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Comments on "European Shorts, Milan & Paris"
Although my "eye" still hasn't adjusted to the dress shorts concept, I have to say that what these guys are wearing looks so much nicer than most of the baggy, ratty cargo shorts usually worn by men in the US.
Those are really cool shorts! The blonde guy's vest is splendid too... I'm not sure about the chequered detail though. But in overall, the look is very cool.
The dark haired man has a very admirable cardigan, I especially like this colour. His shorts are classics, very nice. Still, I wuld wear a little bit more slim ones.
I love especially the darker, more casual version. The vested plaid is too elaborate for my taste.
cudos on the vest, very daring, but oh so well done
What a great thing you got going here! I saw a small article about this in a Dutch magazine and I'm glad I decided to pay the blog a visit. Inspiring outfits and beautiful people in such diverse ways!
Thank you for sharing your views and photos.
Love from the Netherlands.
second pic - did he get that tailored? or where or which shop offer such a piece? spectacular.
nice photos
The first is done very well; the colours alone won me over.
The contrast between the second and his clothing is too harsh. It looks as if someone else dressed him.
Hubba hubba. Well thank you for giving me something to drool over with my Sunday morning coffee...
i love the second man, his look. the hair, glasses, necklace and deep unbuttoned shirt are so rock and roll - yet the vest and shorts sort of hold it all in and keep it under control control. even the tightly tailored vest speaks to the idea of containing something wild - sexy!
The first man's look would be improved with a higher rise on those shorts IMHO. Where they sit now, they seem to emphasize the tummy and shorten the legs, and I'd prefer not to see small patches of the white shirt poking out around the belt. The proportion-throwing effect is completed by the deep Vs of the shirt and cardigan, but you can't begrudge anyone for trying to shake off the heat nowadays by undoing an extra button... even if they happen to be wearing two layers at the time, I suppose...
It's a good look as it stands, though!
Sexy and stylin'... love the 2nd one's vest.
Oh, that Italian guy doesn't look too bad! Hottie!
i LOVES this look. that green cardigan, me wants!!!
Oh, dear! The leisure suit de nos jours?
very chic. very european. clean. adores.
Top guy: terrific. Don't even mind the shirt-reveal between the sweater and the shorts. (Though I think--because I can't see them well enough, I'd ditch the shoes...
Shut up! This is too much fashion on a Sunday.
Now, really, why would any man want or need to wear shorts that are any shorter than these? Hope these pics finally settle the previous debate.
I prefer the baggy shorts the american teenagers wear. They are rebellious and not so precious. Those same teenagers invented the friendship bracelet, we see the icons of fashion sporting. The Bermudians also have figured out how to wear shorts beautifully. Tight clothes on men remind me of Tom Jones! Maybe I'm too old I used to dig Tom when I was a teenager.... Opti Mom
did he make those shorts from a suit trousers? i sure hope so. brilliant.
LOVING le surfer dude...I wish I could see his shoes. Were they dress shoes or something casual like Vans?
Hey,these two look corny.The top guy with his shorts looks quite odd.His upper part looks massive compared to his lower part.The blonde guy looks very young and his shorts suit revealing the hairy feet don´t appeal to me at all.
wow.. just.. wow.
2nd guy is great, but it would be better without the stupid sunglasses.
most, delicious conversion of a 40s' ensemble i've seen all season.
that's style, sart!!
i especially respect the 2nd guy (although not the coiffure)
he looks a little stuffy with the fitted suit up against the wild surfer hair? the shirt is gorgeous though and the top 2 buttons done up on the vest is perfect
sorry, but to me, he just looks ridiculous..
Men in shorts... only at sports or on the beach...
Leif Garrett meets the new millenium! This guy and this outfit is yummy!
the blondie is a hunk and a half! not to mention a great casual summer/suit combonation.
I do love this green Cardigan!
I'm obsessed with this look. Men's shorts that aren't cargo are wonderful.
Do you have a shot of Mr. Parisian shorts' shoes? The better to compare and contrast.
Dang, the fellow in the gray shorts and vest is sharp!
Sorry,I like both shorts but not a fan of the waistcoat: it looks ridiculous. But what American surfer boy hair on this Parisian mec!
in love with both of these outfits!
I really love the example from Paris - it's all in the details. From the change in pattern from houndstooth? to the inexact gridding pattern, to the way that the position of the corners of the vest are guarded on either side by the seam of the shorts. I love the comparison between the larger cuffing of the shorts and the smaller crisp cuffing of the shirt sleeve. And not to mention that the guy is just scruffily gorgeous!
too cool the second one,,
he would definately get my look if i walked into him
The man with the hair and glasses has got some guts: the plaid vest and trousers turned into shorts takes a moment to get used to, but works, despite his hair (horrific) and those glasses (Carole Burnet must be wondering where they are.)
The guy in the first picture really makes it work. I like that the colors compliment his olive skin tone.
I so wish we could get more men to dress in a stylish way. All I see every day are men in sloppy jeans or shorts with an untucked t-shirt and sneakers, or worse, flip flops/crocs.
I sigh.
in love with green cardigan gent- italiano nacho-vibe...not so sure about the suit/short combo...
i love the first pic, i don't know why, but i really like the jaguar green with that duck egg blue shirt hehe
i want a cardie like that :]
the second one is 'interesting', but i really think that the last button to the left being undone is kinda genius or even a mistake. it helps the outfit je pense...
The second picture - WOW. And his vest is just amazing.
These guys look good!! I do like the dress-up shorts look but I draw the line when a matching sports jacket is added to the mix.
Damn, those hot Europeans!
My best,
Pumpkin Man
Overall, the first look is sophisticated yet casual. Good combo. But I wish the shorts were a little more high-waisted and the shirt more neatly tucked into them, and perhaps they should be paired with less obvious shoes. But he is beautiful, and it is his personal style, afterall. That's why it is so hard to critique anyone- because it is a matter of individual opinion and personal taste!
loves the zara forrest green button-up cardigan. its looks better on pictures.
believe the curley blonde is luke day, from attitude magazine, always styling.
I love this look!! Im taking it to the streets of Melbourne this summer... heck its 25oC today.. why not now!?
The blonde guy pulls the look together amazingly.
as a whole look, i love the first casual ensemble.
but the second guy, fantastic hair, great glasses... that's a treat.
the first photo has the shorts sitting at the hip, no? where can i get that here in Canada?
I'm sorry what?...clothes? Shorts? I didn't notice because I was too busy staring at these beautiful men....
Il primo uomo è bello. 'The first man is beautiful.' Think a lot could look good on him, but nice choice even so. The blonde...wouldn't choose those clothes myself, but he certainly seems like he feels comfortable in the look and whilst not personally digging the style, when someone looks natural in their own style choices, you can appreciate it for that alone.
I'm not sure what to think about shorts on male legs... but the guys are quite nice at all...
Great photos and great style - this is how shorts should be worn!
I think men have trouble with fashion chng. They both pull it off and I agree with deja.
Man #1: foxy, clean, modern,totally stylish.
Man #2: trying really, really hard to look like a bratty, overpaid 80's hair-metal guitarist. Not a great idea.
"Spectacular"? In the P.T. Barnum use of the word, I suppose. My first instinct to the blonde chap was to shriek and flee; my second, to explode into laughter.
If these young gentlemen were not so beautiful of their own accord - making anything at least passably attractive on balance - this entire thread would have a completely different take on them.
So many men, so little time.
I am so happy these shorts are making an impact on people. Haven't we had enough of the dirty, sloppy, casual nonsense. Why do we want to participate in the dumbing down of style?
Love love love the first guy's look! The colors, the fit, the proportion, the shoes, all look great together.
I reeeeally like the blonde guy's style! Great!
Whoa. Two awesome pics for men's dressy shorts. The vested outfit is a little over the top, but absolutely wearable some someone with guts - such as this guy.
The top is just perfect, great outfit, great balance and great style. I would wear that without thinking twice.
the blond man's vest short combo along with his early eighties hair looks extremly silly to my eye, but I kind of love it, in a love to hate it sort of way. He really made me smile!
I'm not gonna lie... as unusual as the clothes on the second guy are, he looks pretty cool... it wouldn't work on very many people but he certainly rocks it
keep the shorts coming!
Sart I know you are old enough to remeber Leif Garrett, that photo is such a flash back.
Both looks are gorgeous.
This guy is Luke Day, the fashion director of a gay men's magazine called Attitude, based in the UK. I agree with a previous comment...'It looks as if someone else dressed him.'
Love both of them. The shorts are so chic, reminding me of Marc Jacob's collection (for girls) from a couple seasons ago.
Frampton Comes Alive!
Love the first one.
#2 is stunning!! I love the rocker blonde hair + sunglasses juxtaposed with the refined vest + shorts...the plaid vest perfects the look, imo.
dark haired guy is hot, shorts or not!
French guy looks like a updated version of Michel Polnareff. Trop cool.
its such a shame that most of the men in the US still insist on wearing the grossest cargo shorts ever, when you can see quite clearly from these pictures how great a man can look if he would just take the time to put himself together a bit. Sigh...
Smart looking shorts are really back! Tired of the A&F berms.
I wonder where I can find these shorts in checks...
How I wish American men dressed more like the second man. I'm so tired of men wearing big baggy clothes, it makes them all look fat. Of course, this fellow is beautiful and could get away with most anything. He looks like an angel.
i actually LOVE the afro!!!
most white guys REALLY can't pull this off but he so can :D
length right above the knees...brilliant
length of the shorts are perfect...right above the knees......brilliant
Great looks!Great blog!
Does anyone knows the first guy. I think it's an old friend but i'm not sure....
i love the man in the 1st picture style. so cool :)