree w/ you. I don't get it this time...
I must agree whole-heartedly with the reader from India, although I am not quite as far away (Vancouver, Canada) - I came across your blog a few months ago and it is now part of my daily ritual to let myself me surprised by your lovely pictures, and to read everyone's comments! So thank you!
As for the picture, it is a lovely pair,although the child seems more adult (in spirit) than the mother. And I'd also like to say that while the Sartorialist is particular about jacket sleeve length for men, I am surprised that he, or no one else has commented on her unusual sleeve length (personally, I'd prefer them longer).
mother's outfit is great, but I really love that the little girl isn't dressed too trendily. she just looks toasty and adorable. very nice!
I must say that I find it quite offensive that many people here think that such a lovely, young woman couldn't possibly be the mother of a young girl. Hmph.
The shot is (as always) gorgeous, as are the mother and daughter.
I believe I know who they are. They are in fact sisters.
Adorable! I love your blog!
They are both, uh, cute - in the pleasant sense that they have lovely faces, and, to me, in the negative sense, that at least the elder one poses for cute and the young one attempts that. A grown woman doing the toe-in thing is great body language? Spare us.
(I don't care what fashion empresses pose that way.)
i found a coat like that at the salvation army for 9 bucks.
I see in this image: the way youthfulness is represented in popular culture and fashion, and standing next to it, real youth.
Love it. Kind of makes me think of Natasha Kinski (who plays a young mother) in Paris, Texas.
If a man posed pigeon-toed would people call it "adorable" or just plain weird?
I love how both mother and daughter's feet placement are! So funny!
i like the sweater showing under the cropped arm on the jacket. it never gets old.
something charming about a mother sporting an outfit that looks just as thrown together as her daughters. messy and beautiful. i love it.
I love the sleeve length on the coat coupled with the sweater.
I also really like how the right side of her sweater collar is tucked under the coat. It makes the look seem so effortless.
Of course, it helps that she's beautiful
I find the woman and little girl both naturally striking (such beautiful faces), but their dress seems less than inspired. That woman's boots seem huge (not to mention the pigeon toe..). Usually I think your shots capture thought and style so well, but sweet as this pair is, is their dress really sartorial?
Amazing. I love the hot mom thing & hope I am one, so I give kudos to her. And bravo to all moms & dads who let their kids dress themselves and wear wacky/silly/old/ratty/mismatched/whatever kind of stuff. My son wore leggings with holes in the knees as a five year old, so I am all about letting them be. Within reason anyway.
Wow.. She's a very elegant mommy.. I love her 3/4 coat.. Her strap matches her peeking sweater, and her boots are to die for!
Her daughter is too cute to be true, I like her outfit, very colorful and free-spirited
My daughter has a leopard printed hat she herself bargain at the 26th St flee market for $1 and wears it to school every day. It is very important to let children be themselves. Choosing clothes is primordial decision making practice. This little girl is her own stylist that is clear. The young mom is obviously straggling with time that is also clear jet she manages to come together as a cute and brave, high hills and children is a hard combo. Being a mom myself I credit her creativity and beauty.
The entry from India is so true... me loves Sart the Wizard of Globalization, bringing people together in the name of beauty and communication.
The mom is so young!
I love the matching stances, and her coat.
Ok. Someone knew that this is a picture of two sisters. It now makes sence that the older one has fixed her outfit to perfection and the little girl has just been dragged along.And little girls at some age just love to put on a pretty dress.I remember when my younger daughter used to say that she had to have a flowery dress and a pair of sandals-even though it was winter!
beautiful beings. very striking, indeed.
Why is it so hard for some people to beleive she is a mother? I am a 24 year old mother of two, and I don't look half bad! Ha.
i think her amazing outfit is a bit distracted by that crazy hair. but at least I can rest assured that I am not the only one who reverts to a messy side pony even on days when my outfit is fabulous.
it seems like the little one had the right idea and wore a nice functional hat : ]
Enough comments about the pigeon-toed thing. When you pose for your own pictures, you can stand however you want. It looks great in this photo, and communicates something about the subject. It also works to balance the subject. And although she's not my type, I have to admit that she looks amazing.
Love the jumper and coat layering.. the length of the sleeves are a nice touch.
Pratishtha's comment is spot on. This makes my day better. I'm wondering if the foot thing of the mother and child is a side-effect of a hurried pose: the mother is gathering in the child with her left arm, they haven't reset their outside feet, so the inside feet displace. I don't have a small child to try it out on but I did try with a chair in front of a mirror and I could get something of the foot-turning-in effect. I love the contrast between the instability of the pose and the sureness of the eyecontact.
Insanely cute.
This is an amazing shot. Picture perfect. Gorgeous.
she is the mom. her name is lindsay, the little girl is izabella.
These are sisters, not Mother and daugther.
I love the fact that the little girl looks lovely and colourful but still every inch a little girl - not tarted up in mini Prada or Juicy sweats. A crucial lesson to mothers everywhere: let your children be children, for crying out loud.
There is such thing as Young Cute Mothers, my sister was one, I was one, my mother was one!!! you don't have to be the the stereotype mom in sneakers. For the incredulous ones I bet my pinky Carine Roitfeld was a YCM .
Blonde is sexy and has a fun shoes, why not... she is a young mom in her twenties with some style, so what!
Little blonde looks like a very independent child who picks her own clothes like mommy, bravo!
I am sure you asked them whether or not they were mother and daughter, but I get mistaken as a mother when wandering around with my sister sometimes. :D I love the older girl's purple/grey cardigan peeking out of her coat, it definitely adds a colour depth to the outfit along with her bag's chain. I like that her mock-schoolgirl side ponytail actually looks... kind of cool, instead of gimmicky or kitsch. Probably because it's further back on her head?
And of course I adore the younger girl, I love that they both have very sure gazes and that they are their feet are so awkward. Her huge purple jacket is also kickass - if only I had dressed like that as a kid!
what a beautiful russian mother and daughter! with all respect to her background.
it's a copy of me with my oldest daughter (5): I do look youngish and cool (sometimes) and she does her best choosing the colour combinations..., which sometimes make me lough (from inside, I never let her notice that).
I love to give her the opportunity to make her own choices in choosing clothes, clolours....
Sorry for naming her Russian. she can be ukrainian or belorushian. But definitly she is from ex Sovjet Union.
Absolutely enchanting picture
I'm almost uncomfortable with how childish the mother comes across. I think she's beautiful, but there's a lack of assertiveness in her stance that makes me wonder. As for the outfits, I think the mother's coat and books are stunning and I love the little girl's mismatched look. It's right.
Skinny jeans.
Shoes/boots you cant walk properly in.
Girlie look on her face.
What a strange way to be a woman.
The little girl looks mature in comparison.
just plainly beautiful :)
Gorgeous...I love the slightly looser skinny pants tucked into her boots.
this is my homegirl lindsay and her daughter bella. lindsay does look rather eastern euro in this shot, face wise, however she's from good ol utah. bella gives herself haircuts and then lindsay copiers her. bella makes up songs and then lindsays sings them to us. this photo is surely the perfect representation of the two mystical people behind it. i'm obessed.
i want to cry.
Bring on more mother & child photos Sart - they're inspirational
Yes, more mother and child pics! I love this, if she is the nanny or mommy, they both look awesome and each own their own style. Very cool.
I would find her stylish if she had dressed her daughter well. Too bad.
Other than that, she looks lovely. And her adorable young, awkward stance is charming!
Such a gorgeous shot.
Someone commented that the mother looks childish & lacks an assertive stance. Isn't it possible that she is a young mother & why should all mothers have an assertive stance just because one happens to prefer it?
Our judgements reflect our mindsets.
Mother and Daughter?
Too good to be true!
i had seen a woman & child like them in macau..the woman woar a skinny jeans n she's hair--gold too,
they aren't macau people..i though they was born in cannada or other...
very funny when i saw them~
The little girl's skirt looks like one from a French store, du pareil au meme.
My daughter has the same, only purple.
Wow - that litle grl is going o have such good style when she is older!
Love the coat on her mother.
Ahhh... I am lucky enough to be friends with both of these beautifull women. They are infact mother and daughter. I spent yesterday sleeping at their apartment where the little girl tried unsuccessfully to wake me up. What a strange thing to run into your friends online.
is it weird three commenters know these two? lovely mama
I love everything about this photo!
fantastic pic, lv the clothes the mothers wearing. contrast between the two is excellent. mum looks like a model.
A grown woman doing the toe-in thing is great body language? Spare us.
Oh, shut it. Some people stand that way naturally. I'm twenty-seven, and I stand that way all the time. I just do. It's not on purpose, it's not affected, it's not because I saw it in a magazine, it's not because I want to look like a broken doll. My feet just naturally turn that way, especially if I've been walking a distance and my feet hurt or if I feel self-conscious because someone's turned a camera on me. Stop telling other people what grown women ought to be and what they ought not to be just because you're jealous of a woman in a picture for getting more attention than you.
just look at natalia vodianova. she looks like a child, yet she has 3 gorgeous kids. i guess its just the genes.
this girl is unbelievably gorgeous!
a powerful picture. Who the child is and what she will become, what the woman was and can never be again. Similar expressions. Luminous innocence, colour, print, awkward feet. Mother, subtle colour, perfect collar. She has awkward feet too.
to have enough time too look like that if your a mother seems astonishing in itself. change the shoes because the bunching of the jeans is akward. do that and we'll be all good.
Love this picture, except for the pigeon-toed stance. Maybe it is just her natural posture but I'm pretty tired of seeing models in general positioned this way to look awkward-on-purpose.
this is a great sight, very inspiring fashion-ways!
Another pic that should go straight to best pics! this is perfect, there is no doubt in my mind that the young woman has not had any model training of some sort, if not she should really think of taking up modelling. i love the contrast of her quite fashionable and edgy look with the little girls gaudy outfit. it's almost like an oxymoron but with people!