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Comments on "Slim Suited p.2, Pitti Uomo"
Love the colors she is using!
she doesn't look as sleek as "slim suited #1"
love the suit color though...
Love. the. shoes.
Love the whole look, actually. It's easy yet sophisticated and the jacket color is fabulous.
Ooo I like everything about it. The rainbow shoes, & especially her darling little laugh.
I don't know about this one. The long jacket and tapered leg - even where it's buttoned. That proportion is all wrong for her. It makes her look like a diamond - little at the neck and ankles, and really really wide at the hips.
I guess this is another case of me not appreciating the fashion because it is not flattering.
Love the color (wine) of the jacket and the shoes...the shoes!
Adorable chic.
Gorgeous! Love to see a woman of a certain age dressing unpredictably, but still appropriately for her age and figure. Beautiful sandals!
the SHOES!!!
i am in love. she does the slim suit without the slim body and it's fantastic.
thank you thank you!!!
fantastic. Thanks for the shot without the latest trend, just great style on a grown up!
Love her! I esp. love the lacy, delicate sandals with the severe suit.
forget the suit. those shoes are genius.
She looks so sleek and then has that cheeky grin! Grat shot!
Those shoes are HOT!
Not a fan of the fit, but the colours and colour mix are gorgeous.
I really like that woman's suit and shoes!
Everything but the shoes...
Dear Sarto, _I'm very happy that you are enjoing your time here in Florence and that you are taking a lot of good photos and givin us a lot of suggestions. Pitti for me means much more traffic, bus on late, nervous people and so on...but this year is different because of you.
So, have a good time!
She is gorgeous, stylish, sophisticated, hip and appropriate.
The suit colors are rich, interesting and flattering. The proportion looks wonderful and reflects the beautiful female form of hips a bit wider than the head and feet. And the shoes add a touch of summer verve.
Not really sure about this one stylistically. She has a lovely face, and smile, but the clothes and fashion statement are not great.
she is so adorable!
She's fantastic! So sweet.
It took several looks before I noticed the pants are same color as the jacket! (I thought the pants were black). Lovely shirt.
The shoes! The colors and patterns remind me of espadrilles and are a great feminizer/summerizer to the suit. They'd be great for travel since they'd go with so many outfits and give each look something extra special. Brilliant.
-- desertwind
this is none other than barbara beryl aka beloved shoe queen of Milan - in the early nineties Barbara came to the rescue providing foot fashionistas with a truly eclectic, colourful and inspired selection
of footwear previously unavailable in the city. this was in the days when there was only one Prada store selling court shoes to les milanese madames.
complete and utter BABE
Idon´t like this one.Ithink the jacket is too shiny and I can´t make sense of her figure because of the loose outfit. Probably she is ok but the clothing is not.Just about anyone could be dressed like her and you could snap a similar photo.
Dear Sart,
terribly sorry, but I am compelled to ask: did you use photoshop on this picture by any chance? I am a bit confused that we can see the bottom side of the wall behind the woman at all points, but in the space between her pants the wall disappears...(and in general, the pant line looks a bit strange). I am not arguing for a "wall conspiracy", but just curious...
Also, thank you so much for a wonderful blog. It gives me inspiration on a daily basis! Ciao!
shapely, nonchalant. the shoes and laugh are great visual end points for the curves.
This is Barbara Beryl. She owns the store La Vetrina Di Beryl on Via Statuto. She is a well known buyer and her store is one of the best in Milan. She is wearing vintage Missoni shoes. She is very stylish and sophisticated. A nice fixture to the Milanese art and fashion world.
i think it's rather unflattering... makes her hips look huge. i can't imagine that that was intentional...