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Comments on "On the Street.....Black & White, Berlin"
This set of proportions is so interesting; I love the hair with the jacket and trousers and shoes. The expression on the face, however, trumps all.
She's gorgeous. And no makeup? Women in the US certainly aren't that confident.
Cool hair, an outfit not everyone could pull off but really, it's all about the face.
Love how the black and white contrasts each other but yet works together with the grey which brings out the color of her eyes
i like her cut. it brings out her perty eyes.
but she's not from berlin... she's smiling.
oh how beautiful is she :)
I like her hair. Not too pushed on the coat zipped up like that, maybe it would be nicer open. You take such wonderful pictures. Thanks
my god, man. how nice it must be to be able to take pictures of beautiful women on the street...and have a reason. i usually get into trouble. =)
gorgeous shot. amazing. i cant even remember what she was wearing.
What a beautiful face!
What a beautiful woman! Her beautifully short hair draws you to her huge eyes. Just lovely.
on the more portrait photo, i imagined her is a car wash jumper outfit and thought it would work better...as for the woman, she is very pretty. great finds once again.
honestly, sart, you take amazing pictures of people---for all the non-fashionistas out there, your blog is so cool because of the character you bring out of people in your photos.....i LOVE IT!
oh, and she is dressed very well.....but that's really secondary to your skill as a photographer....
I think this look works well. She looks punk and grunge, yet she still maintains a conservative, casual persona. The hair pulls everything together. Anyone who can pull off short hair--do it!!
she has an incredible presence. also i like the hair cut/color
She is just fantastic! Especially those eyes! Your Germany posts have been so great! Must get there!
oh, the perfect berliner girl...industrial but chic, gorgeous but edgy, 80's but utterly modern...
Sie ist sehr schoen! Und ihre Haare! Ganz chic.
Okay ... that was Berlin-inspired.
She's a beautiful woman. And the haircut basically makes the look.
If I was to be honest, as much as I like her and her attitude, I think that coat is quite terrible. Milk man, lab rat, handyman, all those aren't exactly descriptions that you want to go with your outfit.
i don't know why but i think she couldn't be anything else but german. her face has got a berliner espression!
Not crazy over her outfit but she pulls it off because she has a wonderful face and most with that haircut would look like a male.
It works for her.
Wow Sart, Your Berlin photos are amazing. What vibrancy!
She looks great. Fine style.
if this were wardrobe_remix, i'd favorite this one. it's really a great way to wear layers. and it helps she's beautiful.
WOW. okay, so i don't love the choice of pants - but i want the rest of her clothes and she's gorgeous.
and i think that if there were a style olympics, the germans would get the gold.
Very nice outfit!
That jacket is great.
don't care for the outfit, but beautiful girl.
here's another looker who is wearing an outfit that would be a mess on someone else as would the hairdo.
with a face (esp. the blue/green eyes) like that, she can get away with a LOT of things, not just this mediocre outfit.
im not a big fan of the whites but i think this girl found THE most perfect white outfit in the world. wow.
I miss Berlin... Your pictures do not make it easier for me! I'm so excited about your special for the German Vanity Fair!
amazing face, but i really don't care for the outfit.
This really works. At first I thought she was wearing a white flight suit. Her face is lovely and the proportions are perfect.
I love how the coat with the pants made me think she was wearing a jumpsuit at first. this is very unexpectedly chic.
I just love androgyny!
Her jacket looks a lot like a jumpsuit from the top.
The close up photo is amazing. She is gorgeous.
Very seductive. Evil, really.
As jericho said, love the androgyny, what i really like is the fact that yes she has the androgynous look yet she is so feminine, is this oddly enough because of her short hair? And that jacket, my guess is that it's a dress worn as a jacket which is why it is even cooler, i love breaking rules when it comes to fashion! Good judgment call on this selection!
Does that jacket look familiar to anyone? If anyone recognizes it please spill! I must find one...haha.
Fresh and free and soulful. Love her un-self consciousness. Great outfit and, as always, sart, great eye. I find your taste such a relief. xoxoxo, lady
I like the hair..completely complements the way she is dressed
wowowowowo, wow!!
Black&white will never go out of fashion. I wear it summer and winter! Add some details with extra color, like red or yellow, and you almost can't go wrong!
Lovely photo too!
She's so cute! I want her jacket...
Awesome. I wish I could see more of whats going on below that cool jacket. Her hair cut is wonderful and really helps punk out her outfit. Yet she has a sweet contrasting pixie face.