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Comments on "At Pitti Uomo...Coat Detail"
Very Gabriel Bryne... you'd think "masculine flourish" would be an oxymoron, but I'd say that this coat epitomizes such a phrase.
Love the folds and pleating and drape of this coat. Yum.
Is this the same guy as Monotone Charcoal on your style.com blog? If so, he's got that older-guy, Daniel Auteuil sexiness.
Good, well-cut hair, too.
>phew< thank god you're back to posting pics; we missed you.
I love when men dress well, geat details add so much syle to a garment... love the coat and pants
excellent.......His trousers in particlar!
If this were my hubby from the back, oh my, ....I would marry him all over again. This coat says, "I will take you out for the most romantic elegant dinner of your life, whip out pricey jewels over dessert, and send you flowers every Monday. It says I will give you reason to wear that new dress you bought.
the belt back is back?
This follows up on what you posted a few days ago: drama in the back.
anon 8:44 -- you're such a gold digger!
I LOVE THIS COAT! Every man would be cool with it!
WOOW ! who knows what brand he's wearing! I like to much this coat and I want to buy for my boyfriend! PLEASE HELP ME! Zizz
I saw this coat in Milan and the brand name is BOGLIOLI If you want, you can find in Bergdorf Goodman shops!
nothing sexier than a man in a well-made wool trench...