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Comments on "On the Street.......Soho, Manhattan"
This is so beautiful I can hardly stand it. The gallery behind her, the minimalist volume. The little flat white shoes. That dress!
She's amazing! Great style and great look. I love the use of black in summer, very courageous.
such a refined and beautiful figure
she's beautiful, but its hard to tell with all that formless material.
this is just adorable!!!! love the way she combines all the things together!!! the dress makes me dizzy<3
i love the shoes, the dress, all!
I really liked the dress especially the color !
My goss, what a godess!
I love the tough attitude she gives off.
She makes me want to shave my head.
The dress is smashing. The hair - or lack of it - is genius and the bag seems right hiding behind all that black.
The shoes ruin this for me. I don't mind the pale color - it's the shape of the toe. It looks just TOO vintage Nine West. Maybe if she lost the leggings with it because that's such a trendy move and the silhouette of the dress is really so renegade. Not too many women would wear that shape.
Or even could.
I'm a sucker for a shaved head! Love the look!
p.s. When are we going to get to see the new SartoriaLists and Shopping Guide?!!
That´s a lovely lady! I love the way she has combined black and blue with white. Really elegant and her expression fits the overall melancholic impression. Ageless and very contemporary at the same time.
Oooh what a beautiful outfit she looks absolutely stunning - I wonder where she bought it?
Really love the dress,
but dislike the shoes and legging!
They make the dress look enormous with very small legs.
oh, my.
This is the part of fashion I don't get. Yes, she is beautiful, and I appreciate the dress for what it is. But these clothes don't make her look good. They are not the least bit flattering. And the trendiness overwhelms me in a bad way. Lose those leggings and it's a *tiny* bit better. But still not good.
This is simply one of my favorite all time pics you have taken. Just gorgeous!
I don´t like her shoes at all. They look so long. A metallic bronze with a small heel would have made the otherwise original outfit chic.
Have to disagree with the" formless material" comment.
Women don't need to wear garments that hug their body to be beautiful or fashionable. See Paul Poiret, who early last century released women from corsets and bustles. His clothes draped and wrapped women in beautiful shapes and were comfortable and very fashionable. Very curvy women like Mae West wore his clothes.
This dress comes right out of that aesthetic.
She looks fabulous and its called sophistication. Not obviousness.
i looove the shoes. are those lanvin? this woman is amazing, such an inspiration!
Great dress and sweater but not sure about the leggings and shoes though. Perhaps a pinch of color.
This is an amazing picture.
Definetely a "favorite".
*Love* the dress and shrug, not so much the leggings and shoes. Shame - there was an opportunity there for some great footwear.
I just love her attitude, the shaved head is very chic, not many ladies can pull it off, i think she is very cool, i just don't like the tights.
she looks really familiar--is she a model?
Is that dress Bottega Venetta?
if you do a top of the year/season countdown, this would be near the top for me.
I was getting so bored of leggings, but something about the length of the dress makes the whole look so interesting. Amazing personal style.
Love the colour-combination, love the shape of the dress and the present-absence of hair... But for deeper psychological reasons leggins will always remind me of my younger self, hopeless in the gym-lesson... That dress is long enough to be worn without them anyway, and it's summer, after all!
Hell YES. That blue & black with her skin tone! Breathtaking.
The proportions are wonderful, the voluminous skirt on the bottom and the little shrug on the top, the little flats to keep the outfit down to earth. I love it. I love that there are women out there confident enough to not expose as much flesh as possible and still look sexier than every chickie in a micro mini.
She is a beautiful and striking woman, I do admire her hair choice, it really works on her and her posture is excellent. So much presence.
She's so beautiful! I love this look and her attitude. Bella!
perfect 10 i wish i knew her
I love the play of shapes and volume, of her body and the clothes---she's turned herself into a work of art, yet it's an outfit that also works in "real life."
The debate generated by this outfit is in itself a fashion success.
Like others, I'm not keen on the leggings (i just think of them as being uncomfortable, especially in warmer weather) but that is a very minor quibble in the bigger picture. I think her look is inspiring. This is volume done with individuality and intelligence.
This is one of my fave photos right now. LOVE this whole look! I'm really salivating over that dress. Where can I get one like it?
its so feminin anyway!
Stunnnnnniiiiiiiiiggggg.oh my gosh
Wow--beautiful and dramatic. Love the voluminous effect of her dress contrasting with her minimal hair. She looks like she could be a dancer (maybe it's the leggings and flats)...
if i wore this... it would look ridiculus:)
i love it!
i think her shaved head is so empowering! black women look great bald. i think more women (black, white, asian, middle eastern) should go bald! absolutely great find! :)
I love it all -- volume, leggings and flats. It's a nice contrast/companion to yesterday's stylish senior lady!
Is her name Lilith? That's the file name. My daughter's name is Lilith, and I've never encountered another person with this name.
As for the outfit, I love it, minus the leggings and shoes.
Absolutely stylish!!! cool!
this is perfect!
i love it all.
(a side note - the legging trend, which, judging from some of the comments, is tapering off, does not define or motivate all use of leggings. some people wore leggings before the trend and they shouldn't have to stop just because of it. the leggings look wonderful here.)
there is a brilliance to the balance this woman found to cocoon herself and at the same time put forth a strong fashion presence. she has armor that expresses her. hidden and revealed.
a love the versatility, works anywear, evrywhere! lovely just lovely simply!
I'm guessing she's a model? The fashion (as well as personal style/grooming) is easy to appreciate but I can't see myself wearing this.
She looks great! Her dress is amazing!
Love the tattoo on her foot.
Love your pics
Here and on style.com
I am a new yorker with my own style but have to give it to England, paris and sweden.
New York street style. 100 to 500 dollars
Soho shopping American express black card
London, sweden, paris street style
With girls with style this fantastic walking the streets of New York, I'm glad to be in London.
Really carries this off to perfection. Elegant and clean.
Sophisticated, simple, and fierce all at once. Amazing!
black is beautiful...but not in the summer heat!!
she kinda looks like nena from top model - is she?
I love the shape of the dress
I love the gallery in the background
I love the image
but, espescially, I love the girl's eyes. they're just fascinating.
and I love Your photos,thank You for this art (as this is what I call 'art')
I think Claris nailed it when she said "beautiful and dramatic".
She looks so stunning and confident....and that's a great dress.
Just my style. I too have been wearing leggings with all my black japanese clothing and love this look. I absolutely love the dress, kind of Marni-ish and Comme-ish and so fresh and modern. I was wondering if anyone knows who makes the dress she is wearing? I can't place it.
it's cold in nyc today, tricky dressing weather. i felt the urge to cocoon and wear black and navy, too. maybe she wore the leggings to keep warm!
yes! gurrl ! i know ms. sesi thang! she gives style 365 of the year! . wrrk! fashion at its best.
wow, she looks amazing.
She's almost like an artwork.. simply beautiful..
she's inspired me to leave a comment....
That is so right!!!
love everything...the dress..the colors...the flats...some people just don't even have to try and it shows.
she is beautiful and looks absolutely divine in this look which has been totally individualized by her. Very IT.
It's so powerful in its carefree message! Imagine putting on these clothes: the free-form dress, the jumpy leggings and flats that allow you to move quickly! Her personality comes out through her eyes and that inner strength must have been fortified by her outfit. This may not be the most beautiful outfit I've seen on this blog but it's a perfect display of what I love about fashion right now.
wow. that dress.
I love the contrast between the shaved head and the puffy princess dress, simply outstanding!
i love her hair! such confidence and that dress... the loose sillouette is so effervescent for summer!
lol to anon 6:27. just because she is black and balled doesn't mean she's nena from top model :p
Someone said formless. Huh? That outfit is going to drape and billow and waft, and you're going to see her gorgeous figure in the patterns it makes. You can tell, even from a still picture.
The perfect combination of oversized dress, leggings and simple ballerina shoes.
Her shaved head and clean face makes it even more great.
Wow........ This is so unique. Who is this goddess? I love the low hair.
In case anyone's wondering, the dress is from the Lilith boutique at 227 Mulberry Street between Prince and Spring. I was just in the store the other day and was overwhelmed by all the beautiful and avant garde clothing they have. It's a lovely shop.
black is definitively beautiful !
A different kind of beauty.But her look is sweet and natural.
I love her shaved head! So tough and wonderful!
The Frock is quite Fabulous
It takes a very good Designer to use Volume with such effect
This woman wears it well
she has a great Vibe
Cooly Confident
with the stance of a Dancer
Poised and Elegant
ready to Pirouette down the sidewalk...
beautiful. tough and feminine.
The word "dignity" comes to mind.
If my experience is any indication, as a black woman on the street in New York City, if you are adventurous in the body-conscious contemporary style that is so much fun to explore (as the Sartorialist illustrates so well) you are quickly made aware of the ubiquity of men who will speak possessively, without invitation, to women on the street, women they don't know, sometimes following along the sidewalk, usually not threatening but often, if not always, really disrespectful.
To enjoy this city of such tremendeous stylistic creativity and freedom, if you prefer to walk and ride the subway or bus as I do, you have to either get used to men hissing at you, usually from the side as you pass, or behind you, that they like your shape, etc.—as if I asked!—or discover a satisfying sartorial tone somewhere between submitting to this and not showing any shape at all.
So to add to all the positive comments here I must say she achieves this balance brilliantly, and without giving anything up. Wow!
I can't truly express to you how much I love this woman's clothes and overall look. Thank you Sat for finding beauty in so many different types of beauty.
I imagine this young lady would have an absolutely killer smile. Wish she'd shown us - I think it would have totally made this outfit.
Seriously? this is perfect. Absolute glamour.
Thanks Scott for posting this gorgous pic. It is because of you that I now own the very same dress!!!
This woman embodies my personal style and I did know of the Lilith boutique, so when you named the pic "Lilith", I was clued in to the dress' origin. Little did I know that the gorgous woman that you shot is Vicky who works at Lilith! And anyone else who loves this as much as I should definitely check out the Lilith boutique on Mulberry St in NYC. They have amazing things that are literally works of art. FYI, Lilith is a French designer, short for Lily Bareth (not sure of the spelling).
Love the dress and the shrug, but not together. That dress should be about contrasting proportions, and the baggy shrug doesn't do it justice.
something's wrong...maybe the shoes
however I still like the look and the way she glances at you
Lillith rocks!
she's stunning with that dress and also the flat white shoes. awesome. I relly like the dress.
nice dress. I like it !
wow. she's absolutely stunning. 110%.Oh and the dress is nice as well. love the white flats
Can we revisit this? It's excellent.