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Comments on "The Ralph Lauren Look At Pitti, Florence"
he is dressed for a fall football game. what is he doing in italy!
Is it just me, or do others also observe that photos taken when Sart is home in NYC are generally much more interesting than when on fashion shoots? (sorry, Sart, and anyway the variety is still interesting). The faded jean look wouldn't have made it into the blog from NYC, so this is anthropological, not sartorial!
ahh, words cannot express how much I love this blog. There is a certain look that you always hone in on, whether you're in New York, Milan, Paris, etc ... And that's a good thing. I aspire to that look - sleek, dark, with dashes of whimsy.
I hope I'm allowed to give my opinion;
Although thesartorialist is the greatest fashion-blog ever, this picture isn't that interesting.
I agree with mspen about how much more interesting the photos are of "the regular folk". I think it supports what you hear so many people posting comments about; people being comfortable in their own skin. What seems to be missing in the photos when you are at a fashion location is the lack of joy. I know they are working long hours and my understanding is it is hard, hard work. Having said that, my guess is that most of the people whose photos you are taking back home in NYC are working hard as well. I still think the most stylish thing you can wear is a smile. Thanks again Sart. My wife has now come right out and said this blog is an offical addiction!
Scott, for a second there I thought this was a self potrait? Guy looks like you, with the short hair and aviator sunglasses.
While his faded jeans do point to American influences, the length of his jeans...the way they just barely touch the top of his shoes...I do not know the proper influence (italian, british, tailoring in general?)... but stateside I still see 90% of males with jeans that are too long and bunched up on top of the shoe.
I'm not sure if I like the color of that jacket on him...
yeah, I agree, lets have fewer Europeans at fashion shows and more everyday New Yorkers
i love your site! you make fashion fun the way it should be. i feel motivated to wear my best before i walk out the door after looking at your photos. this is such a great inspiration because i used to feel scared about drawing attention to me, but now i love the feeling of dressing well. it boosts my confidence and makes the day so much better!
I'm sorry I really don't agree that the European photos are less interesting than the NY ones. Au contraire, I think the "on the road" shots have some really amazing diversity (the Italian ones are just my favourite).
The NY ones tend to have (from my perspective anyway) too many model types in head to toe black. Compare that to the gorgeous glamazon in grey or the granny and the scruffy teenager or the brown suit with purple tie...
Well I think that Italy has become the home of the faded jeans(check out for example Jacob Cohen a very interesting and trendy brand).
Maybe Pitti Uomo is not the right place to wear them.
He really is somewhat of a spectacle, isn't he?
Will you be at Haute Couture, Sartorialist? :)
Too bad his hands are in his pockets so we can't chastise him for insufficient cuff display!
I don't agree that the photos in NYC are more interesting (ref: msaspen 12:40); I think we all have our personal preferences and view those as the 'best' and 'most interesting' images...that's the beauty of this blog.
Personally, I tend to perfer the looks shot in Italy, France, and England. But that's not to say there aren't reams of hot NYC images too.
On this blog the saying 'it's all good' truly applies.
I like this Italian gentleman because he looks like a typical North American viewed through a magical looking-glass of chicness...
I love this blog, absolutely and utterly, but anyone who thinks the people that are photographed in NYC are 'regular' people is out of their minds. The vast majority are either in the business, aspiring to be in the business, or so wealthy that it doesn't matter. The 'regular' people are few and far between
Shouldn't his jacket be longer than the blazer underneath?
Hmmm... Not liking this shot too much. Too ordinary. And faded jeans! I never found it flattering, ever!
The cardamom collar of the down coat works down to the bucks. This was put out the night before.
Ok, I wasn't going to comment on this one, but Anon 10:04 just said one of the funniest things I've ever heard here.
I think that the comment just goes to show that we do get a bit caught up in how things are "supposed to look". This picture, while maybe not as glamorous as others that have been displayed on this blog, show my man's individual style and personality. I always endorse as such.
Keep it up Scott.
this looks so ordinary, for Greece at least...run of the mill look in every cafe throughout Greece...does this mean we're stylish people? I think not! LOL
darker shoes, please.
So an Iowa redneck can wear his bibs and feed hat in Paris and instantly become cool? WOW!
That's what I'm getting from this: average look in USA, but chic in Europe.