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Comments on "On the Street.......Swede Fonzie, Sodermalm, Stockholm"
Fonzie was never as stylish or as beautiful. Cool and sophisticated. And great grooming - almost like a model in a photo shoot.
this is allmost too squiky clean. it's kind of scary, and yeah the fonzie refernce. right on the money
Everything about him is fantastic! He looks great!
OK, fellow posters, this is about the clothes...the clothes...the clothes...
Hmmm--a lot of good that did.
Anyway, I love the sweater over the T; the whole ensemble actually. Now if someone could just tell me how I might jump into the Swedish gene pool for, like, forever....
Like Billy Idol, James Dean and the Fonz all wrapped into one...
If only I could take that look and transplant in on a few guys here in Canada. I totally love the rockabilly appeal.
That is just so stylish! Sends shivers down my spine. The clean white t-shirt and the jacket with it's collar up like that. And the hair. Just simply great!
Hmm.. good use of shoulder pads. I'd still avoid this him/her person on the street thought, there's something dark about this guy/girl.
That's a great ensemble. I don't know why but my eye is drawn to the grey - beautiful, clean and simple. Very sculpted overall.
His hair is like a male's answer to Amy Winehouse hair......
That's it! 50's hair should be de rigeur for all the hipsters from now on.
Or is he more the Marlon Brando type, ie Rebel without a cause?
For me the cardigan is what makes the look. A bit unexpected...
great looking drag king!
i think it's a combination of zack morris (saved by the bell) and david bowie..
he's pretty
a simple look, words well. But i wonder would this look good on a non-ridiculously good looking person
This guy is kind of silly.
I thought it was Brigitte Nielsen!
James Dean comes to mind.
Not 100 percent convinced this is a he, but the look rocks regardless.
He's like a Swede Fonzie crossed with Simon LeBon! Heeeeeeeeeeey. I like it.
Der Swonzie
Looking like Fonzie is not a good thing.
ooh la la!
I love the color of his skin. Great shot. His androgynous look is very powerful.
love the cardi over tank, don't like the big shoulders on the jacket or the dreary color pallete. but haven't we all seen a black jacket with grey and white and jeans a million times before, and better? i know i have.
All I can say is (elbows bent, two thumbs up): Aaaayyyy.
How the hell can people comment about this guy being a female? That is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard - HE is clearly a GUY! It always surprises me that when people can't find fault with the outfit they have to criticise the persons looks - probably due to jealousy & the fact that HE'S an extremely attractive guy. The overall look is very simple, very european & his hair totally brings it all together & makes it interesting.
Also, I understand that this is an American website but it is heavily read by Europeans & obviously fetaures many Europeans ... The word 'hipster' doesn't exist in Europe - why do we have to categorize a person? why can't someone just dress how they like without being tagged? especially with such a stupid word ... a word with such little meaning ...
Where's the jacket from?
Where's Ralph Malph!?
Nahh, sorry Scott - like Fonzie - this guy has, in my books, 'jumped the shark...'
pretty. love the vest. he makes me think of billy idol for some reason.
Very "Boys Don't Cry"
Without the scoop neck t-shirt, he would look a lot more manly. It gives him a long narrow neck.
Just discovered this place and I luv it!
There's something about him that brings to mind Stepford wives, or husbands I guess... Regardless, beautiful!
If Marie Fredriksson were ever to marry Morten Harket back in the 80's I bet that's what their child would look like. No guessing on the gender, though... Not my definition of cool, to be honest.
come to asia.
Actually, he looks more like a James Dean because of the skin tone. And totally cool.
i'm with andrea
Strong face - really authentic. Stunning!
*Thud* as my blogosphere cred hits rock bottom...
I meant James Dean, not Marlon Brando. Grrr.
or Matt BROS.
This is stunning. The sharp, elevated shoulders make a strong V shape with the deep neckline of the cardigan and frame his effeminate face. I love the sweater- particularly because it is such a thin knit, and because it is tight over the bulge (or lack thereof) of his abdomen. That, paired with his piercing gaze, is quite sexy. Also, the contrast of his very masculine jacket and edgy hair with his delicate features creates a sort of intrigue about him. On a more minor note, the t-shirt is crisp and white and has the perfect neckline. He is a wonder.
Beautiful photo Sart. As another mentioned, it is the cardigan that really makes the fashion and the composition. The softness of the grey and the fabric is the prefect twist against the hard shine of everything else.
Morten Harket ten years ago. Even the lookalike makes my knees weak after all this time.
James Dean look
that hair! woot!
all i can say is 'wow'!
IDK...but his look resembles storm from x-men slightly...
to me, he reminds me of early Johnny Hallyday.
this is a man who just LOOKS like he has it all,
great photo, great style, fantastic presence
love the cardi with the white shirt. goes well with his olive skin.
OMG! This is Jay Manuel's twin living in the parallel universe known as Sweden!
Love the clothes, HATE the pose!
I really like this and he looks great :)
It's 1986 all over again. Hello, Morten Harket...
he's drop dead gorgeous. great style, exudes confidence. he's got such a strong, seductive gaze.
i think i'm in love...
new James Dean
more like a swedish patrick swayze.
"Nobody puts Baby in a corner."
I hope not to sound too awful but I like men who wear their clothes and have enough character to make the clothes look a natural part of them. When someone gives me an impression of a premeditated hanger, it is totally unstylish and unsexy in my opinion.
I'm french and i love this blog
the picture is for me beautiful
i lovefashion, clothes, models
Thanks for this blog who is great
I know who this guy is, its a brilliant shot. You look great M =)
SO typical Swedish. All the Swedish (well actually Scandinavian in general)guys at my school(internationalschoolsomewhereineurope) dress like that. Everything tight and trying to wear they hair somehow unique/different/special.
But yeah i like this look, it reminds me of Grease.
I love seeing the same outfit on someone else half way around the world. Great Sats think alike I guess? I personally have an outfit exactly like this one. However, I opted for a white vneck graphic tee under my grey cardigan, topped it off with the same jacket (H&M Fall 05). Plenty of people have complimented my sense of style, often assuming I am from England?? I have never been to England or Europe for that matter, so I am puzzled as to why they assume that of me. I live in Ottawa, ON Canada. I agree with Anon 5:33, North Americans often try to pigeon hole a specific look with a name or a place of origin. Yes, I speak with an accent (because I speak 4 languages) and I also have an androgynous face/hair...but I dont think this is why they try to lable me. I guess being "branded" here in North America literally means LABELING others??
un :: be :: liev :: able
puffy epaulets = heaven
He looks very handsome!
One of my favourites...
x Krizia