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Comments on "At DKNY"
Beautiful face, I love the hair. She's rocking the garbage collector uniform. So simple and graceful. Goes to show you that people at any job can look fantastic while they are at work.
Unless she's part of the DKNY show. In that case, ?
I'm not sure about this. Do you find the appeal in the zen-like simplicity? It does look like this would be an easy outfit to pull together if you were having a hectic morning.
i feel like handing her my tray.
cool! perefect shoes to round off the one piece outfit
Wow. Comfy, roomy, lots of pockets. What a great outfit, and she looks so good in it.
Not many have the attitude to pull this off. She looks great, and I envy her.
She looks familiar and is she wearing vintage Commes or Yohji? It's so refreshing to see a completely different silhouette after the the baby dolls and tailored ensembles. I love that you focus on originality and not on what's currently deemed "fashionable" or "on trend".
How hilarious. This is the most personally inspiring picture I've seen in months, and no one else has anything to say. So I'll say it --- this is a great example of a simple garment designed to feature the entire human being. It's not about her figure, her weight, her hair, her makeup, the colors, the flash. It's simply about the human being that she is- she looks strong and courageous simply for her ability to go without all the bells and whistles. THIS is what I aspire to. She'd fit in everywhere, and never fade into the background. Very Zen.
The woman looks ok and black suits her,but WHAT IS SHE WEARING? And the shoes too. It is a long time I have seen something as odd as this.
it's driving me crazy. That's.... - so annoying I can't remember her name. she's a designer!!! Please someone help me out here...
How exactly sure are you that this person is a "she"?
I realy can't tell... and somehow, I like that !
She is so Hot. I saw her that day at the new Urban Zen store. I think she may work there. Love the look. So Donna, jumpsuits forever is her iconic motto.
THIS overall looks like something that even I could and should be wearing to hide my lumps and bumps, only it wouldn't look so elegant on me, it would look stuffed, like a sofa..lol.
The only thing missing is a pair of flat mary janes.
It's simple, beautiful and serene. I don't think 'shapeless' is an approach any old person can do well, but she is perfect.
She reminds me of a 20-year old art students in college who is trying to break the mold of what society is expecting of women.
Some of you would evidently rhapsodize over a shapeless, burlap sack.
she's got guts!
the sleek hair pulls it together.
OH MY GOODNESS. I'm shocked that so many people like this! (This is too dangerous to be a garbage collector's uniform. It's too loose-- it would get caught on something and drag her into the compactor.) I really, really don't like this...any of it. Well, she has nice hair. But any outfit that deletes the bust entirely and involves massive, sagging pockets is not a good thing.
Where is the canvas??? actually I love her look, she looks like an artist that is ready to paint...but I love it! her outfit is I think a piece of art.
She looks cool, and I'm not even talking about her outfit.. ;)
I was going to say the usual thing about needing a good bra - but since one side's flat I think that a banana in her pocket.
I find the blouse section unflattering and total overkill with the volume of the pants, and would take some scissors to the sleeves. Maybe make a halter-jumpsuit -or like... aproned pants? Overalls I guess but not. And loosen the ankle-pucker. Heh - I better stop before it turns into a bikini!
It looks very practical, with all the pockets and stuff, but apart from that it's not doing her any justice. Not the most feminine outfit I've seen.
Aha! New silhouette.
Interesting and refreshing.
Wonder what it will look like when it reaches mainstream ?
Because it will.
Amnesia: It's the designer Sonja Nuttall. She's a buddhist too.
I don't find this the least bit fashionable, stylish, chic, etc. Its ill-fitting, drab, and just way too WPA worker. I thought the Sartorialist had better judgement than this.
I love reverance for the post-apocolyptic views of the early 80's and the minimalism of the early 90's. She holds her own in this outfit. I love anyone who takes risks or follows thier fashion vision. THat is why Banana Republic is SO good for everyone else!!!
I can think of only one thing - the movie 1984.
Sonja Nuttall, huh? Now I'm curious and I would like to see her designs but it ain't easy. Well it's too bad her website is not up to take advantage of this lil' bit of free publicity. I see she has been around for a while though.
Reminds me of a Ninjutsu outfit, but with excess baggage.
Kinda cute actually.
A bit androgynous, a bit careless - I really like this.
I haven't been to the city for a while, didn't know the Bag Lady look was in.
I know who she is: she works for Donna Karan.
She has a very distinct and strong style.
And she is a really beautiful woman.
I've figured it out. On most people this outfit wouldn't work but She makes the outfit.
Her name is Sonja Nuttall and she's a very inspirational designer. I'm very drawn to her perspective on life and her minimalist designs. She is currently the Creative Director at Urban Zen and designs these really cool watches made of upcycled materials for 12 3 6 9.
Check her out, she's really awesome: www.sonjanuttall.com