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Comments on "On the Street.....That Hat, That Smile, Paris"
...and that bag!!!;-)
Beautiful hat!
I love how the sunshine hits her profile.
I figure it isn't easy taking such shots. Your photography skills are AMAZING!
Cheryl Marie Cordeiro
what, sart! you can't be serious? the outfit would have been top notch without the hat. i think a big hat like that rarely works, and that hat is not even pretty. no no no
Wonderful hat. Beautiful girl. Marvellous photo mood. Thanks )
Gorgeous!! Femininity is so underrated.
My god, I love that hat!!
that bag, that cute boy with the stride that makes the photo come alive.
simply beautiful !!
she´s just beautiful! in a very classic way
Her joie de vivre seems to make the look work. :)
perfect photo sart! bravo, she firstly is gorgeous with that smile and cute nose, and that hat!!!
plus the guy with her looks sharp as well, best photo for the last few ones imo
awesome pic, I love her smile
Beautiful picture. Beautiful smile. Beautiful girl.
How refreshing! She looks like a well-bred young lady on her way to a garden party or to a country church. What a nice change from the all-black urban-tough brigade.
She really is beautiful,great smile and great hat!
Love her bag as well!
I love her dress. She's very pretty. Her hat's lovely too.
So fresh, so beautiful. Can it really be October? Notice how, although the light is behind her, the light-colored dress reflects light onto her face so it simply glows beneath that hat. The effect is stunning.
this is such a lovely picture.
i ♥ it.
this is such a lovely picture.
i ♥ it!
so gorgeous
gorgeous smile, great hat.
great work Sart!
she has a great sense of style.
and personality!
greetz from germany!
She looks so modern and nineteeth century at the same time! I think it is a perfect mix. Everything, thr simple white dress, the green bag and that HAT! Lovely! Very light and very feminine!
This picture made my Sunday better.
No gloomy Sundays in Paris, I suppose...
I love the combination of thick fabrics & dark colours (hat, bag, shoes) and light fabrics (the dress).
People could wear more hats. But one must be brave enough to wear them - because hats draw attention.
Absolutely beautiful shot. And I love her bag, especially the colour.
She's lovely and makes that ht smile.
Scott, your're mentioned in today's NY times style section in Paris Diary.
what kind of feather is the pink one?
It would seem that the hat would be too dark and heavy for the dress (and weather), but she looks great!
Good millinery in action.
the dress & the bag too
everything is parfait .
I love it .
Inspirational! If only we could see her shoes...
I love the earthy tones of the hat...and then that pink/red feather just pops!
I love it!
Lovely! how romantic. i love this whole look...
Whilst everyone is doing back flips over her coquettish hat...look to her right and notice this very VERY CHIC gentleman with young miss! I absolutely am crazy about his layered sweater look!! Turtle neck in a pale grey and the cardy in that wonderful plaid. His glasses are so very Errol Flynn! DASHING!!!!
I think he is the true star in his subtle charms and relaxed looks.
Loving the trend toward modernized 19th century detail that seems to be popping up in Paris. It's so....Paris.
She is lovely! But the ads on your site are an eye sore. Really tacky. Your site used to have such class, and everything about it has become . . . less than it was.
Dear Woman in Photo,
Marry me please.
Such a charming girl! Lovely photo.
this one actually made me grin ear to ear. incredible!
Lovely photo, but the bag DOES NOT work with the outfit!
I'd marry that girl.
Love the dress but not the hat. Although i think she's workin it!
awfully funny!!!
because by 6pm the same day I saw this girl in the Japanese tearoom Toraya!
I love Paris in the Springtime.
I love Paris in the Fall.
Amazing how the pink feather lightens the hat. It will also be perfect for brightening a Winter's day.
-- desertwind
Wow. Gorgeous.
both if their outfits are lovely, and compliment each other perfectly. her dark hat brings in the dark hue of his cardigan and nice aviators, while the fluffy feather and rumply bag add a saucy touch.
so classy.
hmn, it's not working for me for some reason. wish i could be more specific ... something to do with heaviness in the accessories and a lack of balance. and the smile, while bright, is self-conscious. i think this affects my reading of the photo. dig the dude though.
She looks so pretty with her hat and the bag that the guy next to her just doesn´t matter.A simply refreshing photo Sart.
Don't think I've ever been motivated to post before.
That hat motivates me :)
So beautiful it gives me chills. What a fantastic shot.
This is so charmingly beautiful.
wow is that for real? what an amazing outfit! J'adore :)
. . . that dress
. . . that bag
. . . that escort!
Isabel Archer. She looks great.
I love the lighting in this photo!
She looks like royalty.
Where can I get that dress?!
Can't forget the bag and that cute boy in the back! Her smile is lovely - great photo :)
Great photo, Scott! I really like the cut of this young lady's jib. Beautiful hat! Not sure about the green bag. Nor the man next to her.
does anyone know what designer the bag is? i MUST get one!
She is so lovely.. I simply adore her.. ;P
The hat to the bag to the unpretentious dress, oh so exquisite.
I applaud the lovely lady & to you Sir Schuman.
hes not an escort fool hes a well known paris stylist i love his outfit relaxed but chic with the boots
oh-la-la~ so pretty. the dress is lovely, the hat adds personality and color, and the bag! a little tough-ness to all the fem details.
i love this shot!
Excellent bag and hat - and of course, the key to a great photo here, the big smile!
I like the colors together...white, green, black, pink. The wool of the hat seems a little wintry for the white dress, but she carries it off. I love the way the feather is illuminated by the sunlight.
Absolutely gorgeous!
Absolutely gorgeous!
Wow, she's gorgeous.
The Best Look of The Year!
Enhorabuena una vez más al Sartorialista por su aparición en el EPS (El País): "En primera liga sólo juegan las páginas estadounidenses. Y el máximo goleador se esconde bajo el sofisticado nombre de The Sartorialist. El estadounidense Scott Schuman, de 39 años, saltó de las entradas de su observatorio fotográfico a una tribuna en la revista GQ en octubre de 2006, y a otra en Elle. "Empecé a hacer fotos por curiosidad y abrí una web para compartirlas en septiembre de 2005. Me siento orgulloso de haber propiciado un constructivo diálogo entre los apasionados de la moda", afirma humilde desde Nueva York, donde vive con sus dos hijos de ocho y cinco años. Su página, un compendio de imágenes que documentan la elegancia de los neoyorkinos, milaneses y parisienses, se encuadra en uno de los cinco compartimentos en los que se pueden organizar las páginas de moda. The Sartorialist, como la japonesa Tokio Street Stle o la inglesa London Street Fashion, es un diario de instantáneas urbanas. Se trata de una excelente base documental que permite teorizar sobre los estilos de las ciudades (...) Schuman, que conoce al dedillo los hábitos estéticos de las ciudades, resume: "Si Milán es masculina, París es femenina. Y Berlín y Estocolmo, libres de la dictadura de la poderosa industria de la moda, son las más alocadas y creativas".
I am in love.
I think the word we're looking for here is ravissante! What a pair of sartorialists!
incredible photo - so Paris...
Mr. Sartorialist, it is so charming when you capture people in motion, whether it is on foot or on a bicycle! I love the moment when someone is just passing by, but they give you a smile before they are gone.
Perfection... with a twist!
To Verdiales,
Yes, she also reminded me of Isabel Archer! And I was just reading The portrait of a lady...But of course she looks less serious, maybe a mix of Isabel Archer and Pippi Calzalargas or something.
Does anyone know where the hat came from (ie milliner)?
Beautiful girl, beautiful dress and her hat goes well
The dress, the bag, the hat! - what a fabulous look!
It's a lovely shot! The sunshine on her figure and on her smile. Not everyone can wear hats. I think if I were her, I would have picked a more delicate, vintagey bag. Not that I don't love that bag, though!
i'm smitten
Actually, I thought the hat made her looked very English, like she was going to a summer wedding.
Love the bag.
Beautiful girl, Beautiful hat, Beautiful shot. The whole thing is like a delectable patisserie from LaDuree. Merci bien encore une fois, sart!
Can't say enough about how beautiful this girl is, and the hat adds a great deal of personality to the look.
someone thinks this hat is "not even pretty" and too much? HUH? what planet are you from? this picture put a HUGE smile on my face - which one of those somber all-black outfit pics, as cool as they are, don't do. LOVE IT!!!
she's beautiful
Love the freshness of this photo! The lighting is amazing! Who says fair people can't wear pale colors.. And love the bag! Color, material and all..Any clues who's it by?
~ pearlescent
There is something captivating about the way the pink feathers/fluff trail behind her in the wind, glistening in the sun. That sort of hat is a bold and daring risk that would not pay off nearly so well for most women.
This picture is amazing. I love the hat and her silhouette. NOt to mention she is so darn beautiful!
Your photos make me fall in love.
I'm not gay but this girl makes me reconsider!
Awesome, just plain awesome! Good job!
Its too bad hats on young women aren't accepted in the states. I have a lovely wide brimmed one, just like that with a feather, but I feel silly and overdressed wearing it :(
You can add That Posture!
I think the bag is by Sonia Rykiel.
I'm in love. She is so beautiful.
Lovely. Fantastic hat. And smile.
I think this photo should be titled 'young well bred lady going to the races'.
Despite (or because of) the fact that she is gorgeous she looks lovely. You have captured the lighting perfectly to reflect her pretty face. By the way, he also looks very cool.
More hats please. I love it!
I wish hats like that would come back into vogue already.
I am smitten with that hat!
That pretty lady!
Great capture, Sart.
That's Ashley Ashoff in the photo. I own some of her scarves. She designs for all the celebrities, jetsetters and socialites. She is amazingly talented. She hand-paints scarves and pocket squares. They are like couture. I love her work. She's designing ties now too, and I hear she might be doing shoes and jewelery next season. She is a romantic and is very feminine. The picture captures her grace. Check out her work if you are not familiar with it www.ashleyashoff.com. I can't say enough positive things about this young talent. She is a breath of fresh air to the fashion industry.
Funny, I saw her having coffee with Bruce Willis that afternoon.
ok could she be/look any more beautiful?!
She is simply gorgeous.
Just perfect
despite what people say about her hat , this girl represents the sartorialist ethos of sampling fashion in a bold and original way. i think thats why she made it onto the blog.
dare i add that her friend on the right makes for a great fashion accessory? a well-dressed man always compliments a beautiful woman to perfection.
Such a gorgeous photo, I almost want to hang it on my wall! I love the girl's posture and expression - she looks so sure of herself, but not at all in an egotistical way. Best part is the pink feather!
Since it has already all been said. I will leave you with an I love the picture, great job!!
She is exquisite -so beautiful.
Her smile is contagious. I agree- one of the best pictures of the year!
tres' goreous and elegant
for me, very reminiscent of audrey hepburn
I love this one. While her hat certainly draws attention, I love everything about this picture.
It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the girl is gorgeous, happy, and smiling, and the man next to her adds a certain sophistication to the whole image.
wow. leaves me breathless.
This is one of my favorite photos. I was disappointed when I bought your book that this photo wasn't in it.
wonderful photograph
and ashley's scarves are just as gorgeous as she is
cornellians never get it wrong :P
wonderful photograph
and ashley's scarves are just as gorgeous as she is
cornellians never get it wrong :P