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Comments on "On the Street....at 798, Beijing"
lovely black
Wow! That is an amazing look! Love all about it!
Great photo!
Gorgeous all around. I love the color and fit of the jacket and skirt on her.
I was at 798 this summer and nobody I saw looked like this.
Just started looking at your site...really cool stuff !! Love the genuineness, if that's even a word, of your photos.
This is a very cute outfit. I love her skirt, and that hat fits her so well. Nice boots, too. A very innocent and charming look.
this look is a little too English country-bumpkin for my liking.
it's absolutely perfect! the smile completes it, of course
Fantastic photo! Great outfit, fits her beautifully. Great legs too!
I think she looks so perky. The outfit becomes her and like the colorful background
I really liked this, until I looked more closely. I don't like the fact that she is low-riding the skirt. She should have bought a smaller size that actually fits her at her waist. The skirt is obviously way too big on her.
Totally love! That's my kind of style--a little classic mixed with a little prep mixed with a little sassiness.
Somehow ,by looking at her closely,I´d say that she is only half Asian.It doesn´t matter at all,but her height,something about the outlines of her pretty face,whatever.I like her choice of clothes,really refreshing.
I like how that skirt is low on her waist: the outfit is now not only smart, but sexy.
She is absolutely gorgeous in that hat, and this is such a vibrant photo, but I agree...it looks like the skirt is too big in the waist.
What kind of weird eugenicist feels the need to comment on this girl's ethnicity? Who cares? She looks cute, though I'm in agreement with the person who noted that her skirt is too big on her. I kind of like the Mad Hatter vibe she's giving off.
She's adorable, just adorable! Beijing really and finally coughed up some real style...street style, that is.
The dropped waist has a 1920s-slightly equestrian look to it..it actually reminds me of something that I saw a pic of Coco Chanel wearing in that era.
The cloche type hat finishes the look to perfection.
that skirt is a very akward length.. yet it looks so good on her!
is it cold enough in beijing to be wearing this?!
very cute girl and cheerful picture, but the clothes look too conventional (plus the skirt looks cheap)
I think the low-slung skirt is intentional, however it would be cuter if it were higher, and therefore shorter. The length of the skirt is neither here nor there. But she's so adorable, who cares?
she looks great in black but the skirt looks wrong, I think it would have been more chic sitting at her waist and not hips.
To 4:03 PM-For crying out loud-You are taking this commenting way too seriously.The girl´s ethnicity whatever it may be,doesn´t really matter.Merely pointed it out as an observation! As a matter of fact I find this girl really attractive , perhaps just because of her ethnicity.I just was surprised to see someone like her in a Beijing picture.Come on,cool down.There are more serious things to worry about. 3:02 PM
Such a quirky and fun combination. The hat is genius.
She looks a lot like the model in your previous post, Du Juan. Plaid is very in, and not a lot of ppl wear it nicely, and she does :)
Great shot! I like how the leaves frame the picture from the top, how they are scattered on the floor, and the black and white stands out against the colorful background.. Perfect!
I'm part Asian, it does not bother me if someone makes such an observation. So what? She doesn't look "mestiza" to me though, just tall.
I love the low skirt. It's just a little sexy, where a higher skirt would just be ordinary. You have to be that age to get away with it :) but let young people be young.
The hat really makes the look.
I love the flat boots - they look great!
Is this the best on the street pic you took? BJ is more of a backwater than I thought it was.
Discouraging that the whole world is marred by graffiti.
I think she looks nice
This girl looks cute, but kind of in the same way that everyone in China does. Granted, not everyone matches as well as she does (this morning on the metro I sat by a woman wearing a cream-colored brocade jacket and lime green sweatpants with bronze stripes on the side) but basically every woman in China is wearing almost the same outfit in different colors and patterns.
Even though I'm complaining, which I apologize for, I'm sad that we're not seeing more China pictures. I guess I understand though, I tried to have a China fashion blog and had to quit because everyone kept turning me down and running away, even in Chinese. Some people thought it was a scam of some kind!