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Comments on "On the Street.....Brera, Milano"
oh what a great shot. it looks like he's been working that jacket for a long, long time. great shoes, and a pocket square. its amazing. beautiful shot.
It's also lovely to see a handsome older fella after all the youth of stockholm ... although, I suppose, he is youthful in his own way.
is he Elio Fiorucci?
He reminds me of Hemingway. What a very handsome man; I bet he smells delicious. Loving your work recently Sart, keep it up.
Casual but refined! Classic.
Nice. You're helping to build a new legion of tasteful yet practical bicycle commuters.
Oh, and thanks for bringing the labels back.
Great photo!
Finally am man shows me a reason to roll up his jacket sleeves. I have a few jackets with working button holes and love to undo one or two for a little flair, but I have always wanted to roll them all the way up. I'm going for a bike ride this afternoon.
Your photos always cheer me up.
i live in Brera, in Milan and it's amazing to observe how many old men can teach what is simple elegance with their clothes...i love living in this area, it's full of art students and old stylish artists...it reminds me of paris sometimes.
I really like the puffed up pocket square and exposed cuffs with this look.
WOW! How does one age with such dignity and elegance? The colours complement his skin and the brown shoes offset the outfit wonderfully! So much charisma! Fabulous find and a wonderful shot Scott!
How is he balancing?
When do you go to Japan, Sarto? I would love to see your interpretation of Tokyo..
He looks friggin' great. I love it all - he's all pulled together, but a little rumpled. The hair is fab too.
i like the sock, trouser cuff, shoe combo.
Definitely interesting! I like his outfit, all goes well together, incl. the bike!
if you'd like to see men on bikes visit the bay area, namely ucberkeley. not only will you see your everyday college student on a bike, but a professor as well!
GREAT SHOT! Love it! He looks just like a teacher I used to have.
he is so handsome, i LOVE him! everything is perfect
This HAS to be one of your great shots. He is the epitome of elegance (can I use that word for guys?)! He reminds me of Anthony Hopkins.
In the middle of writing a 20 page final paper...
I love this.
Anyhow, thank you for all that you do.
-- desertwind
I love his bike. Does anyone know what brand?
working bicycle-bags, lookink very natural, real, nice shot
all best
I have to be honest Sart, while this is a nice shot, it is getting old. The whole men on bikes thing was quite fun in the begining, but now its getting quite repetitive.
For Anon 9:08am
I didn't shoot him because he was on a bike but because he is so stylish - he just happened to be on a bike
Just for you, I will try to shoot more stylish guys on mules!!
Excellent ! Is that Donald Sutherland ?
Ah the italians... the only people who love linen for what it is, I mean for living with you and your body, and do not say "it's a pity it crumples" !
there is nothing about this photo that doesn't make me feel good.
I could only dream to look that suave when I get older! Tip of the hat to that chap.
Very nicely put together.
"I didn't shoot him because he was on a bike but because he is so stylish - he just happened to be on a bike
Just for you, I will try to shoot more stylish guys on mules!! "
oy vey. Can you not take an OUNCE of critique? I am shocked you even posted my comment, since it did not explicitly thank g-d for bringing you to this world. To me, the constant bike shots take away from the actual style, all you see is wheels and a basket.
I was joking with you!
More bikes!!! More bikes!!! I love those shots Sart.
This is a fabulous photo. Such a handsome man! His style conjures up thoughts of an approachable Sean Connery.
love the look, shades of donald sutherland only add to the effect. charming...
Wow -- what a fantastic shot on those haphazard Brera cobblestones!
Candid Cool, love you for that comment!!
he looks just like my granpa... ok i lie but i wish my granpa looked like him x
Forget the people... more bikes! Bikes as models! YES YES! ;)
Mr. Fercioni
Very nice photo! Very elegant. Is this gentleman's left forearm tattooed, or just tan?
Is it possible to buy prints of this (or other select) image(s)? Please let me know.
Yes-- I'd swear it's Donald Sutherland!
--One Canadian grateful for Sart
Isn't Hemingway dead? Did he had a twin?
this is an amazing look.
i love the bike, the saddle bags and the lack of break wiring.
the pedal break is a understatement when trying to achieve clean lines.
simply amazing.
Hey, I know him! He is Mr. Fercioni, the most famous tattooer in Italy! He is also a scenographer, with a peculiar baroque taste.
I proudly have a tatto made by him. His studio is very close to the place where the picture was taken.
Such a dream!
He is GianMaurizio Fercioni, the most famous and older tattooist in Italy. He have a great and very personal style!
This is my favorite photo for so many reasons.
Including the wrought iron in background, the well worn (& worn well) linen jacket, and the shoes on his feet, his shoes are perfect & polished!
Great! All in it smells as spring.
He's the best tattoo artist we have in Milan (and perhaps in Italy) and, of course, he's really stylish. P.S. he dresses up like this even while he works. He's one of a kind.
Again, the shoes here set the outfit apart!
Mr Fercioni: THE ultimate Italian dandy and the best tattoo artist in Italy. Glad he made it onto your pages.