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Comments on "On the Street....Fall Shorts, Paris"
I love shorts + sweater!
He looks great!
Gray socks with black shoes and shorts never look sexier. Hubba! Hubba! Hubba!
...so amazing when someone looks like classy and comfortable at the same time. the kinda outfit i'd probably wear!
chic & comfy = genius
Now, Scott, can you please explain the little heart on the guy's sweater? A cause or for fun?
Not something the French would normally do.....
nice outfit but not something exceptionally worth discussing!
the little heart on his sweater is just the brand. (commes des garcons)
Great look; however he should have gone for a pair of black wintips sans socks....
it's PLAY sweater by Comme Des Garcons [hence the heart]
i heart this.
the heart is comme.
and that's quite a garcons!
nice look... i'm staying to wish that moscow's fall will be such sunny and warm. otherway i can wear my shorts + fur coat. hehehe
Cool in charcoal.
I am drawn to his brow and hairline. He certainly has the right cut for his very masculine features.
He's a chic, younger version of my postman!
(That's not a bad thing a'tall...)
-- desertwind
Wish he wore long trousers.Bare ,hairy legs don´t look good in november.
I LOVE shorts in the fall! Here in NYC I can wear them well into November, with a great sweater or lightweight jacket, and never be cold. Bravo!
he's hot, i agree. i suppose looking hot in your gardening clothes is worth something... but not exactly a smashing ensemble.
Seriously sexy.
don;t really like the overall outfit, but i really like the shorts. the cut is like the old school shorts i used to pick up at the thrift shop. they were all crazy plaids and had that same cut. not long, not short, a little baggy, plain front, not super high rise. anyway, i've been searching eternally for shorts like this guy's.
Tons of preppie midwestern college kids (think: rugby players) look like this.
Wow, I'm really missing something here. He's cute and all, but would be cuter in something, almost anything, else. What if that weren't a Comme des Garcons heart on his sweater but a Ralph Lauren polo logo. Would everyone still think he looked good?
this is not fashion. this is what schoolboys wear.
It would be interesting if there was some twist to it or if it was 'inspired' and not a 'copy' because what has resulted is an overgrown school boy.
I'm kinda expecting him to hand me a package and ask me to sign for it.
Seriously, though, that is one good looking man, and the shorts are very nice.
I did my student teaching in Dunedin, New Zealand, and this is exactly what the school uniform was for the Grade 6 boys.
...paris is so hot for that time of
the year.
as I remember this guy which looks
'extraordinaire' stands in that street where you can walk from colette to the tuilleries garden.
there it is actually 10 degrees hotter....
a very attractive man - and utmost elegant to! Love his Comme des Garcon sweater.
it feels like my 6th grade crush all over again!! His boyish ruggedness is lovely in contrast to a man always being seen in a coat or suit. I think this gent looks good in about any ol' thang.
Cheers James
Preppy-chic! I love how he layered a polo with the sweater, I like the neat shorts with belt, and how he wore grey socks with his shoes.. Carol Diehl, I still think he would look good if he was wearing a Ralph Lauren sweater, but this Comme Des Garcons one makes him look funkier
This looks like a collaboration betwen The UPS and Comme Des Garcon!!
The postman always rings twice...
I think this is a case of the hottie making the outfit.
too grey...looks like an overgrown schoolboy...very cute looking guy though!
OH,I love! How does he wear shorts that long and an all grey outfit without looking like an overgrown schoolboy? He looks charming.
some awesome tone-on-tone here, everything fits appropriately, and the red CDG heart is a tiny haha detail. well done.
i'll bet he's not actually french, they never wear shorts.
if this is sexy and chic, then my school uniform in Australia through the 70s and 80s was way ahead of its time
I always have loved shorts in fall, but never have been so brave to wear them.
Great look :-)
This guy is hot, for sure. And yes the street is just outside of Colette's. Actually this guy is a salesperson at Colette's. Not quite a college boy.
that man looks exactly like a school boy except grown up...
I can't help it -he's hot, hot, hot. Though I wish that on closer inspection the red bit on his sweater had been a poppy rather than a heart.
Love the look but his stance is not flattering for his calves...
What a confident look!
In a "Don´t fuck with me" way!
this is the man i want to marry!
He looks like my twin brother. He is 8 years old.
to be honest, he looks a bit like a member of the scouts. i feel like he should be selling cookies - so unsexy!
Ladies and Gentlemen meet... Leo from Colette in Paris!
I think he looks very handsome. Love the contrast of his rugged looks with the schoolboy-ish ensemble.
I see nothing wrong with this outfit at all, he pulls it off well!