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"Stocky" to "Powerful"


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Friday, June 22, 2007

"Stocky" to "Powerful"

A well cut suit can help a man go from "stocky" to "powerful" - I can just hear him telling his tailor "I want a suit that make me look strong like bull"

Also notice his collar and the collar of our friend in the recent post of June 20th "Does It Get Much Better" - they both have a very soft spread collar which is a very Neapolitan styling detail.

This gentleman also has his collar artfully askew - believe me, if you tried to fix is collar he would be pretty pissed.

Comments on ""Stocky" to "Powerful""


Blogger Alice Olive said ... (5:08 PM) : 

He's very cute - like a miniature man! I love the effort to detail.


Blogger Elizabeth said ... (5:36 PM) : 

If the trousers hadn't been narrow, the stocky-to-powerful transition would have been an abject failure. This is perfect.


Blogger moofie said ... (5:57 PM) : 

I am a fashion idiot.

How do you know the difference between "artfully askew" and "just regular kind of askew"?


Blogger The Sartorialist said ... (6:05 PM) : 

I have seen enough guys doing it that I know it was done on purpose


Blogger Doron Abrahami said ... (6:58 PM) : 

Those are some powerful peak lapels.


Blogger Butch said ... (7:29 PM) : 

Another brilliant orchestration--and there must be a god, else collars would forever remain as they too often are nowadays tightly stretched and rigid as if plasticized.

Guys--rigid collars are for dudes (in the traditional sense of the word).

And as long as I'm on a soapbox, can we please stop referring to mature men as "adorable" or "cute"? To do so is, in my opinion, deeply condescending.


Blogger LUX said ... (7:49 PM) : 

Those shoes aren't working with this suit. They tone of the brown in them is a bit too dark.

Other than that... Me likes!


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:02 PM) : 

Impeccable. Now, that much tapering in the trousers is flattering. Anymore and he would be decidedly pear-like.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:20 PM) : 

why can't women go from stocky to powerful? so unfair!


Blogger Paulo A. Pereira said ... (9:16 PM) : 

The suit and shirt are cool but for me its all about those shoes! Killer!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:26 AM) : 

Obviously this man is quite short and has not missed his meals and is well aware of it so he has successfully chosen a suit with narrow stripes which makes him look slimmer and taller.I like his chose of brown shoes,any other color or style would have been a mistake.


Blogger Tereneh Idia said ... (2:10 AM) : 

Anon 8:20 said, "Why can't women go from stocky to powerful? Not fair." I see they can. Just do it. Men have made fat and bald - bold, sexy, how? Do it. The Sapranos!? The Shield!? It is all about attitude.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:02 AM) : 

I just realized that most of our American guys just don't know how to add a hint of playfulness to their dress.

They can do: office drudge or slacker or uptight or sporty or childish or goofball or rocker or geek, but they can't do playful grownup man.

-- desertwind


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:40 AM) : 

Well, he does look quite good. However, to claim he looks powerful instead of stocky is just a nice way of saying that he looks GOOD, but still short and chubby.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:28 AM) : 

I admire the men who know their own type and accordingly appropriate style. For this gentleman's age? wow.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:44 AM) : 

Why would he speak to his tailor with poor grammar?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:07 PM) : 

That color blue and those pinstripes are far more bold than he makes it look.

Makes me want to stop eating well, knowing that the right clothes can make you look this polished.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:24 PM) : 

Now that's what I call Sartorial. Good to see the blog getting back on point.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:50 PM) : 

The high peaks on the lapels are a nice touch. The trouser turn-ups are not to my taste, but he carries everything off so well.
It's all about the clothes, not the physique...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:47 PM) : 

Butch, thank you for your comment. Ditto for mature and/or elderly women--we also are frequently condescended to in the same way. It is, of course, offensive to those called "adorable" as if they were small dogs dressed up, but it is also unfortunate for the young people who dismiss so cavalierly all that can be learned and observed from their elders.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:07 PM) : 

his tailor should be commended.


Blogger Ale said ... (6:15 AM) : 

I know this man, he is a partner of a shop, "Gemelli", in Bari,my city.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:15 AM) : 

It looks like a Bull-Dog!


Blogger Jocke said ... (6:49 PM) : 

Hm. Before you posted this picture I'd never seen anyone with his shirtcollar like that, today however I've seen three different guys with similar collarspread.
Your pics really do inspire people, Scott.


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