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Comments on "Fabrizio in Detail, Milano"
looking at this picture, i am sure now that this level of sence of style is a heaven-sent ability. Or do you think, a normal human being would have this great idea to twist the sportshoe-string around the ankle? I find also the combo of the two shirts amazing. Actually the most "ordinary" item on this photo are the pants! Thanks for this shot!
- yes
- yes
- yes
- NO
All I can say is WOW! This guy has really in every sense got the right twist! He just knows how to kick Fashion!
but damn, he pushed it too far with those laces...he was almost perfection.
I love the entire look -- it's very editorial like a page out of a fashion magazine. It is very polished and very well thought out.
But is it practical? I mean, does it take him an hour to get ready to go out?
not feeling the shoe laces. i used to do that when i was little. if they are too long - snip and tuck.
outfit looks good. the details do keep it from being an otherwise plain outfit.
Funny, this is just the opposite of your Carlo Montanero picture. That is clearly a man who becomes one with his clothes as opposed to this guy, who merely stages his clothes. I know which one I'd like to have dinner with!!
It is an immaculate look and he carries it off marvellously, but there isn't even a breath of spontaneity about it which is a shame.
Also, I am really not sure about the laces tied around the ankles. It just feels like he is over egging the pudding...what's wrong with a tidy bow?
wow... i have seen quite a few shots of him on this site and he always looks amazing.
The shoelaces! The little knot on the belt! The fabric of the shirt! I adoooore it! Perfect and interesting.
I like this look, especially the shorts.
It's one of the first time I've seen shorts striking the right balance: Too casual and they look sloppy. Too smart ("City Shorts") and the wearer looks like an overgrown boy scout, or the "slow" boy who was kept back a few years at school.
I really don't like the laces around the ankle though. Reminds me of my daughter going to ballet lessons.
Not sure about this outfit. Least of all the laces around the ankles thing!
this is fantastic
Terrific look with the exception of the sneakers...
No, please. This one is such a "gagà"...too much details for me.
Love it; youthful and casual, yet suave. Can tell he’s Italian by the singlet – to protect from the “colpo d'aria”.
As a foreigner living and working in Rome the contrast with Milan street wear is striking. Milan seems more sophisticated. Rome, on average, seems more flash and show.
Thanks for your passion Sart. You inspire my casual interest in fashion and have made "getting dressed" fun. However, I now have an uncontrollable habit of noticing the amount of exposed cuff.
Looks real nice. I like all the details although I'm not a fan of what looks like a tank under the shirt.
It's Picasso again! Looking good as always.
From turning a belt into a knotted sash and walking shoes into ankle strap shoes, I can't handle him!
It's nice to see him here again and would be even better in real life!
Nice, dude! Nice.
I am out of breath. Almost too perfect. The shoe straps tied around his ankles are the dot on the i.
A Beautifully
Wrapped UP
Just ready
To be Carefully
To Reveal.....
liike, totally love the way he tied the laces
You must be kidding about the laces. As well as looking silly, they would pull all the little hairs off his legs.
fantastic, and thank you for your everyday shooting.
The ankle socks with ankle-wrapped sneaker laces is more than my poor heat-addled brain can grasp.
In all, too fussy--though I do like the slim-shorts.
how about afew pics of peeps sat outside bistros having lunch or drinking latte or have you done this before...cheers
Top !
I do the same with my sneakers !
And also roll my belt but much like Hermès Show of Women 2007.
His scarf effect is really amazing !
"Bravo" !!!!
I'm not to sure how I feel about this look. It's something about the shorts. I do think this look is well put together.
Jack Purcells made out to look like male espadrilles? Seriously, that is just gross. Great outfit but the shoes ruin it for me.
Lovely outfit! It reminds me of the refined pre-second world war atmosphere depicted by Giorgio Bassani in 'Il Giardino dei Finzi Contini'.
PS: I used to lace up my trainers around the akle like this when I was at high school, in the early Nineties :)
the shoelace as ankle accessory does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for me!
he's trying too hard...
He really took a casual look with the shorts and sneakers and made it look very sharp. I love the little detail of the laces tied around his ankles.
Unreal, I lOVE this! It is the "ankle straps" he has created out of the laces that really makes me fall in love with his style. Bravo!
All these details are so perfect! 'love the global look, 'love the details, 'love this charming man!
oh my,
such a good eye for detail..
...would that my legs looked good enough to wear shorts so fashionably. Alas, I am cursed with Ashkenazi coloring best covered by trousers. That is great detailing.
Beautifully done, though I, personally, find the ballet-like laces a bit precious for my taste. It does show great personal style though. All the other details are perfect and unexpected. I would have like a close-up of his face, framed by the shirt and scarf.
There's attention to detail and then there's obsession, but bless him for it.
Wow - fabulous! Even his striped shopping bag adds to the ensemble. I can't get over how well everything fits together. (I have try being slightly more daring in my mixing.)
wow! so well done.
che belo!
so good looking the guy.
His joy in getting dressed makes me happy!
it's all about the details, baby! well done, fabrizio.
Don´t fancy this one. There is too much trying,too many details.He just doesn´t look real.
I'd have to say no to this look...maybe if there was no scarf and the Jack Purcells were tied normally. On a positive note I like the shorts and the belt together!
the shoelaces are a quirky touch
I love this blog so much, but I am about to write my first comment just because I do NOT like something. I may be a bad person. Anyway. What's with those shoe laces? Can't be comfortable when he walks. Everything else is super crisp.
Nice shorts and shoes. Stylish and summery. The shoe laces are a bit of a needless and silly affectation though, I think.
I have those shoes, they're great...don't ruin your look by tying them in this ridiculous way. Everything else, clothe wise is great.
I liked this a lot -- loved the subtle interplay of the scarf, belt and shorts patterns and the great colours, but he lost me at the shoes.
First, that would be so uncomfortable!
Second, it made the whole look seem way too contrived. I applaud the effort to try something new and in theory it could be a kind of quirky take on espadrille ties. . . but no.
The shoe laces!!! I love them! I have a couple of sneakers (Converse etc.) with really long laces and I am going to try this out...
umm... WOW!!
I'm loving the use of stripes and white... fabulous!
wow, this guy has super style! I love what he did with those shoe laces and his belt. Amazing.
Such an amazing ensemble! The laces ruin it a bit, though, by making it look contrived and fussy. Without those laces, it would look as if he had effortlessly thrown together something beautiful.
I love the shirt, but the sneakers detail made me laugh and remind me of my childhood, i'm sorry.
he looks like he had set out that day with the express purpose of being photographed by you
also, he is wearing one of the nicest shirts i have seen. i have to keep looking back at it. the colour is wonderful. is that a diagonal seam on the shoulder or is it just the way his arm is positioned?
This comment has been removed by the author.
The details make the outfit. He's got such a great eye for personal touches. Bravo!
So spontaneous...
quite a nice outfit. love the shorts, but i'm not sold on the way he's tied his shoestrings. we used to tie our multicolored (one yellow, one turquoise) hightop converse in the same way, but it was 1985. then again we also used to safety pin the bottoms of our pants, cause nobody made slim trousers back then, oh now i'm getting nostalgic.
This is absolutely spectacular.
Does this guy have a thing for bondage? Why would he do that to his ankles if he didn't...LOL!
What an incredible outfit. The interplay of horizontal lines in the scarf, belt, shorts, and even the laces of the shoes is so clever, but also subtle and chic. His clothes also fit perfectly. I'm ambivalent about the laces tied around the ankles --it reminds a little too much of feminine espadrilles or ballet shoes--but they do maintain the horizaontal theme, and floppy bows would have spoiled the overall effect.
Very nice! Love the crisp white shirt with that stripe under it. Love love those fab shorts, but my absolute favorite piece in this outfit is that belt. For some reason I'm crazy about the belt!
Good grief!
Look at his attention to detail!
I don't know whether I'd bow at his feet in a Wayne's World "we're not worthy" way. Or runaway through the sheer intimidation caused by his styling prowess.
Either way, I like it.
it was all fine if a wee precious until we got to the shoes/socks/laces combo... you can't be serious!!! i thought my head was going to explode!
Way too studied for me. The shoelace thing is really creepy. Like something a 9 year old girl would do.
Trying WAAAAAAAY too hard (and it shows). And this is so without getting to the shoes (which are . . . shall we say . . . "unique.").
Interesting. That's how I used to tie my pointe shoes.
gorgeous look.
He's incredibly polished and obviously fanatical about details, but he lost me at the shoes.
This is the MOST amazing thing I've ever seen in fashion.
Who is he, and how do I get to know him?
I'm tired of Jack Purcell sneakers. Since when did it become O.K. for grown men to wear sneakers with rubber-capped toes, as if they're about to go to a kick-ball game? I love white canvas sneakers, but I prefer a regular toe.
I'm not quite sure what makes everyone thinks it took him a long time to get dressed.
C'mon people...it's just a beautiful shirt, scarf, shorts, belt and shoes. Seems VERY simple to me.
The thing that stands out about this particular outfit is that his color choices are superb. That shirt appears to be a cream colored...the gray(?) of the socks is perfection with the white sneakers. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic.
Can anyone tell me who this gentleman is ? Billionaire bachelor ? Buyer ? Model ? He dresses like someone who has a very good life, too good, infact (I'm just jealous) Thank you.
My first post. I wanted to comment on this. Amazing look. So clean and polished. Takes guts, not everyone can pull off such a look, in fact almost nobody can. I also like what he did with his sneakers. It's humorous and cute. Bravo.
he's certainly owning this look, however the problem is you notice the painstakingly crafted outfit, versus the man. The laces are a definite no, no, no.
Anonymous (11:23 AM) said...
he looks like he had set out that day with the express purpose of being photographed by you
OMG...Don't we all?? I even have a non-pigeon toe stance that I've practiced in the mirror :-)
Still waiting in Montreal,
One thing nobody can deny: he makes careful and unique style choices.
Not sure about the tennispadrille look, but you just KNOW that where this pioneer has tread, others will follow.
Love the scarf - colour cominations are perfect and the total look and line is amazing, but:
The string round the ankle has been done to death in Europe for some time now - but mostly by girls, not boys. On men now, it is a no-no thing - ballerina's anyone?
What I really do not like though is that the tank top he is wearing under the shirt shows so much.
this is too much for me. too much thought involved and it shows.
He's perfect in every way - I want him!
it had such potential...
the whole outfit is so crisp and springlike or morninglike, whatever. He is an artist. One of your best photos ever.
great shot. nice attention to detail with the laces.
impeccable, save the laces.
I always find my self amazed everytime i come into your blog. So exquisite, so refined, with amazing photos filled with great quality.
I have the same shorts and the same sneackers.. ahah! That's funny.
I admire his whole "I got the right to be me!!!" attitude, but he kinda killed it with the shoelaces. I used to do that when I was 6 or 7.
those shoe laces are maniacal
wow- great read, great site. I'm out on the shoelaces. I cant decide if I love it or its just too much.
WOW. Beautiful!!!
Only the detail!
Preppy with a sense of humour!
Love it!
I bet he's a hoot at a dinner party!
anyone interested in discovering themselves through finding their style is bound at times to get caught up in unecessary details along the way. this is the life of style. maybe the shoelace discomfort/aesthetic/practicality factor ( as worn) is equal to the vertiginous hi heel + minute ankle strap ?
beauty is so in the eye of the beholden.
Bondage sneakers?
Otherwise, grand.
such a serious dandy. so careful. so thoughtful. wonderful.
i love it! i think the shoelaces add just the perfect touch of individuality to his well-manicured outfit
perfect but the trainer socks, every one seems to hate the laces thing or the shoes but they are all amazing. i think the socks ruin it, they are not yet so uncool that they have made a full circle and become cool in a funny way, they are like wearing a fleece!
My first instinct was --yes! But when I got to the shoelaces everything seemed so premeditated that he suddenly looked like a character from a Wes Anderson film. That could be a good or bad thing, but on the whole this look makes me slightly uncomfortable.
This is just excellent, perfect, marvelous. YES!!!!!!
Those collars are beautiful, so crisp!
Fantastic, except those damned laces! I used to do that, maybe 20 years ago? And while I've definitely been known to sacrifice comfort for the sake of good shoes, have you ever walked in shoes laced that way? It's not good.
This is such a contradiction that works beautiful. The scruffy beard yet immaculate pressed clothing. And he has beautiful hands.
He really does seem like a Wes Anderson character, doesn't he? A Tenenbaum tried and true. Great look except for the shoelaces.
delicious. obsessed with this outfit... except the laces around the ankles.
I love how so many people are freaking out about the shoe laces. Genius is in the addition of that one little detail that throws everyone off.
Long live eccentricity!
I love this guy. I think that certain people can get away with just about anything, and he can get away with the socks and shoe laces.
He always looks so impeccably well turned out, with every detail so well thought out (while keeping the whole look effortless) like a true dandy. Beau Brummell would be proud of him!
This is absolute perfection until you get to the shoes, when it tips into "trying to hard." Love it otherwise, though.
I actually met this guy in Milan on the day he was wearing that outfit, he was having "aperitivo" at my hotel, the shirt and shorts look great, but i remember thinking at the time he was really overstyled and trying a little to hard...i was definetly put off by the laces, i found them unnecessary and a littel cheap looking...
I have a problem with outfits that look like it takes hours to get ready in the morning...
I'm afraid that if he moves too much the magic will be broken.
as in Junior del Dongo, right? Is he shopping with the Duchessa Sanseverina's charge card again? I don't know him, but his polite, idealic gaze and fussy, illogical shoe lacing conveys an irresistible resemblance to Stendahls anti-hero Fabrizio.
WOW! All I think is wow! I don't think that i've ever seen anyone being so kind of perfect. Every little detail...! Wow!
he looks like he's trying too hard.i love the spontaneity of styles and exquisite casualness of the other shots on this page though. wish americans had the style i see here. your photographs are beautiful.
Fabrizio is known in Brazil by his styles and skills when it comes to put ideas together to look good. A bit farfetched sometimes but he has a plus in his look. In São Paolo you can see a bit of his taste at "Jacaré do Brasil"
i dont agree with the laces at all, but i do think experimentation is the avenue to discovering one's own style.
the rest is tight.
I'm not sure about this one. On its own each little twist seems great and individual, but put it all together and it just doesnt work. He looks like he just tried too hard and is a bit of a perfectionist. But you gotta LOVE the layered shirts.
his name is Fabrizio Rollo...he is brazilian and editor of the brazilian vogue!!!!
The look is amazing !!!
Lovely outfith !!
Love all these details, but the entire look doesn't work for me. Like he's trying too much
I wanna be him!
I too think that this is perhaps a little contrived - doesn't look effortless enough for me. Love the shirt combo however.
A little too much.
Probably one of the sexiest photos I have seen. Great combination at the neck, scarf and shirt very Cary.
I love the look head to toe and think the laces are great. Great imagination and it doesn't look forced.
the socks are pure HORROR.and why that belt is there? and wahat about wearing short pants in a city(ok,if you're a skater)?
this is trying tooo hard.
Le scarpe: ma per favore... !!!
*simple stylish. love the combination*
not only do the shoelaces look awful, and almost ruin it, but they take the details idea over the top. otherwise, really excellent
simply awesome. i like that casual pants. i really love it.