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On the Street......The Young Bowtie, New York


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Sunday, April 15, 2007

On the Street......The Young Bowtie, New York

Comments on "On the Street......The Young Bowtie, New York"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:33 PM) : 

those mini bowties are nearly impossible to tie; i give myself an extra 20 mins those mornings... kudos for that...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:34 PM) : 

Dear Mr. Schuman,

Quand Paris vous fait la reverence...

You might know this already but after the New York Times,
Le Monde (in this week-end edition) has just reported how fashion-sensitive French have become crazy about your blog and pictures!
I enclose the link and article below for your convenience.

This is my first visit on your bog and I agree with your numerous daily readers from all around the globle!

Please, come to London also! Women's stockings and umbrellas-matching French cufflings enlighten the often-grey skies.
Plus, the Old Island has never been so hot and sunny in April!

Bien respectueusement,

a French girl d'Outre-Manche,1-0@2-651865,36-895714@51-891889,0.html

Des carnets personnels qui veulent démocratiser la haute couture
Un nouveau moyen de décrypter tendances et défilés
LE MONDE | 13.04.07 | 15h43 • Mis à jour le 13.04.07 | 15h49
Suivez l'information en continu, accédez à 70 fils de dépêches thématiques.
Abonnez-vous au : 6€ par mois + 30 jours offerts

lus besoin de s'appeler Suzy Menkes - légende vivante du journalisme de mode de l'International Herald Tribune - pour donner son avis sur les derniers défilés ou les tendances de la saison. Lieu d'échanges et source infinie d'informations, Internet permet à celles et à ceux qui n'appartiennent pas forcément au milieu de la mode de parler chiffons et de décortiquer les looks.

Et de fait, l'interactivité du blog se prête au style. "La mode a quelque chose d'instantané, d'exclusif, que seul le Net peut traduire immédiatement. Les hebdomadaires et mensuels n'ont pas les moyens de publier la dernière information aussi vite", explique Florence Müller, historienne enseignant à l'Institut français de la mode (IFM).

Depuis un an, les blogs dédiés au style fleurissent sur la Toile, et il est impossible de les dénombrer précisément. "Le phénomène est comparable à celui de la bulle Internet il y a une dizaine d'années. De nombreuses personnes se lancent dans la création de blogs et trouvent un public avide de renseignements. Il faut laisser le temps à la frénésie de retomber et que le tri entre les bons et les mauvais sites s'opère naturellement", prévient Florence Müller. Ainsi, seuls les meilleurs blogs seraient destinés à évoluer sur les traces des sites américains, précurseurs du mouvement.

En France, les blogueurs agissent dans un but principal : désacraliser la mode. Géraldine Dormoy a créé, en juillet 2005, un des premiers sites qui fait aujourd'hui partie des plus pointus (

"J'étais passionnée de mode et je n'avais personne autour de moi avec qui en parler. Le blog m'est apparu comme une évidence", explique cette Parisienne de 30 ans. Parmi les blogs du style français les plus consultés, celui de Garance Doré ( arrive en tête et revendique près de 2 000 lecteurs par jour. Cette illustratrice parisienne agrémente ses billets de dessins de mode qui se démarquent des photos des autres sites.

Mais en France, on est encore très loin du ton journalistique professionnel des fashion blogs américains.

Diane Pernet, une célèbre styliste new-yorkaise, jette son regard acéré sur les dernières tendances (, tandis que Cathy Horyn, rédactrice mode du New York Times, pose un oeil avertie sur les coulisses des défilés et du monde de la mode (

Et s'il est un blog que tous plébiscitent de New York à Paris, c'est bien The Sartorialist ( "Il est aussi frais que bien informé", déclare Cathy Horyn. Au gré des défilés, son créateur, Scott Schuman, photographie dans les rues de Paris, Milan et New York les looks qu'il trouve chics. Peu de texte et beaucoup de photos, le tout traité avec humour.

L'ampleur du phénomène est telle aujourd'hui que les maisons de mode n'hésitent pas à "draguer" les blogueuses en leur envoyant des produits ou en les invitant aux défilés. Elles gardent pourtant de la distance. "Bien que les services de presse me sollicitent, je reste maître des informations que je diffuse et partage", assure Garance Doré.

Alors qu'aux Etats-Unis, le marketing fait partie intégrante des blogs de mode, en France, ils ne sont pas encore devenus le reflet des magazines spécialisés et restent, pour l'instant, des journaux intimes du style.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:58 PM) : 

Ralph Lauren will be proud of this interpretation!


Blogger Butch said ... (5:04 PM) : 

Clever guy! Playing the elegant against the casual: the small, neat tie and unironed shirt; the trim (actually, a bit too small for him) jacket against the pants with their wonderful color splotches and fraying. Good show!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:17 PM) : 

Methinks someone had an unfortunate run in with a paintball gun...


Blogger 'signorina' said ... (7:06 PM) : 

I like the detail of the paint splotches but - at first glance - they are somewhat awkwardly placed...

I did a double-take, and not necessarily because I was looking at his tie.


Blogger Daniel said ... (7:08 PM) : 

Those pants just don't do anything. It's an odd combination, and I'm not sure I really respect anything aside from the neat little bowtie.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:15 PM) : 

I just died and ressurected. I LOVE this!


Blogger bicicleta said ... (7:46 PM) : 

I'm curious - what kind of shoes is this man wearing?


Blogger Elizabeth said ... (7:50 PM) : 

Usually a bowtie renders one ancient-looking, or at the very least, bookish. Not here.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:33 PM) : 

Ralph Lauren head to toe (don't know about the blazer buttons though). I think he should have opted for a nice pair of horn-rimmed or circular-framed sunglasses over his Miami Vice style Ray Bans.


Blogger Ms. Laaw-yuhr said ... (10:04 PM) : 

Usually I loathe the khaki-pant-blue-blazer with look. (It might have something to do with the fact that it was the uniform of the security guards at the museum where I used to work.) This guys makes it look great. It might just be the old cliche that an attractive person can look good in anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:51 PM) : 

I think the reason it works is you have that unexpected contrast of a beefy guy in aviator sunglasses wearing what you might call a bookish ivy league blazer and bowtie combination.

It's a refreshing juxtaposition of unexpected elements, and hints at a confident sense of style.



Blogger Misterparticular said ... (10:51 PM) : 

Is it me? Or is this shot really all about his cheekbones?


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:57 PM) : 

the jacket is not too small for him - a fitted or even snug waist is great on men (who said the "saque" jacket had to really be a sack?) - it would only be too small for him if it were bunching or pulling at the shoulder or underarm. i think it fits nicely.

he looks like a normal guy trying on a cute outfit instead of a fashionista who is simply a mannequin for a hair/makeup/outfit/accessories matched from an editorial.

which we might need more of, no?
we we might need more of, no?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:42 PM) : 

Anyone have a take on the fit of this blazer? I know that the new Polo Ralph Lauren men's ad campaign features such a style. You can really see the influence of Thom Browne especially in the lapels (they seem to get narrower each season!). I still respect this man's sense of style, though.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it makes no sense to me to sell clothes that are a size or two too small. Let me ask any private-schooled guy out there: Remember when you outgrew your nice blazer (navy or otherwise), but your parents wanted it to last the rest of the year? Did you take pride in your blazer when you had to avoid reaching out or bending your arms in it? That what I thought.

If you aspire to be, or are, a true sartorialist, you should be relaxed in your clothes, instead of worrying about their fit every second. Clothes should move around you, not the other way around (and I mean that in a literal and figurative sense).


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:21 AM) : 

wow, this picture was total déjà vu, I was at a bar in upstate NY last night, and a very similar looking guy had literally an identical outfit to this. (khaki, blazer, small bowtie) Although this guy pulls it off MUCH better! I agree about the pants splotches though, its a no go for me.


Blogger Asi Mod said ... (12:33 AM) : 

Love the look! This is a perfect balance of a little hip and hop. The bowtie and suit are preppy and the unshaven look and sunglasses are hip.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:10 AM) : 

sorry, but a bit contrived...


Blogger Janets Planet said ... (1:22 AM) : 

Ooooh! Painter!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:23 AM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:41 AM) : 

I am all about this guy! He looks great. He's got to work for RL.


Blogger Last Day Emails said ... (3:04 AM) : 

Wait, those are paint splotches on his *pants*? I thought that was his hand (with inexplicable paint splotches) under his jacket and tucked into his pants pocket? In any case, I love the bow tie and how it juxtaposes against his sorta mean expression.


Blogger Anna said ... (3:36 AM) : 

I really, really, really, like this!
The bowtie, the paint stained pants. The child inside the man is taking over!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:09 AM) : 

Do those mini bowties simply come shorter, or do you somehow tie them differently?


Blogger Cut of cloth said ... (6:21 AM) : 

Hobo Chic
An Interesting and Humorous Combination
A sideways look at
Boffin Hunk
Great show and tell get up
to get about town in...


Blogger Pop It Alex said ... (8:21 AM) : 

it´s great and chic i adore him


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:57 AM) : 

This look may be unusual for NYC but he looks like most frat boys at southern colleges going to a football game or fraternity smoker. Very cool.


Blogger will anderson said ... (9:22 AM) : 

does it work? only if he really didn't care if it did or not. depends on this guys intention. personally, i think all the open space around the tie, with that tiny collar is odd against the shape of the jacket and the loose fitting chinos. without the just have another guy in a blazer and distressed pants. he probably gave this less thought than we have. if works.

good shot.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:26 AM) : 

The proportions of what seems to be a small bowtie on a broad shouldered man seem odd.

Let's not even talk about his crotch area. It confounds.

Points for gusto, though, I suppose.



Blogger Susanna said ... (10:27 AM) : 

This looks like half the guys I went to college with. We had a dress code, which meant shirts and ties for men. However, the student body was kind of crunchy so it wasn't unusual to see a guy with beat-up khakis and a bow tie.

I've visited since graduation, and male students still dress that way. Take this guy and plunk him down in the middle of Sewanee, TN and he'd look right at home.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:29 AM) : 

Polo Ralph Lauren
always looks good...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:30 AM) : 

Polo ralph lauren
always looks timeless...


Blogger hoi polloi said ... (11:42 AM) : 

mmmmm... I don't know. Something about that blue blazer and khaki pants is too Ralph Lauren preppy for me. That look can never be done tongue in cheek when its currently being worn seriously by so many


Blogger fashionnerd said ... (12:39 PM) : 

have always loved bowtie.... bowtie and aviators?? i like it... :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:01 PM) : 

maybe a bit too contrived but an A for effort.

My opinion is that the jacket is not as much as too small as it is too short. No matter what the fashion, when the button is so high to show 5 inches of shirt and belt underneath and the length of the jacket stops 1/2 way down the zipper of the trousers, it is not flattering...


Blogger dav said ... (3:16 PM) : 

love it although not sure i could pull it myself, yeh when are u coming to london, we're offended my your absence!


Blogger Caroline Bingley said ... (3:50 PM) : 

The ability to easily infuse one's carraige and fashion with their unique personality makes great style. His collage of irreverent prep certainly adds to this man's presence.

I would do a double take too!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:50 PM) : 

Do not care for this look at all. I don't know if it's the shades, or the facial hair that's throwing me off. And as for the chinos, bad idea. The paint splatters or whatnot just look sloppy to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:11 PM) : 

This gentleman looks too big and tall for his jacket...or the jacket too small and short for the gentleman. Who knows?
The rest is OK, I guess he is young and with good looks so he can wear what he wants and still look acceptable.
Closer to J Crew than R L though...


Blogger Unknown said ... (7:29 PM) : 

He looks like the seniors at my prep school, paint splotches and all, except it's dried clay from ceramics. The paint does indeed look a bit contrived and poorly pulled off - that said, the unkempt, nonchalant look only works until a certain age. I like the bow tie though.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:45 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:57 PM) : 

I'm fine with the look from the waist up. I'm actually a great fan of Polo overall. The pre-weathtered, pre-splattered khakis, however, are another embarrassing effort from RL to sell bohemia/Old Money/whatever to the suburban shopping mall set. Sort of his version of "Jackson Pollack wore khakis," like The Gap did several years ago. More costume than clothes.


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:21 PM) : 

He looks good.He looks o' so neat on the top with his bowtie,casual shirt, and jacket.But then on his pants a splash of paint...somewhat artsy.


Blogger aj said ... (12:58 AM) : 

i'm pretty in love right now.






Blogger Carlene said ... (9:00 AM) : 

I like the scruffy/bowtie/aviator combination, but this guy looks like one of the guys who used to bark at me from their frathouse when I walked by. Good times.


Blogger noobliss said ... (11:35 AM) : 

i love everything about this


Blogger Zélia Pinheiro said ... (5:06 PM) : 

Wow... great look... preppy meets relaxed... the aviator sunglasses suit his face perfectly.
great choice.
know you have a faithful reader in lisbon, portugal.
keep up the good work!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:09 AM) : 

Wonderful. Edgy, American Trad. One can only hope his style catches on as fashion.

American Trad


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:47 PM) : 

Forget about the tie, he is well put together and might I add, damn sexy.


Blogger Stratos Bacalis said ... (6:21 AM) : 

He manages to make something boring look amazingly interesting!!!!


Blogger Katrina Martiani said ... (8:26 AM) : 

I will say this: I love the notion that a young man in the US would go for this combo and not make it look like he's a preppy asshole; there are a few too many people in the US who wear this combo and manage to bring the word "arshole" to mind. However, I don't like how the jacket fits - it's way too small in the torso length, yet too broad in the shoulders. I can't tell if he got it all at a thrift store, which is great, and was going for a preppy look on a budget, which is also great, or if he bought this all off the rack from RL like some of you are suggesting. Which is just bad. If he's going for ironic wrinkled-messy-faux-prep-art-boy on a legit level, LOVE IT. If he bought it all, NO.


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