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Comments on "On The Street.... Fifth Avenue, NYC"
I love those boots.
That's sick.
I want them.
Pity. The YSL site (www.ysl.com) is a complete nuisance to navigate.
On second thought, can this look not be co-opted with dense textiles 'n buttons over shoes?
OMG! Like a modified jean jacket sleeve. Or leggies with pom poms!
Methinks there's a trip to a thrift shop in my future.
Love, love, love the boots. Especially the overhang detail. I just wish she was wearing a different bag instead of her YSL bag. Maybe she works for the company. I've never seen that boot before. Perhaps a sample that never made it to production of is it in an old boot, pre Stefano?
I love the boots and I like how the buttons appear to be similar to the ones on her coat. I also like to see people unafraid to mix black and navy.
Those boots are awesome.
Love, love, LOVE the overhang!
these are the most beautiful shoes i have ever seen. sick indeed.
Damn, they are hot. Looks like they are tailored, it looks like a symbiosis between the legs and the leather ;-)
i covet those boots!!!!
Ordinarily, I think I would hate the boots, because usually some fashion victim or a slutty starlet would be wearing them with some barely-concealing-the-ladyparts outfit. But she looks fantastic - very understated and tasteful. Fab!
deng. she really knows how to rock that hardware. sassy.
oh jebus, i'm green with envy.
; )
she screams "here I am all clothes"
This picture is so beautiful, I love her boots!
haha, i'm just laughing at the fat dog in the background :)
That mischievous expression of hers puts this into a whole different dimension. Great!
Shoes and ALSO BAG !!! Stefano Pilati is in the Sartoria page !!!
Nice smile !
I passed in front of your restaurant rue Bonaparte ! he is reopen !!! Nicest from ever !!!With curtains of bestest quality !
Great outfit! Everything. It's interesting that from the neck up she seems like she should have a different style. Kind of like a hip, cool Alice from the Brady Bunch.
Navy and black...wonderful with that swirl of dark hair. Cheeky done all grown up and a beautiful 1950's movie star figure too boot.
I think those boots are Anthropologie for something like $500
Oh, I love her, her outfit, her smile, her sassy boots! So chic, she seems like a sharp, fun, smart girl.
If I see her in those boots, I'm going to knock her down and take them.
This is overdone for my taste. The boots will all the buttons, the huge belt buckle, the busy belt, the black everything with the blue coat. I don't know, some of these are fine, but all together? Overdone...
I love navy blue and black together - I combine these colours a lot but was told it was a fashion no no...great boots - they look hot!! love the bag too!
I'm not normally a huge navy blue + black fan, but I'm being persuaded...
ooh I love the dress and the boots.
i love her boots.
never thought i'd see a day when button up boots would make a come back, but i'm so glad they did!!
Definitely a bit too much going on all at the same time. To keep the look understated she needs to give me her boots and her bag pronto. I'm willing to take the navy coat also, such is my unselfish, generous nature.
To: hoi polloi
From: mltt
It is wholly inappropriate for you to taunt us in this manner as Anthropologie is not currently carrying these boots.
The closest they come right now is their "Swingshift boots" and "Long John Leather Boots" (although the "Vellums" that are on sale look oh so cute).
Frankly, I'm with jkrnyc on this one.
The boot bottoms look like the breeches that were part of miltiary uniforms of the 18th century.
I think she is the cutes thing i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know who she is, but I love her.
I love the boots, the belt, the curve-loving dress and coat. Love the expression, the personality and the whole package. But I don't think that navy is the greatest color on her. As one of the other commenters suggested, I could take that coat off her hands, you know, as an act of generousity.
What i also love in your blog is the fact that you can recognize a lot of places around the world. It's funny to see in pictures places that you've visited or that you know very well because you live near them!
5th avenue is very famous ok, but i've walked so many times exactly there it brings me back there when i see this woman (could be me, we have the same YSL patent bag!!)
What a great coat.