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Comments on "Welcome To Milan!"
I could do this one! I like this because it is just fun.
Wow! I love it. She wore her sweater backwards...I love that styling.
what happened to some of your recent pics from men.style.com?
the equestrian male boots and the silk print scarves--i can't find them anymore on the blog there.
was there a glitch? i really loved those shots!
thanks, scott.
she looks adorable...this outfit would normally look very shapeless but somehow it works! Love her curls too!
For a quick second I thought her head spun all the way around!
Very cute, lovely smile, one of the friendliest girls I've seen on the blog, the kind that used to leave me heartbroken and unconsolably sad when I returned to Toronto from summer holidays in Sorrento, when I was in high school.
Even though I really love this look, I personally would have chosen another sweater, something not too baggy.
how would you define the overall style of milan? of the younger people mainly? because i have lived in london for two years now but lived in italy before, and i've always felt young italians are much more clichèed than the rest of europe or the world..what do you think?
I used to do that in high school... guess I wasn't wrong after all!
No, this time I don't agree with you sart... it's all too baggy. Dress must do something for your figure.
Ah, I see the popularity of Kris Kross has finally made it to Milan after all these years.
(FYI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kris_Kross)
did she wear her sweater backwards or was it designed like that? i remember having one of these when i was really young...
feels like the 80s! yay!
ps. love her tights - she looks so fun!
Absolute genius...Everything ties in together. This one is such an inspiration. :D
A friendly smile is priceless.
She looks like someone who's working a show.
You make me jealous! I want to go to Italy, too!!
She looks awesome! Love the sweater!
Love it -- and she looks so happy. Love that her pieces aren't all dark colors.
I like the black tights or the shoes, but not both.
Oooh the skirts from Marni - fall collection. Suits her.
believe it or not I wear my sweaters backwards sometimes...I love it!
She looks like a very lively person, but her clothes are doing her no favor. It's all too baggy and the oatmeal sweater is terrible. Trust me, unless you are quite dark(maybe), the color oatmeal is not your friend.
Good Lord, Sart! I love the buttons down the back look, but really- this is mid-90's with mod print. Sorry, but this is the first time I have to disagree.
i wish the sweater were bigger or smaller - or something. this doesn't work for me...
I like her, and isn't it unusual to see someone in Milan who doesn't appear to take her clothes too seriously? Italian fashion is impeccable but sometimes stifling. Nice print on her skirt too.
If I were a man, and I am not, I would absolutely fall in love with this woman. She looks so sexy, carefree, fun and huggable. Don't you just want to whisk her away for an afternoon at an amusement park eating hotdogs in the sun? 100% woman, not girl, without advertising this fact to the world with tight clothing. You can't fake this kind of authenticity. We all dream of being this kind of woman.
Total Marni look...
A Balenciaga First can be surpassed only by a Balenciaga First used and distressed witin an inch of its life!
who gives a flying fig whether the colors/prints are "it" for this year or if the sweater isn't the prescribed shape. here is a lovely picture of a lovely young lady looking, well, lovely. she doesn't look like she slobbers over a magazine being force-fed a look that she must, absolutely must emulate for fear of rejection. in fact, she looks HAPPY! what a breath of fresh air! how in the world can anyone criticize that?
So fun! Proportionally I wold have chosed to wear it with a tight pair of scinny black jeans. If the Cardigan is long enough to cover her bum it would also look awsome with thick, black wool stockings (not tights, seen that enough). The skirt with the big size cardigan makes it all a little unshapable. But she pulled it of being so cherful and sweet.
The sweater is not working for me. She looks nice and approachable, but also like it started raining and she borrowed a sweater from a friend to protect the silk top she was wearing ... just no.
i love this look, but i think it would look more feminine with a belt.
Like the Senor Wences toes with the skirt. Like her comfort in general.
Would itch to roll up those sleeves, backwards or forwards, after some time of posing.
She looks so good! Love the black and tan and all the trouble she has gone to, to coordinate her outfit. And wearing the cardigan backwards is such a great idea to turn it completely into "her own".
Does everybody on this site blindly adore every ensemble? This is not a good look.
I love this, I'm going to have to try the backwards sweater sometime!
Yay Sara! She always looks amazing. Love her Cardi! Miss you! x