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Comments on "On the Street.....The Fashion Student from Antwerp"
Cute jacket! It looks, however, like she's wearing the headwrap towel from Sephora.
Hair scarves are an art that even I need more practice with.
Not many people know how to make wellies look elegant... This must be the first person I've seen who ever really pulled that one off!
When did you visit Antwerp? You should've visited The netherlands too. Then, you could laugh your behind off because of the I-wanna-be-so-hip-and-i-wanna-be-a-celebrity-style we always wear.
That's not my style though...
Very nice; love the headwrap and jacket! She looks so comfortable and the proportions really work
I have that coat and get soo many compliments on it. I never would have thought about belting it like that. It looks great on her, but definitely wouldn't work on my hips!
Excellent coat! She's really beautiful.
But not loving the head wrap...a little too similar to how one would wrap her hair after a shower.
Where was this shot taken?
The turban...
love the mix of the cutest jacket, comfy boots and the afro turbant.
she mixes identity with trend
Cana anyone tell me where her coat is from?
this is amazing. absolutely beautiful.
Great coat! Any ideas on where it's from? (kiki, I'm looking at you...)
Like the belted coat, looks almost like a dropped waistline, but when I looked closer I realized it was where her normal waistline would be.
Looks like Prada's turban has started a trend.
All of the talk about the turban reminds me who once my landlady showed me how to tie a turban. She collected them from North Afrfica. I guess there are many ways to wrap a turban. I am loving this way because it seems very effortless to her and looks neat and functional. In short, it does what a turban is supposed to do.
Loving the whole look, and her stance.
The word verification says, miccriff"
the coat is h&m, and black women have been wearing head wraps since our ancestors did and still do in africa. get real!!! y'all need to quit with the ignorance.
wow, she's so lovely!
i really hate how there aren't enough cool clothing for men here in the USofA.
maybe i'm just not looking in the right place…? but it's always slack, shirts, sweatshirts. the women's fashion are amazing and they have so many different things.
but for me, nada!
loved it the first time i saw it... still love it now
ekene: i think we all known that afroamerican women use turbants since your ancestors. Of course prada did not invent turbants. and that is why, i think, we all appreciatte the look: cuse she mixes with great balance her cultural identity with a really really cute jacket!!!! and that is what makes her shine
You've got to love the turban/wellies combo.
Love the jacket and I think that she is absolutely gorgeous. However, the whole outfit is just not good. If she had picked a different fabric for the head scarf and slimmer boots then maybe. But that coat needs a skinnny bottom half to work and she's just missed.
Antwerp + turban = Girl with a Pearl Earring
she looks great, i never look that good in my wellies.
Is she a girl from Antwerp studying in Paris? Or student from Antwerp visiting Paris?
She's so cute and reminds me very much of Antwerp friends who went to the Royal Academy there (lo these many years ago now...).
Side-note: I love Antwerp and recommend people touring Europe add it to their itinerary. Arrival by train!
-- desertwind
i have that coat. i love it except it pulls easily. and there's a matching skirt?
i love her skin colour
just beautiful
Yes, its H&M- I'm a bargain hound. I think it was only $79 and it has a great swing shape when not belted like this.
love the jacket and the boots.. hopefully i could find these boots in the philippines.. been looking for one..
Blaise, I think she got them from Zara. They sold the exact same pair in Rockwell in December 2006. :-)