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Comments on "On the Street.......Via Verri, Milan"
the matching scarves are supercute! it's a little pretentious to wear scarves and then a thin open neck shirt (the man), but hey. at least he's not too hairy.
a cute couple in any case.
oh my goodness. if they are a couple, they are the most perfectly suited couple.
great shot!
beside the fact that this outfit on the lady is amazing(love the layering with the belt and acccessories), her hair is even better.
I like the cable on his sweater sleeve and the similar pattern of the relief on the wall.
very femuline. but what can i say, the gentleman looks good. i need some chest hair.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Grown ups who will never be "old".
who are they and can we meet later for a bottle of wine and dancing? Fabulous!
She is adorable; great proportions, fun yet classy look. Not digging her hair color, but her pallete is a great use of neutrals. He's pretty hot himself, but I can't abide by such feminine style on men. Unfortunately my tastes are too heterosexual. Aesthetically I'm loving his squishy sweater. If he were to ask me out, however, I would decline based on his sleeve length and belting. Ah, romantic taste.
i love his sweater.. Club Monaco.. it sold out in my size before i had the chance. a brilliant couple nonetheless
Well, the height difference, yet similarity of pose (and dress, to a degree) is a treat in itself.
He's totally, playfully original. His long, long scarf somehow both emphasizes and counters his height; the bare skin at the chest top contrasts amusingly with the heavy sweater, into which his hands have disappeared...
I've never seen anyone make that Club Monaco cardigan look really stylish. Somehow this guy does it!
I'm in love with this guy! I think he even looks better than her! very sexy, love the open shirt and the sweater, the shoes, the belt! just everything! perfection super fashionable!
Nice couple...LOVE HER.
i love this couple, matching colors and shades - she is super pretty and so nonchalant elegant and he's the better Beckham with his cardigan!
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Shouls I get my oversize sweater out of the mothballs? The open neckline and scarf plus belt does look a bit much though. The knit pattern though is amazing, I love cable sweaters.
very sienna miller/jude law
Her: Gorgeous hair, smile, look. She reminds me of an Egon Schiele painting.
Him: Very nice man-decolletage. Not a fan of that particular belt with that cardi...a looser, softer, lounge-ier tie belt might be quite nice, though.
the girl looks adorable, the dude looks like a chump.
they match with is cute for her, but in his case...
cute photo though
These two look like a perfectly matched couple. The man's outfit is perfect on him I think alot of guys couldn't pull it off that well - if at all.
his look is decidedly too feminine, but hers is perfect. i don't care for a boy who dresses like i do.
yikes. that's a lot of chest on a guy. apparently I'm in the minority here though who doesn't like the look so it must be my midwestern prudishness. I like his friendly smile though.
Wonderful-looking couple. Their clothing choices are interesting and really suit them and they look so at ease together.
her outfit fits..
his outfit not
They look like a male and female version of the same outfit :p It's cute.
they look great together - obviously a pair but not too matchy-matching, like a previous nyc couple posted. the belts w/sweaters and grey coloring complement each other. his belt isn't quite right for his sweater, but that makes it even better. if it was right on then it would be a little too metrosexual for my tastes. the brown shoes are right on. they look relaxed, confident and happy - that's style in my book! i like a big sweater on a man, personally, though i can't get my husband to do this look. i'll admire from afar....
I don't know where to start... the scarf? the sweater? the shoes? the sunglasses?
That guy really knows his stuff.
this is now my computer background i love it and I want that mans sweater [:
yes, they're pretty, they're technically well dressed -- but for some reason i'm bored and uninspired.
She looks adorable and angelic, which only further emphasises how sloppy and unattractive her male companion is. I dontt mind the chest hair cleavage had it been framed by a simple v-neck tshirt, but that pyjama shirt under that oversized cardigan and the unnecessary ridiculous belt... Jude Law he is not.
Prom king and queen!
It's interesting to see men in sweaters that look like they were borrowed from a girlfriend. Usually it's "the boyfriend sweater" being borrowed by the girl. You posted another couple the other day that also had the same vibe. It's kinda cute and sartorially-liberating!
I think these two are totally magical. I was focusing on her at first and was liking it in basic way, and then I refocused on him finally, and.. just, WOW. He pulls it off, I love it.
Fantastic looking couple-the girl in particular has such an endearing look about her. They may have spent simply hours getting ready to go out but the important thing is that it doesn't look it. It all looks organic-as if they have thrown the look together naturally on their way out the door. And emerged in their own incredible style.
I love the girl's hair but the man's? That on his chest looks just wacky.
is that Lily Donaldson? they look great together...I wonder if they plan their outfits? very well suited...his cardi looks great!
who doesn't love him??? he is simply the most elegant, sweet and handsome person ever....I'm in awe everytime I meet him ;o)
They look superb!
Though they are merely friend... ;)
Italian men and their open shirts. I love it, especially with the big sweater. I wish more men would take a chance like this in America. It seems that they think showing a little chest or wearing something other than a suit or jeans and a tshirt makes them gay somehow.
I think it is so funney how many people thinks he looks feminine, I for one have a sweater such as this. I'm not sure as to why people always wish to identify clothing as feminine or masculine I am always turned on by the aestethics of a garment.... color, fabric I have purchased many clothing from the womens dept even a suit and gottem major compliments and know one ever knew they were womens wear..now tht is style
Why everyone is so nice fitted in Milan? I've been there this past summer, and there're everywhere luxury shops, it's amazing!
great pullover