The Sartorialist on Paris !!!!

It just went up today and though I can't read what it actually says, what I imagine it says is just fine with me!
check it out here. Paris
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Comments on "The Sartorialist on Paris !!!!"
Too long to translate, but according to my rusty French, you're talking about how you're using the blog as a platform for discussing fashion, how you're really busy and spend about one or two hours on it, and your goal is to attain the perfect look. I think...You could have been describing how you clean the bathroom, but it all just sounds terribly sexy in French.
Great news Scott! If you need a translation, e-mail me!
mais naturellement, mon cher! it was never really a question of "if" it would happen, merely a matter of when. well done, you!
Fashionfanatic60 said...
Congratulations, Scott! That is very exciting.
well, my french is terrible but I can translate okay! im guessing u got that u cover fashion, have 23,000 visits and 48,000 views a day in december. u worked in fashion sales and marketing before getting into photography and journalism, u cover the collections for & its always a surprise when fashion people in the fashion capitals know of your blog, it's very gratifying. U began in Sep. 2005 taking pictures of people who were dressed elegantly. As your blog took off u quickly started taking pictures of men. You'd previously worked in women's fashion with coutourers such as valentino. little by little women were added to my blog. you pass alot of time as a photographer, but only for one or two hours to maintain the blog. by the way, how did you get so much traffic to come to your site? im thinking of starting a blog, think you could email me at if nots its ok, but i hope the translation helped :)
Three days ago I got the French Vogue I was going to comment on that..congrats! for you Scott...French vogue the best!, I love this issue...very colorful...artistic!
use the google language tool to help you translate.
Great, terrific, Scott! Somehow we learn more about you in this Q and A than elsewhere: most welcome.
And you have indeed "attraped" the perfect look: very, very debonn-aire.
Congratulations and thanks again for all your hard work!
I remember what i said was that I try to capture with my camera well-executed looks that I see on the street not that I'm trying to attain a perfect look for me.
So Carine Roitfield stopped you and said she loves your photos? You're much too modest, that was never mentioned here.
(Plus, yay, you gave design sponge a shout out)
P.S. If sandman_gr or someone else doesn't translate, I can.
"...not that I'm trying to attain a perfect look for me."
Oh darling, who translated for you? It doesn't say that anywhere.
Mind you, as I'm sure you already know translating a translation will not give you the original wording.
As to the article, take it from this Montrealer; it's all good and you really do come off as debonnaire.
I cannot wait to see you unfold all the things you mentioned having in store for the blog!
To Nan
While I was walking along Rue St. Honore I heard this little french voice saying "hello". I don't know many French people but there was no one else around me so the person must have been talking to me.
I look to my right and Carine (in the back of her town car) is saying hi and waving me over to her car that is stopped in the middle of the street. She says that was loves my photos and she wants me to take more of her!
I was in shock, I floated over to the Jil Sander shop and bought a coat to mark the occasion.
To be honest, that was the first time in my life I felt like I was a real photographer. I have never assisted anyone or taken any lessons other than a printing class and i really don't know any other photographers but I am proud of the work I do and my ability to tell a story in a few images and even fewer words.
Carine Rocks!
Congratulations- French Vogue?! Very cool...
wow! No photography lessons! You have real talent Sart. Not only do you have a great eye for style, but the quality of your photos sets your blog apart.
oh, and Sart. it's true. You do look sexier with a stern look on your face. He he!
how incredibly sweet of Carine!!!!!!!!!
-what better person to recognise your talent!!
Mr Sart, now seems the appropriate time and place to say this: I think I love you! I don't mean it in a stalker-like or soppy way, only to say that I get a happy glow when I visit this website, see your inspiring pictures and read the comments of the great community you've built here...
I love your (often wry) understated humour, your passion for fashion, your talent and your modesty - all of which are demonstated in your Carine story above! Thank you!
I couldn't restist and yes, I have too much time on my hands.
Here goes:
Where? New York
Who? Scott Schuman, 39 years old
For how long? Since September 2005
Key words: Style, men's fashion, women's fashion, street, haute couture, shopping, personal experience.
Number of visitors: 23 000 visitors a day, 48 000 a day in December
Revenue: I make enough to wear the garments I talk about. I am working on developments that will make this blog an excellent platform for fashion amateurs, and an interesting medium for advertisers without compromising my integrity.
Slogan: Capture the perfect look.
Relationship with fashion:
I worked in fashion (sales and marketing) before moving to photography and journalism. Since I was covering the men's and women's runway in New York, Milan and Paris for, I have a "pro" pass that I really appreciate. I am always surprised at the number of "fashion people" in Paris and Milan that know about my blog. It's really gratifying.
Start as a blogger:
I started in September of 2005, by simply taking photos of people I thought looked elegant. Since my blog was initially oriented towards men's fashion, I had first a male audience that was inspired by the gentlemen I photographed. Since I used to work in women's fashion (with coutouriers such as Valentino), little by little, women started appearing in my blog.
Time dedicated to the blog:
I spend a lot of time taking the photographs but only one or two hours to work, and publish my blog.
Glory moment:
When Corinne Roitfeld stopped me at Rue Saint-Honoré to tell me she loved my photographs. And also when I started my monthly page in GQ, and obtained the coverage of the men and women's runway for
Best fashion memory of 2006:
The first time I attended a Dries Van Noten runway show.
Favorite magazines:
Vogue France, Vogue Italy, american GQ and Gourmet.
The future of bloggers:
If they have something to say and the talent to do so, they will find their audience, but it's really not that different from the other types of media.
Favorite blogs:
I love designsponge, who inspired me to start my own blog.
I would particularly love to have a page on women's collections in Vogue France like the one I have in GQ (you don't have to put this in).
For Sophia
Wow, that is incredible how well you translated that!
I did the interview by email , did you read my e-mail?
I can't believe they put in the part I said not to put in!!
When I read the Vogue piece, Sart, the thing that popped out for me was Carine stopping you and saying she adores your photos (nice one of her accompanying, btw, despite the dead animal she's wearing). WOW-EE! You've arrived, big time! Very modest of you not to have mentioned it on the blog; others would have been CROWING.
Isn't it time there was a NYC 'We Heart Sart' party so that at least your local readers could meet you and each other?
It's fun, I'm happy to read you in french! Bravo et encore bravo, J'ai hâte de te croiser en vrai dans les rues de Paris.
Congratulations, Scott. You do such a marvelous job: the site is splendid.
I am so happy for you and all your success. You have worked hard for it and you truely deserve it. :)
Congrats, Scott!! Well deserved. You are not only very talented but genuinely modest and so chivalrous about the people you photograph. A class act all around.
Congratulations, Scott! You really deserve it; your photos never cease to amaze me.
(And Sophia, thanks for the translation!)
Congrats on appearing in Vofue Paris. umm.. this may seem unrelated.. but who did the Vogue cover u've put up?
thanks scott!! i'm glad you liked it.
congratulations! you look great !(for a french girl, it's was easy to understand ;))
you also appears in the current edition of spanish vogue.
Bravo, Sart!
Congratulations Scott and my my you do look splendid in the photo accompanying the article.
I am amazed that you are a self taught photographer. I second the remark that it is the quality of your photos that goes a long way towards highlighting the sartorial/quirky wonder of your subjects. thank you for your blog.
Oh, thanks for the real story. How absolutely great!
And going in to buy a Jil Sander coat directly after, makes it the most perfect fashion story ever. I love it!!!!
I think you should post the story.
Congratulations, Scott!! What a year it has been for you. Happy 2007!
You look fabulous in that photo!
It's true what others are saying -- the blog does have charm in addition to beautiful photos. I still laugh whenever I think of "sorry watch industry!"
Félicitations !!!! :)
Félicitation ! I'm waiting for you in the french Vogue
well done!!! your photos just have me coming back all the time....carine roxx too!!
Félicitations! Vous savez que vous avez réussi quand vous vous voyez dans Vogue Paris!
PS. J'ai ri quand j'ai lu la ligne "vous n'êtes pas obliges de mettre en ligne ça." Les magazines incluent les commentaires comme ça souvent!
Congratulations! You know you've succeeded when you see yourself in Vogue Paris!
PS. I laughed when I read the line "you don't have to put that in here." Magazines often include comments like that!
jérémy :
I wish i could work at Vogue (france), anyway i'm gonna work in the fashion world c'est un très bon blog^^(this is a very good work you've done), continuez ainsi !!! "c'est ça que j'adore,Dior"
if you come to paris another time, don't forget to say Bonjour to the french fan ^^
if anyone want a translation in french, or anything, don't hesitate !