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Comments on "January GQ preview"
Wow! Amazing look! Love everithing about this photo!
I really like what he's wearing...there's something so Canadian about this look...the plaid shirt under the rustic, homey sweater under the army jacket with the essential warm scarf (he's missing his toque and gloves, though). But the real magic of this photo is, as happens so often in your pics, the fabulous way you've captured light and the contrast of the extreme clarity of foreground versus deep background. Gorgeous image.
Milwaukee is probably a painter or an Art School student because of the stains on his jacket.
Nice shot!
Love the light in your shots, especially that one !
just beautiful!
more more more!
Hello Wisconsin!
With a pout like that he deserves to have such an an unusual name! Great lighting and cool scarf and sweater xx
Nice shot, Sart. Love this young gentleman's plaid shirt, jeans, and haircut. That you found him in Washington Square park and his name is 'Milwaukee,' is not surprising. Nice.
seriously if you cover his face this is a look of a bum. i must say the face and attitude can dramatically change the mood of an outfit. we ugly people just gotta work harder.
i can't really define the color of his scarf
His outfit looks sloppy and in a very intended way,which I don´t like.That´s about all I have to say for now.
Gotta say I find his outfit pretty generic--though I do like the paint-decorated jacket.
And what are those tiny x's on it? "Creative" buttonholes?
not impressed
This is a great shot...but I must admit I'm a little distracted by all of Milwaukee's youth and beauty!
That said, I think this image has a certain power...he looks as if he feels invincible. It's that fantastic elation, that feeling that anything is possible, that young men and young women often experience living in New York City...the high you get walking around NYC is the ultimate tonic!
you have a wonderful way of putting together the person and the city space as though they are in harmony. THe person seems to emerge from the environment but somehow to be part of it at the same time. I love your site.
His NAME is Milwaukee? That's the best thing I've ever heard.
The color of that scarf is unbelievable.
he looks like a german soap opera star
Love the look!
Love his hair, reminds me of a french man. Also like the "Wines-Liquors" sign in the background. The whole set up of this shot is amazing. How do you do it? How do you conceive setting him with a wall that leads your eye from left to right, bringing together the blue sky with his yellow and blue accents (not to mention all of the brown tones). You are good advertising for New York, especially during a time when they are looking to bring (gasp) even more people into the city.
Whyioughtta, you're not alone. As soon as I saw what he was wearing, I totally thought "Very Canadian". Love this look!
Sart, I've been well enough convinced of the appeal of trousers that acknowledge the waist through your previous postings. That said, something seems off with the proportions of this young fellow, a fact exaggerated by his scarf and slouching jacket. Though I'm curious how the look played out when full bodied.
the length of all of the cuffs are perfect.
if i were a boy, i'd dress like him. wait, even as a girl i would dress like him.
the flowers and the liquor store sign frame this shot perfectly.
Nice cheekbones. And the sweater and shirt combo looks cozy. Again, excellent photo work with the blurred background--and the flowers somehow go with the outfit?? Nice.
I agree with Jack Daniel, maybe a painter. love the paint splat details on his jacket, And how the light falls on his jaw. Amazing shot!
I agree, an excellent shot.
Reminds me of Courtney Taylor-Taylor from the Dandy Warhols.
What type of footwear would accompany an outfit such as this?
i feel like every guy in portland, oregon dresses like this. which is definately not a bad thing.
i would just like to say that my favourite thing about this photo is his gold scarf. he either found it in some random little store used, or he just likes it so much it really gets worn. i prefer the latter.
i imagine he would wear that scarf until it's threadbare. i love it!
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to begin, the guy has great facial features so he is already easy on the eyes. Secondly, he is working all of the great colors that I feel is essential. (esp. the scarf)
I wish we could have seen his shoes.
The homey's rockin some dry denimz.
I don't like his faux-rebel glare...it compromises a beautiful shot - that sky! I like his scarf, and I would ordinarily like his the composition of his outfit, but it seems utterly self-conscious. He's wearing it as a 'look', it's not about him.
does anyone know where I can get that scarf, or one like it?
def. a spring look
cannnnn't wait for the new GQ
but...i think i'm switching my loyalty to Details, it seems more product oriented and youthful.
He's so fucking hot (and he knows it).
lol at 'Milwaukee', thats Gerry F Baby from Boston.
Why's that boy gotta steal my look?
Milwaukee is probably some guy named Bob from Milwaukee whose modeling agency didn't think the name Bob was hip enough. But anyway, love the colors.
i'm sadly nonplussed - only because i feel like you could roll a bowling ball through billyburg and hit 50 men that look the same.
So the anorexic look is cool again...
painter? what are you kidding me? he probably had to pay extra for a jacket with paint stains. just kidding. is it me or are people dressing better again? love it.
Absolutely, cool cool cool !
Love the photo as well
i love a well-worn scarf.
especially when one knows how to wear it.
he, and his name, is amazing.
...his name is actually Gerri, not Milwaukee. I think people aren't understanding the text in the post.
Love this look!!! He is sooo fine :)
Absolutely uninspiring.
I love everything about the clothes. he looks like a model, like he is selling it. beautifully photographed as always sart. What was on his feet?
love the Big Snaps on the the jacket
Have you tried subways?
Too pedestrian?
Might be fun!
His name isn't Milwaukee-- and he graduated from Harvard last year. Amazing photo though.
Wow! What an inspiration.
I must now knit a golden scarf!
I hope I look as good in it as he does!
That's what I would say to Milwaukee, if I were Tyra, and if he were a girl.
He still looks fierce though. I love his expression. Sort of like a combination of deep philosophical contemplation and a bad case of constipation.
absolutely gorgeous. love the paint specks!
by the book hipster. uninspired.
also, if he had been painting the marks would be on his jeans, not outer jacket.
I can see a little smile behind his 'serious' expression.
He looks and dresses like my younger brother.
I would say the color of his scarf is mustard.
What a great background: bricks, flowers and that gorgeus blue sky!
If his shoes are also covered with some paint, then the look is complete.
wow, he's gorgeous. Love the yellow scarf and plaid shirt.
This is precisely why I do not read GQ anymore. Male attire has lost its elegance and GQ contributes to it.
I don't get the references to Canada. I think it's an American fantasy of what Canada is, or what hipsters in Canada are supposed to look like. I'm an American living in Canada--Toronto--and no one looks like him. "Hipster" here involves lots of tattoos, outlandish facial piercing and black leather with combat boots. And this is going to sound mean, but I don't think anyone can be as beautiful as this guy in Canada. Those bones don't exist here.
Holy crap that guy's hot!! Is he a model??
i bet he just stole that jacket from his poor art student girlfriend. it's charles nolan.
Anon 12:06: You have no idea what you're talking about. A visit to Montréal is definitely needed.
Hah! His name is NOT Milwaukee and he did NOT go to harvard!! It's funny that he's finally making a name for himself...only with a fake name. Brilliant.
I love his attitude!!!!
i like his new york attitude!
This is a very subtle case of what I am about to say, but a look is most successful through subtlety, I think.
The one detail in men's attire I can never get past is the leaving visible of flaps in the back or the front of a shirt beneath a sweater/cardigan/vest. To me a shirt should be visible enough from the collar and the cuffs; leaving tails/shirt flaps untucked often seems a little too untidy and in many cases throws off the proportions of an outfit.
Tilly from Philly:
I'll take your point about Montreal. What I see about Canadian style may just be an anglo-Ontario thing.
Anon from 12:06
this is Geri!!!!!!!!
"Hipster" here involves lots of tattoos, outlandish facial piercing and black leather with combat boots. And this is going to sound mean, but I don't think anyone can be as beautiful as this guy in Canada. Those bones don't exist here.
Sigh....I can vouch for NONE of this statement. Tons of beautiful people in TO & MTL both (and the rest of Canada for that matter).
And that's not what "hipster" in TO necessarily entails, either.
I agree, his face makes the outfit. I'm sure if it were anyone else, it would look sloppy.
Great style. Lots going up top with colors/materials but are pulled together by a nice fitted pair of jeans.
His outfit says Halifax, Nova Scotia, but his face says Montreal.
he is beautiful. don't tell me that's not the point- because it is.
i know this boy! he gave me a free hot chocolate and made me feel all swoony.
I hope some of the young cool guys look like guys.
i have to agree that aside from the scarf, it's actually an underwhelming outfit. What makes the whole look come alive is his unique face. Like the guy above said, cover his face and the outfit is just a bum's outfit.
this is how every man should look. and its all there, captured in the photo.
love the look. but, it is a "look." i'd much rather see him without the scarf. great photo, though.
if i didnt live here and only knew new york through your blog i would think everyone here was gorgeous. i love subtle layering, like this guy's. Just seeing a peek of an undershirt or of another pattern under other clothing. It keeps me entertained while I'm looking at someone.
Love the just out of bed effortlessness that this outfit is conveying, through not only the layering of the fabrics but the notion written all over his face. Reminiscent of Prepster meets Nirvana. Also the mysterious shadows and his bone structure create a lovely curiosity.
Hello, does anybody know what brand his jeans are?