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Comments on "Black Coat Monday......Black & Brown, Midtown"
So classy. I love it
Gorgeous coat, great palette. My only quibble: the pants are too full and overlong, which has the unfortunate effect of (almost) wrecking the line the coat establishes.
LOVE. I love that his gloves and shoes match. :-D
Hi!!!i really love the black coat,but i have a cuestion,i´m thinking in buying a pliage from longchamp what do you think
Ersatz covert coat from Polo. A Chesteffield with railroad stitching at bottom of sleeves and hem. On sale at Polo outlets everywhere. Suede shoes with matching suede gloves??? His grey hair implies he's been around long enough to know better than buying suede gloves. A nightmare to care for in the winter and the rain and usually procurred by only the most naive and susceptible...men under 40 who read GQ. My hope is the gloves are pig skin. The suede shoes rule. I'm heading out the door in my Suede Alden Tassels despite the threat of rain in NY this morning. And pig skin gloves.
what is it with NYkr's and black? I go about 5 times a year and always feel like it's the Vatican so many people are wearing black. It's like a Donna Karan advert.
tintin, did you have a bad night (or bad day yesterday) ?
I love the bit of tie peeking out.
This coat looks like something he can wear for the rest of his life and it will always look stylish. I find myself especially looking for examples like this, particularly given the rampant consumerism and trendiness that is so prevalent in women's fashion. The comment in a recent post about all young women needing to carry $2000 IT bags especially depressed me.
Did phil own the coat prior to wait loss?
Its rare that clothes fit better when you drop weight (as i have been fortunate enough to experience)
but then you have an excuse to buy new things
Great coat! Love the shape and the velvet collar.
Tintin: please!
Most excellent coat!!!!
That is most certainly not the way to wear a scarf with such a beautiful coat!This trend of doubling a scarf and then passing the ends through the resulting loop seems to have become universal in the past few years. It is just too informal for wear with anything fancier than a parka. It's also a pretty youthful look, and looks a bit wrong on anyone over thirty.
The stitching on this coat seems identical to the stitching on a covert coat, but it's not the same cloth.
Actually I like the pant length. It adds a little wackiness to an otherwise cool and formal outfit.
navy blue + brown = LOVE!!!
such a fab color combination!!
love his gloves!!
congratulations to phil for his weight loss and his excellent eye for fit and shape in the coat!
love the hidden azure.
This man really needs a hat.
He looks very smart and reminds me of when the coat to 'must have' was a Crombie. I cannot refrain from mentioning the trouser length but only to say better too long than too short. Ugh.
Outstanding! Beautiful covert coat (note the velvet collar!), repp tie, flannels, and suede oxfords. This is just such a great look. Scott, did you look into covert coats yet?
The coat looks fab, and the tie peeking out (with the scarf a bit askew) looks great. I am probably entering a mine field now, but I don't think the way he has positioned his scarf looks too youthful. Wearing the scarf that way--doubling it and then pulling it through the loop--is practical (and is the best at reducing the chance of hair static, by the way, for anyone out there with longer hair). I don't think he's doing it to "look youthful." I love scarves, in all their different positions, and I think positioning it that way is actually pretty flattering--it frames the face , and the ends then create a visually slimming line.
Bottom line--he looks great!
I love the coat..always want to get one like this! Very elegant and is going to last a long time.
Personally I would use a more colourful scarf.
PS: I don't find the pants too long myself, or too baggy. If it is shorter/tigher it will look too top heavy. but of course if it is sliding down it is not that good hehe...
Congrats to Phil for the weight loss!
I think the pants are perfectly fine, but then again, the Pee-Wee Herman style pants that are too short never caught on with me. Wearing the scarf like that looks fine, but some color would be nice. I don't really see what's "youthful" about it and it's not like Phil is a senior citizen or anything. :)
He looks good...enough said. Actually, his pants length plays into the look as his pant fabric looks to be of thick lux quality. Light fabrics and cottons, should be more fitted whereas thicker richer cloths can be a slight more "plush." Besides you can see his rear hem caught up on his shoe which makes him incur more folds.
men in ny during winter look so hot!
This is a Ralph Lauren coat, is it not?
i agree with anon @ 3:25 PM.
the tie peeking out is fab!
he looks great!
and cheers to him for his weight loss!
Hey Sart,
One of your photos is used in an advertisement for current gallery exhibits in this month's ArtForum International. I didn't see your name listed anywhere though...do you have a showing in the works?
Gorgeous coat & the gloves are beautiful, particularly matched with the shoes.
he looks very warm and bundles up. it must be freezing in new york right now.
I understand why you posted this, but it is still quite boring. It is also very frustrating that the commenters will applaud anything you post - as somebody said before, it could be a guy wearing a plastic bag, and your readers would say "perfect!".
why does laguna beach trad comment on every single photo?
It's certainly a nice coat, but I don't see anything special about it or the fit.
How very Melbourne...
I do like the pant lenght! These kind of coats look wonderful in men, but I like them most when they are worn in a more casual way. P.e. with jeans.
very nicely done scarf
The coat looks like an oversized black laundry bag. What is so special about this look? Educate me.
toasty warm for the winter
“Anonymous 11:33 am” asks to be educated, an open mindedness I applaud. Here’s my take. The styling of this coat has been standard at least since the 1930s. The length, just below the knee, the slight shaping with a modestly flared skirt, the “railroad” stitching at the cuffs and hem, and, in the more dressy incarnations, the velvet collar are all features of the “covert” coat. The coat is so called because it is traditionally made of a hard finished, tightly woven, twill wool fabric in a heathered brown/olive color called covert cloth. The cloth, in turn, was named after its original use as a fabric for hunting/trekking in the English countryside because it is resistant to briars, brambles and similar flora (the “covert” or “covering” of thick underbrush typical of that countryside which provides “cover” for game birds, etc.). The styling of the original covert coat has long been interpreted in other fabrics for use where protection from abrasion is not a concern, and that is what we see here. Because of the apparently lofted nature of the wool/cashmere fabric in the pictured coat, the coat is likely warmer than a coat of true covert cloth. As to the fit of this coat, it is not only traditional but also practical. The very slim, above the knee, top coats that are commonly seen now may be quite fashionable but they are difficult to wear comfortably over a suit coat, do not allow for a warming layer of air between the wearer and the coat, and are less than optimal as a garment in which to perambulate the windswept canyons of Manhattan. But you pays your money and you takes your choices. Here endeth the lesson.
He reminds me of a friend of mine, love his maskuline look :0)yet I can se that his waight is a few swedish kg lighter..
And I´m SO looking forward to some Sthlm pictures, my hometown so to speak.
Love your work!!!!!!!!
Lo from Gothenburg
I usually don’t take notice of the men’s photos but this man has stuck my eye.
He looks fantastic!
I love love love the combination of the matching brown gloves and shoes with the greys and black. He looks so stylish, comfortable and unpretentious.
I'll be taking cue from Phil this winter
My first time posting. It has been a joy to scan the wonderful photographs and stellar comments, although I do not personally always agree.
The covert coat is amazing. A nice variation on a classic theme. I wonder if you could actually ask the people brands and where they may have purchased items.
Thanks again for the most premeir blog on the net.
Gerald, thank you for the lesson on the fabric and workmanship. I did not know. But I just don't see anything noteworthy about this guy's coat. I see 100s of these coats (granted not all are made as finely) in this fit worn all around New York and most of the time I just want to vomit when I see them.
come on, you emperor's new clothes sycophants! this coat is nice, but not exceptional in my opinion.
gerald kell's tutorial was interesting and educational, and i accept it's authority. as gerald suggests, this is more of a war-era cut of the 1920's to 40's (it's certainly not referencing an edwardian fitted bodice), and is by now classic styling. and thus common and easily found. though there are a few nice details, it is impossible to tell from the picture if it is an exquisite coat or not.
so all in all, he looks nice, dapper even, but all the butt-kissing that goes on here in the comments is laughable. sometimes there is fantastic photography of wonderful fashion on this site (more often than not in my opinion). this image however doesn't represent the best of that talent.
Phil should use suspenders (braces) to keep his pants from sagging.
it's not the pants that bugged me: it's those brown shoes. your post is called black and brown for a reason i know... but brown shoes on a black-greyish-navyish ensemble just doesn't work for me. it has kind of "undone" the whole thing.
I kept going back to this photograph and at first I wasn't sure why. The Chesterfield is very, very nice...but I think it is the innate warmth that this gentleman exudes that prompted me to examine his look closely. The way he has combined everything here is smart!
I like the coat and everything else, but nothing unusual every day in Serrano Street in Madrid, many men like that and even better.
Two people have credited the coat as being from Ralph Lauren, but I'm 99% certain that this is the Vintage Topcoat from Banana Republic's Monogram Collection. I only say so with such certainty as I happen to have the coat. I myself wasn't so sure about the velvet collar (even though it is traditional) but the fit is great and won me over in the end.
As I can't edit my previous post and have since found out that you can enlarge the images, I will just say a quick mea culpa. The coat is indeed Polo, although the Banana coat is nearly identical save the railroad stitching, and at probably a quarter of the price not a bad deal in my book.
The expression of the face completes the elegance of the coat or the gloves, he seems intelligent and amused , and that it is smart! He looks like the French actor Jean-Louis Trintignant.
That's Ralph Lauren's brother-in-law by the way....