Can You Guess Where I Am? UPDATE

If you guessed Frieze Art Fair in London you are correct!
At the last moment I was asked by Vogue Nippon to cover the art fair in London.
I am really wipedout after show season but how does one pass up an opportunity to shoot for Vogue Nippon.
The issue should come out in January so I will keep you posted when it is available.
Back in New York tomorrow.
ps i found and corrected the problem that was pixelating the images the last few days. Thanks for the heads up Mitt!
Comments on "Can You Guess Where I Am? UPDATE"
In Stockholm?
Hmm.. there's not much to go on! Some park, somewhere? ;-)
xox Girl and the City
Stockholm or Copenhagen
humlegården, sthlm?
Somewhere in sweden. Probarly Stockholm. I dont know what it is but its something special with swedish pavements. And the pavement on the picture looks swedish haha.
London - Regents park, outside Frieze art fair?
Sherwood Forest and Robin stops to ask, "Have you seen my Merry Men?"
Dungeons & Dragons convention
I'd definitely say somewhere in Scandinavia!
The Netherlands
I agree Stockholm
a very Sweedish look
from the hair to the toes
very very swedish
på söder, stocke...i humlan kanske?
our magnificent planet-earth
Gotta be Sweden! Or some Nordic place. That guy is too cool for school (or Paris, anyway, where most of the men seem to be trying for a take on Ralph Lauren).
nah man, you are back in new york. if you are in sweden again, im going to get jealous.there ae other countries in scandinavia you know :)
In a happy place...
Did you go back home to Indiana?
in Style Capital: Stockholm
Central Park (NY)?
Un sorriso,
Coat neat.
Looks like the Conservatory garden on the upper east side of Central Park.
nej, nej, nej, det där är inte Stockholm!
Taking a piccy of a swedish bloke in a park in Paris?
I think you're in a park in Paris and he is a bloke from Stockholm.
Stockholm? Copenhagen? Oslo?
Tell us!
please please be in Stockholm!!! I'm going there tomorrow from Paris, and it would be so cool to run into you (seeing as how I haven't run into you here, and Stockholm is smaller and such...).
Hope you're having fun, wherever you are.
The fine city of Leeds, West Yorkshire.
in Paris with a bloke from Norway
St. Petersburg?
Or ... Dublin?
Or ... Munich?
Or ... Minneapolis?
(Clearly clueless over here!)
you must be asking this for a reason
how about central park
that outfit is ridiculous
Oslo? Vigelandsparken.
hey, i think i know this guy! if it really is him, his name is frederik (if i'm not mistaking) and he went to the same academy as i did, in antwerp.
He looks German (maybe it's something about his bohemian style), but the pavement looks Swedish or Norwegian...
It's exactly what I was thinking...after I realized it wasn't David Spade.
By the looks of this shaggy-haired fellow, you are at the Woodstock Festival, Upstate New York, August, 1969.
Scott, please come home at once! Leave the hippies alone.
Haha, Donutcake, I guessed Sherwood forest, too. Or Nottingham
You want us to assume Sweden due to his style, but he is probably not there otherwise you wouldn't ask the, I'm going to go with Italy (just on the off chance)
Since the 9th your graphics have been "jpeggy" and show some distortion. Are you using different software while you're away? Or a different camera?
Anyway, my guess is England.
But then again, "England" is typically the answer I give to anything slightly European...much like Americans have been known to assume most foreigners are "Mexicans" At least, that's what Tyra Banks says (sigh)
Definitely NOT NYC. The weather is too hot for that sweater coat.
I'm guessing Stockholm since you're there almost every other month. :-)
In Göteborg with The Face Hunter...!?
hmm , i'm going to say Antwerp in Belgium :) , though it does look like any other park in europe
Regents Park. London.
maybe it is the wireless service here
I am back in NYC Friday so lets see if it is better then
London. Definitely London.
i'd wear that sweet jacket thing with no pants, stockings and heels/'s a really cool coat.
Idaho. He raided Napoleon's closet.
new jersey?
I don't know, but I don't think we're in Paris anymore, Toto.
Definitely Stockholm, Humlegarden.
London? I think that's you, trying out your Halloween costume: Sir Walter Raleigh. (after all, he brought tobacco to England. ;-)
oh, probably America!
okay, that was a joke. obviously sweden.
Your on the set of LOST obviously!!! It's a dream sequince when the island was the center of Fashion and he was the guide to Style gardens...sort of like Grey Gardens, but an all male cast!
Safe Flight Sarto!
Stockholm, definetly! We are the only ones who have those ugly pavements... Perhaps in a weird place, like Rosendal?
stockholm or kirkegaard's cemetary in copenhagen.
I know it well.
i think that's the park around the corner from my house.
Stockholm most definitely! Yep, the pavements and the trees are very distinct there :))
London - Near the Serpentine Gallery in Hyde Park or Regent's Park.
NEW YORK NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!!
No! Wait.
-- desertwind
Such a dashing look.
yeah, where the hell are you?!
Denmark? I don't know why, but "Hamlet" popped into my head.
Stockholm? Yes, please.
stab in the dark: Prague?
or maybe Amsterdam?
we need a clue>>>>
no clues sart, but you sure do wield the shooter real good!
looks like the tuileries to me...
Luxemborg Garden, Paris?
The shoes! Definitely Sweden. Most of us swedes are afraid of wearing proper shoes, but we like it black...
Oh the suspense! Tell us now Sart!
I am also guessing it is London. If it is Sweden it will be too easy to guess...
I'll take a crack and say Helsinki.
definately Stockholm.....but maybeeee Coppenhagen.
also notice the trees etc are still pretty green ... so it is not somewhere really cold, but cool enough so this dude is not sweating a bucket with that coat.
another thing is the sunglasses he is wearing so assuming it is not purely for asthetical reason it must be a sunny place as well..
although it seems like it has rained a day before (the ground looks a bit wet on the left hand side)...
Yeah, I was gonna guess Luxemborg Gardens too, in Paris.
I was there December last year, and that photo immediately evoked that place...
I think Sart's in England. The damp muted colours, the hedges.
The daft shoes on the bloke give it away. He's English.
In germany
Looks like Regents Park, London to me.
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with all respect: pavement look Polsih but the man looks scandinavian
Oslo or Stockholm...probably Stockholm!
The gardens at Versailles?
Got to be Regent's Park for the Frieze Art Fair. Went there last night and it is Sartorialist central. I was wearing a bespoke Kilgour suit with a pocket square and I was the shabbiest person there.
I say you are...Behind the Camera! Now that was an easy question.
Berlin, Oslo or Stockholm.
don't tell me stockholm ?... if you are, then would you visit the studio of helena horstedt so we can see some more of her beautiful creations ??
btw the guy's lord of the rings look is not working for me, but then i hate hobbits....
Looks like a midwestern sky to me. Chicago vicinity.
I don't know where you are but seeing al those great pictures you took in paris... it makes me wanna go back! My next project however is Sundsvall... is that a place you would visit? i can assure you some outstanding creative and personal stylish people (and by that i mean myself) will be arriving there mid january :)
Minneapolis, MN !!! land of the NORDMANS in the USA
Not NYC.
The perennial industrial wasteland.
When you come back to NYC can you start shooting stylish people on the street again? That's what I used to love about this blog. Now that you've gotten more popular (which is great for you though, congrats!) it just seems to be more filled with typical 'Fashion' industry people in impossibly expensive clothes. I could always get that on or Vogue.
I miss the charm of accessible, and real fashion on 'the people' I guess, that only you seemed to have the talent to 'discover.'
It sucks that you post less on your own site and post your second rate pix here, and give all your good ones to magazines. Boo, Scott, you used to be so cool!!
dunno where you are, but this photo/style is Hideous! awful runners, awful socks, awful tucked in pants and a woeful jacket.
um, the Frieze Art Fair in London, shooting for Vogue Nippon, per chance?
hangin with waldo and carmen sandiego?
I was going to guess that you were on the set of Logan's Run 2.
Why did no one comment on the Milan
photo? Here she is even more
beautiful -- and the proportion is better -- due to the higher heel.
Also -- the backgroung of the grey stone is perfect for the color of the outfit -- and her face is
'mis en valeur'.
i think i saw you today there
Oooo! Congrats on the Vogue Nippon offer, wish you a safe flight, and hope the shoot went well :)
~ pearlescent
for C
this is not a second rate shot
you have no idea what is coming up....but I do
and I think it is pretty cool
What was the reason for the pixelation? High resolution? Because that happens to me a lot and I'm not sure how to fix it... Anyway, love your shots and can't wait until you're back in NYC
Luke Day?
Yikes, I don't care where it is. I feel like Ricky Ricardo after Lucy buys a burlap designer dress in Paris. Ugly.
I heart Regents Park so much that although I was there a long five years ago, I'd know it anywhere. Ahh--to be near the rose garden, the theatre there, the green-and-white stripy chairs.
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I believe that is golden boy park.
I run past that spot nearly every day when I'm running round Regent's Park; it's just north of the St Stephen's Gate entrance which is on the south eastern corner of the park. And yes, the closest entrance to the Frieze Art Fair. Definately.
this looks like peter pilotto. i interned for designers in london this summer. we were working in the same studio as him. he's fantastic.