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Comments on "On the Street.....That Mix, Soho"
Interesting look, I like the scarve and the boots very much, also the use of color. But I'm no so sure about the skirt.
So perfect. :)
very bold, idiosyncratic, but still ordered (ie the green gloves, scarf, shoes).....love it.
She looks so hip; it would seem that shopping at Tabot's is incongruous.
let's not forget that fiery shopping bag..
That's a zebra stripe.
I'm 95% sure that's the Diane von Furstenberg Antonia dress. Well done.
I think it's great that this outfit is bold without being overdone. Some people (shudder) would pair the zebra skirt with neon pink or a hideous green. The way it's done here, the skirt is the main piece, even with the purple color of the tights.
I don't actually think it's a skirt. I recognize the print from as a short sleeve Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress.
i don't think that's a skirt. i recognize the print as a short sleeve Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress.
who's the girl in the background?
Again with the uneven sleeve lengths...
Love the mix of pattern and color! And the proportion of the jacket/sleeves is great.
how come you don't call it a zebra-striped dress?
she looks amazing. this time of year people look strange, is it winter or is it spring? and she looks perfectly comfortable in the confusion
based on your work, it seems that every girl-in-the-know in New York City owns a mega scarf. where are these girlies getting them?
I like everything on her except the zebra skirt.
I absolutely love the pocket in the scarf. How cool is that?
Wow. Great mix, really well done.
I never want to look like someone else. But in this case I'll make an exception. How lovely. How interesting. How fresh and unselfconscious! Fab, fab, fabulous!
it is in the proportion - shorter sleeve revealing length of covered arm then khaki gloves; shorter skirt revealing length of covered leg then khaki boots.
This eclectic look really works on her - she combines cosy, comfy and mod perfectly.
And I love that her boots come up to (what I consider) the perfect height on her shin - the boot height vs exposed knee/upper leg ratio is very important. Get it wrong, and it can make one look a little stumpy!
Very nice color scheme: olive, navy with graphic black and white. The 3-quarter, raglan-sleeve, cropped jacket is particularly chic; almost looks like a capelet. The scarf looks tediously tied though and it covers too much of her pretty face.
Fabulous scarf!
Great it has a pocket
what a fabulous idea
cool pic and catch soho fashion of london its fab
she's my kinda gal. fearless.
She is awesome! Pure superstar with that.
Everything together does look fabulous. The skirt is such a standout.
Great pic.
Cosy for the day to day walk,or
a nice change from the normal work
Love, love, love this mod look...
One has to have that "special instinct" to put a look like that together sucessfully - clearly she does!
Zbera?? How apprapo! How darling/daring can you get.
Now this is something that theoretically shouldnt work, but it really does somehow. I love it, especially love the scarf, definitly going to attempt to find something like it for the winter!
This is perfection...fashion sprezzatura: it looks absolutely effortless and yet you know that this outfit could never just happen...I am in awe.
perfect new york cool. this look is so good I could even see it in san francisco!
This is too wild for DC but great for NYC.... who's the young lady...WOW
the look would be nothing without the zebra print
She looks elegant, modern and groovy. The demure navy and khaki make a perfect foil for the wild and wicked skirt, and the proportions are superb. So self-possessed! I bet she had an excellent time the day she wore this concoction, quite apart from having the Sart bail her up and immortalise her.
wow i love this outfit...love the fact that the zebra stripe dress is the stand out...very well put together