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Comments on "On the Street.......Rue Saint Martin, Paris"
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This picture is absolutely adorable - her outfit is perfect :)
what a beautifully composed photo!
She looks like a younger Liv Tyler. Must be the lips. Absolutely darling.
i am so completely in love with this page. realli. i send you many kisses from buenos aires, argentina
Nevermind. In the smaller photo, maybe. In the larger photo, not so much. Still darling though :)
Can't see and anjoy the clothes for smelling the cigarette smore.
Sorry Scott - that's the truth - although I know you won't like it.
I feel the same about that the way you did about mentioning anyone's weight.
It's a very cute outfit, but panty hose in the summer???
Yes, yes, yes.
I don't see anything special about her outfit really. She is just a very, very beautiful woman, and it's a fantastic photo to boot.
I'm In LOVE.
I don't only love her outfit but also the expression on her face, the color of her and the cigarette on her hand (not that I'm promoting smoking, it's bad for your health)..
I don't only love her outfit but also the expression on her face, the color of her hair and the cigarette on her hand (not that I'm promoting smoking, it's bad for your health)..
I'm In LOVE.
She looks amazing! I love the contrast of her hair and her outfit. Her glasses was just the perfect accessory to top off the entire outfit!
Absolutely perfect!
i love her hair...the cut, the colour..gorgeous
What a babe! I hope she goes easy on the ciggies.
is she wearing martin margiela cloven-toed shoes? she is adorable...
Gorgeous- best one yet!
gorgeous! a perfect summer outfit.
This is very cute. I think I need her dress for tomorrow. Maybe I should take the hair too...
the hair style and the pair of glasses make the whole pic more perfect~!!! WOW~~~\(*^^*)/~~~
Parisian par excellence: trés naîve
great lighting in the photo...and style
i love her hair
the glasses and the bent knee make the outfit and the fabulous photograph...
I fail to see this one Sart. While others may praise this for chic simplicity, I see a bore coupled with a disagreeable metallic bracelet. If it wasn’t for the cigarette and that glare of shy annoyance I would wonder what made you stop.
Why isn't she holding her bag?
Did you tell her to put it down, Sart?
mon dieu! c'est une fille tres belle.
innocent and yet seductive
Mais, c'est à cause de la cig.
Nice hair, though.
Were I her age and size I´d feel quite free and comfortable wearing this dress.She looks very cute and even cuter would she be without the cigarette.
that is so insanely sexy.
she look great!!
and she's readhead! like me!
She is truly one of the most adorable women I've ever seen
How cute★!!
Now this is what I call a hot librarian look.
Yes, she has a cigarette. Yes, people smoke. Yes, it's bad for the health. Yes, they know it. Yes, it's their business. No, it's not the photographer's business. Get over it people! Stop shooting the messenger every time you see a cigarette (and you are most welcome to post on an anti-smoking blog.)
And poster 9:07: it's downright chilly in Paris right now....
Jaaaysus, Americans, relax. Publishing a picture of a girl smoking isn't PROMOTING smoking... You're being over-sensitive now. Stop focusing on being so politically correct and just enjoy life like the Europeans!
Ps. Love the glasses.
She's very cute, she looks like a doll (except for the cigaret)...Vive la France!
Hmm she takes what has become a clicheic trend (the shift) and elevates it to a classic level. Well done.
I find it very annoying that lately commentors have been focusing more on habits such as eating or smoking than on the fashion itself. It's very condescending.
I absolutely love your work, Sartorialist.
she is super cute.
i'm in love w/ her frames and hair!
Oh la la! What an amazing looking girl. And this is a great photo too.
But can we give it up with the "I hate the smoking" comments? If they didn't smoke they'd all be inside then Sart wouldn't get to take their picture. Since when was being all judgemental about someone else's personal choice stylish anyhow????
angel in disguise
But she looks sad. How can she be sad when she's SO beautiful?
GREAT outfit and wonderful shot...what camera do you use?
She reminds me of Adrienne Shelly- her angles, her glasses, her expression. Beautiful, demure.
Fabulous look! The dress, the tights, the shoes and the glasses make her look so chic. Is it a cigarette? If so, it's the only thing i didnt like it. Nevertheless, it's a perfect look for the "summer" here in DK.
Yeah, she's smoking a cigarette. Get a life, people!
It's tough to balance out a bulle dress. The tights take the summery print to a more serious, arty place.
Choice of shoes is key to this look. The seamless blend and rounded toe lengthen the leg to make for a slim look despite the volume in the dress.
Am still on the hunt for the perfect round-toe, chunky heel black pump myself! (Need one I can walk in as well as look fab in).
Have I mentioned lately that yours is the best fashion site on the whole WWW, Sarto? Well it is.
Perfect Parisienne style.
Few people have faces for wearing glasses, she is definitely one of them.
I'm addicted to your blog.
Thank you.
She really only seems like a refined hipster. She is cute, but the cigarette? the tights? the nearly pretentious expression? Frankly, it doesn't inspire me in the slightest.
LOVE this photo! She is beautiful, the dress is great - but she is holding a nasty grit! UGH! :-( Put it out!
I know this dress she got it from ZARA, for like 40 euros...She did a great job ,she accesorized the whole thing in a sensible way
Représente Paris !!!
I live in Rue St Martin too...
Yet another reason to love people watching in Paris.
As an aside, I'd love to see you take some photographs of the very stylish bourgeouis bohemians of Belleville.
What a beautiful girl. Would lokk even nice with lighter stockings
Beautiful, just lose the black opaque stockings, its summer for crying out loud!
It's Becki Pipette! What a cutie!
Pleasant contrast between the short silk dress and black panty hose. Perfect shoes. Looks comfy, the feeling is... fall nostalgia.
Sexy, quirky, smart - my favorite combination in fashion!
Style is not just what you wear but who you are. So the ciggie makes her unstylish? Vous etes beau mon cheri!
She looks like one of the regular cobrasnake/misshapes/whatever alumni. She's pretty cute,though.
She has a great taste but I guess there's something wrong there..I dont know , must be the tight..
I have a silly question , is that kind of shoes comfy enuf to wear in Paris streets?esp for a tourist cos im in dilemma now for shoes to bring for my holiday to Paris next week, oh I cant wait to go, my first time ever to that romantic city. pls pls help,need an advice on that.cheers
Those shoes are so cute, it looks as though they are really chic mary janes with a slight heel-i've always wanted something like that.
This young lady’s style is pretty suave, an air of youthful rebellion and sophistication. Absolutely beautiful as well. Amazing.
Wow!! Beautifull picture!! I also got her but in another oufit... :)
LOVE it!
People. Shut up about the cigarette.
Also. As we redheads are a rare breed, few understand a unique dilemma that all redheads face. Yes, our pale skin is so lovely and charming on our faces, our arms, our porcelain backs... but somehow, a pair of glowing white pins sticking out the bottom of even the most perfectly selected frock will ruin the whole look. Give her a break; stockings are our only option when we want to wear a dress!
Near perfection. Without the cigarette, she would´ve been PERFECT.
Too bad.
But...she´s still a very pretty girl with a smashing outfit!!
Hm...this would be cute and classy, but the ciggarette ruins it. Love the glasses though.
Very beautiful picture. And I love the cigarette, although I'm not a smoker. But it makes a hand look so sexy. Come on, we're all aware it's bad for health, but it IS sexy all the same.
stunning girl - fab dress!!
Louiissseee t'es trooop bellle !!
love a well-lit doorway shot, very inspiring
Love the dress, the whole look, and I have to say, have you people ever been to France? Many people smoke there, live and let live and lighten up people!!