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Comments on "On The Street......10th Avenue, NYC"
Perfect shot... she has such a great presence.
- K
oh my goodness, that HAIR! gorgeous shot.
Striking picture. Love it. There's something about it that makes it like a story.
So beautiful! I wish I had hair like that.
Beautiful shot! Her hair is amazing!
Ho appena visto in un programma sulla tv pubblica italiana (Rai uno) uno speciale dedicato a New York e ti hanno intervistato.
Mi ha incuriosito molto la tua passione e ti faccio tantissimi complimenti.
Spero che tu capisca l'italiano :)
Hi, from Italy!
Most beautifull HAIR!!! I want!
she is gorgeous.
i love her confidence and i love that she wears red lipstick in combination with her flaming hair.
she's the first person who has actually moved me comment on this blog! excellent photo!
Bloody fantastic shot!
the hair totally makes that shot. love her boots, too!
uma belissima modelo internacional. creio ja a ter visto varias x na vogue.
A capa vermelha sera o seu composito...
Somehow I can't help but think Valkyrie riding into battle on a bicycle! I like it... she looks formidable...
the boots are gucci.
I haven't been inspired to comment in a while, but WOW, what a shot, Sart. I don't think there is a better accessory to a neutral-coloured outfit than hair like that.
Fierce. A magical photo.
Wasn't this posted already?
Hair almost as long as her legs it seems... I'm crazy for the bike shots - always makes the photo nth times better!
that's judith bedard, a model. i worked with her on our last television commercial for old navy, she's an amazing girl. grew up in cuba, speaks seven languages, wants to live in china someday. . . and as sweet as you can imagine.
in addition to the hair, she has the most amazing eyes you've ever seen.
everything about this woman is stunning....i love how that binder in the basket echoes her lipstick....and the stance is so powerful as well.
Love the position of the girl in relationship to the building in the background and the play-off between the color of her hair and the wall.
And the great long angle of her leg.
Great shot.
sart.... the perfekt background.pefekt! i`m your fan
Alright Sart!!! Keep track of this luminous woman. She is just ethereal. Beauty like hers is rare. This lovely woman could make a potato sack de rigueur! Between her beautiful presence, the radiance of her hair, and her devastatingly pale skin....I pray that her agency markets her well!!! She deserves a large contract with someone....her beauty is unfathomable.
gorgerous. i love Red-haired women
i'm completely blown away by this picture
Lovely picture! Got to love those lips, and that hair, and the way they go so well together
Magnificient! Hair-fabulous, of course... But it's the crisp, almost neon red lipstick that made me weak in the knees. Like Ladydanger from MAC... perfect.
(L) I love her
whoa! i think this might be my favorite shot.
The boots look perfect on her.Noticed too that the color of the lipstick matches the map she is carrying.
Gorgeous girl!
So beautiful.
absolutely perfect! i saw this on style.com and loved it so much. i'm thrilled to see it again!!!
I think this picture is so magical! I love the contrast between the femininity and masculinity of the outfit and all the colors of her hair, lips, and clothes seem so EDGY.
i gasped.
whoa. this shot is perfection - composition, glorious bursts of color against drearydom, singular elements of extreme - color /length of hair, brightness of lipcolor, fierceness of boots.
and that bike. so cool.
this one may be print worthy
wow amazing...isnt she a model? feel like i have seen her before........Great shot!
woah...i think i'm gonna start making pictures of stylish women on bicycles...cool shot!
This looks like a real editorial shot for a magazine. Lovely.
I love this shot, the hair is just popping out the background and pose/wear are great!
this is the cover shot to your book. fantastic photo. thank you sir for sharing.
This just makes so much sense. Biking in boots!
Never mind the killer hair, porcelain skin and frilled blouse. It's da boots 'n bike.
she's heavenly. and the red lips are so "now"
such a model
i want red hair too
Not sure about the bike, but her outfit and hair are simply amazing.
she's got the RED balance perfect. almost all the other colours in this shot are in the background. She looks like a woman you wouldn't won't to mess with. Confident to the hilt. Go Girl.
i only hope i look half as good on my bicycle.
Wow. I wish I had long red hair. She totally owns her look, and that's rare.
Beautiful hair!
she is gorgeous.. i would almost expect her to be riding a white horse through the valleys in europe somewhere
holy crap.
She looks like a rebel, with an underlying tender mix of youth and innocence.
And her distant stare...
I'm sorry for getting on your case too, but is there a way where you can put the pictures on the same page of the comments or vice versa? It's not always easy to remember what he or she was wearing.
she looks great!
she would fit in nicely w/ all the bicycle riders in lucca, italy!
jesus christ. what a striking image! where was she going?
wua! such a nice shoot. I like the white and black colors. simple good.
I want her on my side in battle!
-- desertwind
amazing shot! she's flawless
i'd like to see more of her out there, assuming she's a model? (marilyn agency)
This is Judith Bedard isn't it?!
I love this picture.
The girl is goreous. I love the contrast of colors. Her pale skin with firey hair and flaming lips. Then her black pants with her fresh white blouse.
So crisp!
Jeez Louise that's striking!
this is so good it's sick. i feel flu-like symptoms. she's...there are no words. her hair, the bike gloves, the clothes, the fierce (literally) boots, her lipstick, and landis' endorsement (yes, i saw the pic on your blog too!)
i'm going to make myself some soup now.
wowza. this woman has great taste, and i'm sure she stops traffic wherever she goes. bravo, mr. sart. she's riding her urban steed. i love all the lines and angles in this composition. and yet another red color story. truly striking.
so good
Incredibly striking! Love Judith!
fiery red hair coupled with an outfit that's the perfect juxtaposition of hardcore bondage leather boots and a girly white blouse!? Fantastic shot
I have such a soft spot for bicycles. This image has attitude. Wonderful.
a goddess incognito on the streets of manhattan
This truly blew me away. I was half asleep and this gave me a burst of energy. This is an amazing shot. The long red flowing hair screams out from the shot especially with that simple outfit and bike. GREAT GREAT GREAT SHOT SIR!!!
she lookslike she belonged to the medieval times but in an urban settings. red hair always seems to make me think of queen elizabeth the first!
Why do I feel like that little association has brought me even closer to the Satorialist?
Too bad, it look so much better on her!
Holy crow, this girl is (to use a popular term)...FIERCE! I love her style and confidence!
Wow, I really love her hair. What a stunning shot!
She was also snapped by Facehunter in NYC on 09/02/07, with that same bicycle. I saw her outside the tents at Bryant Park, she is so stunning.
FIERCE!!! Another girl who rocked a white-shirt-and-black-pants... those killer boots, I want a pair of those... if it goes pass my calves!!!
I'm in love.
hi!!!what a spectacular shot!
this is my first time in this blog,it's wonderful!
bye bye from Italy
this shot is amazing. the hair, the lips, the red building in the background. everything's perfect.
love that shot!
Oh that could nearly take the cake as my favourite Sartorialist shot!
Outstanding composition -the use of the BP logo like a flower compliments the daisy in the billboard which is a perfect color match to her hair and blouse.
this photo was voted as look of the day in style.com.... love her look - so minimal but it has a strong presence!
everything is perfect, what a presence. And a special honour to the bike, too !!
simply stylish
She looks amazing, what a great shot. I love her hair, the lipstick, the long boots.
Great photo!!! I love the black, the white, and the dramatic red. What a beautiful model.
And she's a conservationist by using a bike. WTG!!!
i'm pretty sure this was posted before, too - no?
So beautiful! The hair and lipstick drive me wild. I don't like the kind of bike she's riding, but she really rocks it...almost futuristic.
I've been thinking about the bikes girls ride in many of your pictures. They are always old or old style and look kind of unpractical (I live in a hilly town) but cool. So nice to see that a modern bike can look cool too and not just geeky!
My fashion icon. I love everithing she's wearing, blouse, trousers, boots and those gloves.
One of my favorite shot!
If she's a famous model then was this photo planned in advance???
Hi Sartorialist, i love your photos and I'm wondering if you have any future plans on giving out a book with your best shots or something similar?
the bike cracks me up -- she's such a bundle of (deliberately improbable) contrasts. in a great way, i mean.
Wow. mir verschlägts den Atem
it's true it's perfect.
Oh man, I'm crazy about the boots/pants, but the thing driving me to comment is the layout of the photo. My eye bounces all over from the girl to the street to the billboard to the BP to the distance buildings~ So damn cool, Sart!
you might not post this, because i think you might find the helmet debated to be tired....but the lack of head protection here really bothers me. Especially after seeing the heel on those boots. Riding a bike is serious business.
Besides that, everything else about her is perfect--and in fact I especially love the boots.
LOVE the hair!!! the photo is so lovely.. and so are her boots.. great shot!
The picture gets more beautiful and intriguing and dimensional the longer you look at it.
I'm in love. again, on your site Sart.
I think she's the most striking girl you've ever photographed, and that's saying a lot.
yes, this Image as a whole is quite striking!
i like everything about this photo!
OH! she looks great!
like a model.
beautifull shot
oh my god, i've seen her on thursday afternoon entering the Rocco Barocco's office for the pre-show casting...my office is just in front of it. When i saw her i suddenly tought she was stunning!
is that cintia dicker?
Wow! I see red!
She looks awesome.
i've been reading this blog forever and this is the first time i've commented...
amazing picture!!
the colors are great. not just the red of her hair, but the red of her hair with that white shirt and those black pants & boots.
plus i love her lipstick on the full lips.
overall great shot.
fabulous ginger girl.
I am in love.
Hmm... is that Aleksandra Martiniuk?
Plain madness!
Such beautiful hair and I absolutely love her entire outfit, esp that shirt and those boots.
And just in response to an anonymous comment from a few posts back....negativity is so draining, so why would one even bother to write a negative comment? If you have nothing nice or constructive to say, simply move on. It's so much easier.
i like everything about this photo, but especially the color of the girl's hair and those fab boots!
:) D
Wow, she looks like a Victorian-modern cool! That's quite small bicycle.. ;)
Absolutely stunning photograph of an equally stunning subject. I love how she almost looks superimposed on the background and how all the colours just jump out of the frame. By far my favourite so far, thanks Sart.
what does it say on her red folder?
there's something very androgynous yet girly about her. i love this shot. the bike completes the look! love it!!
One of your best pics. She is just... DIVINE.
This is the best pic I have ever seen... I'm completely blown away!
that is fierce. nice shot.
She's with Marilyn Agency.
Okay, so this is where some of us saw this photo before: http://www.style.com/fashionshows/blogs/sartorialist/2007/09/06/index.html
Sart, we all know you've been super busy with Fashion Week and all of your projects runnning concurrently. My question is, do you try to take photos everyday and post them to your site, or do you just keep a collection growing whenever you get a chance / the mood hits you, and then post from those a few pictures at a time?
Beautiful model and shot it seems an advertising
That's an amazing statement!
Wow! She has such beautiful hair!
anonymous who has that shirt: i want it! who made it/where might i find it? great picture. she is, of course, stunning. i wonder how that beautiful, loose, long hair holds up when cycling - mine would be a rat's nest by the end of a trip! the boots are great, but the lips are what makes it for me. thanks, sart!
It bothers me as well, that she is not wearing a helmet. It would obscure her hair, but I would hate to see that beautiful head damaged. I would like to see Sart post someone beautiful riding a bike safely.
Great photo.
Perfect mix.
She is a model, no? The shot is like something right out of a magazine. Gorgeous.
Beautiful! Very Karen Elson.
To Belinda:
if all we get are positive comments on this blog, I will stop reading it, and I think others will, too. It would just be boring. I think Sart is doing a good job filtering out the unreasonable critiques.
Besides that, I have a friend who avoided serious head injury and probably even death because he was wearing a bike helmet in the city.
I guess everyone else thought she was beautiful too...She is absolutely captivating.
everybody is making way too big a deal of her just because she's a model withred hair in gucci boots.
anyone notice that her bike is a piece of Sh*t?
Can you believe this shit??? He snapped this photo on the street. Somewhere in NYC this kickass girl rides around on her bike, carting her, i dunno, portfolio of beautiful fucking art, and then she stops at some cafe to smoke a Marlboro with her friends Ang and Guillermo and then she rides off into the night and has wild art-student-sex with her hot classmate who transferred from Bard College.
Or something.
Her life is full of magic and unicorns and awesomely red air and fashion. Total, fucking, this-shit-comes-easily-to-me fashion.
I give up, man. I simply give up. Hand me an acrylic sweater and elastic pants, because I can just never get to this level.
wickedly amazing. that hair, that bike, that pose. c'est parfait.
I want to be her in that moment. Thank you for the picture.
No minimal look here!
Maybe very polished.
The bike is FUNNYYYYY, specially with those boots! But that is excactly what makes the image so powerful: the appereance of the imposible.
She is one fashionable red rage urban biker in deed!
every detail. her lipstick! aghhh!
^I believe her "red folder" is her modeling portfolio.
stunning image, much more of a narrative than your usual work.
Yes, perfect pic! Did you ask her to pose or you just found her like that?
Is she real? I know those Gucci boots. Amazing.
Does this woman/child become exhausted by her own magnificence?
Does she even understand it.
Wow Scott,
I find it hard to believe that this wasn't an actual photo shoot. You just did..Her hair is perfect!
i swear that she was coming out of a show and this is how I found her
The photo makes you imagine where she is going, how she is feeling, what she is thinking...it's a work of art.
That hair against the white shirt is just...wow.
Her blouse is just fantastic (perfect cut), love her leather "pin-up goth" boots and the super flashy lipstick!
Of course her hair are just fabulous but I wanted to give her a big reverence for the total "girly attitude" on the tiny gansta bike!;-)
if those boots have heels then she has won my heart.
hmm isn't she the girl from america's next top model? one of the twins. i dunno what season. lol or is it just me who watches the show.
ginger rules !!!!
That looks like Judith Bedard. Gorgeous, gorgeous shot.
she's a living dreami
extra shot...:) boots are gorgeous..:) but tell me how she can ride ?:))very dangerous:))
just sensational urban photography,
decorno.blogspot.com @ 0101, lol, great stuff, stick with your writing though :)
is she real????? there's no words to describe her beauty!!!!!!!!!
Such a beautiful lady! Better not show your photograph to my boyfriend or he'll leave me and run off to NYC to find her.
This is the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous shot I've ever seen! She has such a beautiful face, and such a unique sense of fashion, simple as it is. She makes me proud to be a ginger kid, and I'm so growing my hair long now. I love that she doesn't appear to be wearing mascara, but her eyelashes are blonde (like mine!)
Absolutely stunning visual. Love the fiery hair, red lips and that extra 'pop' with the binder.
wow... her hair just blew me away! the simplicity of her outfit allows her raven locks to take centre-stage - oh, and the bike is just a brilliant prop and a magnificent finishing touch. kudos to Sart!
Oh my, as a redheaded model in the states (natural red of course), there is nothing more refreshing than to behold the beauty of this rarity exhaulted...at last. Bravo. And what a bellissima she is.
"red hot and ready to ride"
thought many times about this photo and noticed it wasn't tagged in your bicycle section. so i went on a scavenger hunt through your archives. the hunt was dreamy--could look through these photos forever and sometimes do. really hope it never ends.
anyway, think you should add this to your bike shots. xo
Oh my GOSH her hair... she is like little girl chic and rock and roll! She looks positively smashing. The red of her tresses, the red (portfolio?), the brick building... lovely!!
She is Gorge! I have this INFATUATION WITH RED HEADS! Most beautiful things, add freckles and im swooning.
I love this shot! Probably my favorite one in the book. If you look closely, the lettering on her red book says Marilyn Agency, which is a top modelling agency in New York and France.
P.S. I love how she played up that flaming red hair and gorgeous milky skin instead of trying to hide it,like many pale redheads do. She portrays freshness, innocence, and maturity all at the same time. Brava!