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Comments on "On the Street...On the Square, Munich"
He is the perfect combination of street and structure. This look really works on him - his body type is perfect for it. I love how the shoes contrast the darkness of his outfit. More guys should take notes on this guy's take on casual streetwear. I love this look.
wow, skinny jeans, converses, military cap, and a military inspired jacket, with, who would ever thought of a messenger bag too! Sartorialist? Or just some cool hipster kid? Like you don't see them all the time?
Who'll be the first one to say:
A young Mick Jagger!
(Like 60 years ago...)
shouldnt you be in sweden by now? are you still coming to stockholm?
And btw, I must namedrop someone who I think is a real sartorialist: Albert Hammond Jr of the Strokes. Always cool retro suits and funny colorcombinations. What do you think?
he's got nice legs...
Severe, but well-nigh flawless.
Have to agree that the outfit seems a bit textbook, though it is done well, even if it is unimaginative.
…Ah to be young and fashionable is sublime. Those skinny jeans can’t get any skinnier whether in Munich, China or Africa.
i think why people say these looks are nothing special is because if you live in highly populated hipster area, you do see this look alot. as i myself live in los angeles and san francisco, i can safely say every person i know around my age dresses like this. But i can understand that this look might not be so usual to blog readers who don't live in these areas.
I, myself, have to admit i come to this blog to look at pictures of stylish folks who aren't in the hipster category but thats because every one of my friends are cobrasnake'd shadowscene'd and nylon'd that it just gets tiring to see the same styles over and over.
So i have to say, I may not be fond of this look but I definitely appreciate the diversity that the sartorialist brings to his posts or else this blog would just be another blog showing one set of looks one set of people as well.
I'm just saying THANK YOU MR. SARTORIALIST. Your blog is refreshing!
No, this guy is a bit more refined than the typical cool hipster kid. And somehow, despite the fact that he's wearing all the cool hipster kid signifiers (stovepipes, Converse, military cap, messenger bag, disaffected stare), he still doesn't look like he's trying too hard.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but how do you go about approaching people in foreign countries?
Do you just say: "Entschulding, Ich mache eine fashion-blog and will ein foto von dich nehmen. Alles ok?"
A Ramone grandson goes to school?
I like this look, but it's a 'don't attempt this at home' proposition for anyone of us who is over 19 and not so strikingly slender! Yes there are loads of hipster kids trying to pull this off. But how many succeed so well?
What's most surprising to me is the care that has been taken with the fit and cut of such casual clothes. They are seemingly unremarkable, buy-it-anywhere pieces, but they fit this young man's body perfectly. I hate to generalise, but the 'American' style of casual dress popularised (and now globalised) by mass marketers like A&F, rarely approaches this level of sophistication with regard to fit - everything tends to be either too tight or entirely shapeless. By contrast, European-based H&M mass marketer provides some degree of antidote, as much of their trendier merchandise consists of styles 'borrowed' directly from the top ready-to-wear collections.
I have proportionately quite long arms like this chap and I've never seen a slim-fitting jacket like this one with sleeves long enough and no puffiness around the waist.
The length of his skinny jeans is likewise perfectly fitted to his proportionately short legs -- probably a bit easier to find wherever he may shop.
And one last thing to note: with that long strong neck, those giant ears, that firm full mouth, and those huge hands, doesn't he resemble nothing so much as a modern incarnation of Michaelangelo's David? There's an elegance to his effortless contrapposto stance -- a balance of stillness and movement -- that is as appealing now as when the Greeks first captured the beauty of ephemeral youth in marble.
It's not about the individual pieces it's about the way he wears them. Yes, many people wear these clothes but they don't have the face, physique and attitude to go with it.
i must be missing it...
hipsterish, but restrained! nice! and he's gorgeous.