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Comments on "Mr. Fabio Borrelli"
A very nicely cut jacket with a la mode trousers--shorter, tapered. Like the shoe choice, too.
Why do the pants legs seem so skinny?
What a great Napoli style bespoke suits is! Furthermore, I like his way of sliding the bottom-side of tie a little bit, which makes a touch of subtleness.
Very shi shi
Brat Pack Suit
Frank Dean and Sammi
Would be proud!
Italian men! Enough said!
He looks quite sharp, but I find the slimmer, almost-cropped trousers a little unbalanced with such a wide lapel on the jacket. Anyone feel the same way?
beautifully fitted!
Is it just me or do Italian suits make their wearer's heads look big?
Otherwise very nice, just not crazy about the shoulder shape.
I love the narrow leg openings; it pairs off well with the lack of shoulder padding. Is his watch on the outside of his shirt cuff? It's hard to tell from the shot, but if it is, I like it.
the suit really suits him, but dont you think he should have chosen black shoes?
There are some interesting games being played with proportion here. Let's hope that we don't get caught up in the comments with yet more narrow-minded does it fit or doesn't it. I like the look and he carries it off confidently and well.
He looks all right. But I don't think the slim fit cutting pants work for him.
The narrow trousers actually go well with the not-so-short jacket. The pants are balanced out by the volume in the jacket.
The pants aren't cropped, when you have a 15" cuff, they are supposed to be shorter than the 18" pants...
He likes wide lapels....works for him though.
His breast pocket looks a little low, doesn't it?
Jonathan: one of the great things about this blog is the open, friendly tone. Please don't use snarky epithets like 'narrow-minded'; we're all just giving our opinions on the clothes and the style of the wearers, not each other.
The narrow pant, my absolute favorite.
Mr. Borrelli is famous for his shirts, but in this photo, its narrow tie is very beautiful!
Anonymous: the problem I have with the comments section in this journal is the frequent lack of a friendly tone, in fact it can be downright judgemental much of the time. So many lovely looks are completely, and sometimes rudely, rejected over minor matters of cuff length, shoulder width. Sartorialist's approach is one that I would prefer, to try and see the overall good in a 'look' and to be interested in variety, not to blindly reject through adherence to some imaginary ideal. I've got no problem at all in discussion of the detail though. I'm tempted to stick with 'narrow minded' but, as it has caused you offence, would, instead, describe the attitude I was describing as a case of not being able to see the wood from the trees.
I take your point about not criticising each other - though I've seen examples of that too - but, unlike you, wasn't criticising anyone in particular, just a generally dismissive approach.
The lapels should be narrower. Otherwise it looks 'top heavy' to me.
he's empeccabnly dressed but somehow his hand gesture hints that he wasn't so comfortable when The Satorialist took this photograph.
sharp look. id go with a slightly narrower lapel to further the slim silhouette
he looks great. i saw the picture, i read the comments, and i looked at the picture again. everything looks great to me. the wide lapels look sharp. so do the slim pants. i did not notice either the first time -- instead i admired the suit color, shirt color, tie choice, and linen tv-fold square -- so understated -- so classy. less is more here.
Should the question be whether or not Italian suits make ones head look large, or if other suits make ones head look small?
what a beautiful proportion of lapel to lapel and then again to collar. nice to see someone wearing it so comfortably.
i really want to like it, but it just isn't quite right.he seems a little top heavy - could it be the soft-shouldered cut of the jacket? the shoes don't look right either. having said that,i really dig where his head's at and that he's prepared to experiment.