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Comments on "On The Street...Two Chic for Soho , New York"
Are these "women of a certain age?"
The one on the left with the light brown ensemble puts me in a state of dithering. What is that brown thing? Is it a plaid toga? Should it not be summerwear?
The other lady looks nice.
For some reason, I want them to switch shoes.
Like a pair of beautifully mismatched twin-sisters.
Dang, these women are truly showstoppers and that's saying a lot for NYC (as it and soignee go hand in hand).
It is amazing how good and colorful these tones can look. It is all about the fabrics and patterns. I much prefer this look to the pastels and cheery colors my friends wear-- to me, this IS a very cheery look.
Mad for that plaid dress -- can anyone tell me who what where?
I love both their outfits, I can see why you couldn't wait to post them!
I am loving the plaid dress or is it a scarf worn as a dress? Whatever it is its just gorgeous! Both of these women look great! Perfection!
the woman on the right has really accomplished something special here. a varied ensemble that comes together perfectly. love it...all the way down to the shades...
The dress looks like it's from Marc Jacobs fall collection.
A little bit busy for my taste, but definitely a great look for the right personality!
Truly gorgeous looks. Love.
the woman to the right is absolutely beautiful.
love, love, love the boots!
does anyone know where i can get them?!
First time I have ever seen someone wear sunglasses in the winter in NYC!! :)
Where I live, most people wear sunglasses year-round because the sun shines about 350 days of the year. People who don't wear them are automatically labelled as tourists or just plain wierd.
Interesting. There's something intriguingly "Braveheart shops Madison Ave" about these looks. In a good way.
I just loved them.
Sooooooo very smart!
They both look great, although I prefer the one on the right. I especially love the fur lining inside of the jacket (hopefully it's not real) and even the tan boots were a nice touch.
But after inspecting the picture again, I may be biased towards the brunette because of her stance. She has a more confident aura about her and presents her look really well, while the blonde is just standing there leaning in towards the brunette. I think in comparison, the brunette just stands out more because not only is she dressed well, but she knows it and you can tell.
I love those brown pumps with the gray stockings that the woman on the left is wearing. The fit of the woman on the right's coat is perfect for her outfit. I'm not a big fan of the huge plaid dress or the furry scarf, though.
absolutely FAB.
love'em both
Pretty sure those are Frey boots, does ANYONE know how I can get mine to look like that?
I. Envy. New Yorkers. Style!.
I love the girl on the left's dress, and miss to-the-right's boots are tdf (to die for)!
THESE WOMEN LOOK SO LUXE. Everything about them screams a la mode. Only I feel kind of cold looking at the one on the left, no way could I pull off such a chest-baring dress in the middle of December!
excelent style for women: totally strong,youthful,and edgy not compromising looking smart. Love the fur with deconstructed top. The pleid dress looks awesome.
The dress on the left is great
great dress, shoes, tights on the woman on the left -- she looks a bit like candace bushnell.
The woman on the right is the stylish Montreal stylist Anne Horth! Nice to see Montreal representing!
mary-kate and ashley in 20 years? love it.
The plaid dress is definitely a Marc Jacobs Fall 06. (70% off now at the San Francisco Marc Jacobs store on Maiden Lane.) It's a beautiful construction with just layers and layers of cloth - and pockets!
The blonde's outfit is GREAT!!! Beautifully executed.
I still don't know if I love or if I think they are fashion victim...
They look great ... though i totally detest the use of fur but anyways ... & Marie, " First time I have ever seen someone wear sunglasses in the winter in NYC!! " ... is this sarcasm or are u being serious?! I mean, 1/2 of manhattan wear sunglasses in winter ... even when it's dull & raining ...
Love those tights and shoes on the left!
the sum is greater than the parts: I like these women together better than either individually and the way their shoes echo the colors in the others' dress is a big plus for the photo. In real life, you can't always stand next to some one in a complimentary outfit!
THANK YOU, SART! These women are clearly not 20 somethings, but stylish, beautiful and hip. I loved my 20s, but I wouldn't go back there for all the money in the world. These gals exude the confidence and elan that I feel more at 40 than I ever did before.
the dress is marc jacobs fall 06
I only want to say "fashion victims", 8:17, because of this trend of light brown leather shoes with the grey woolen leg wear of the season (which I love). I think this makes four women you have shown with this combo. It is very depression era - The Waltons - Mary Ellen. The statement is brown leather footwear is the new basic black shoe, a natural outgrowth of being encouraged to accessorize the grey of the season with bling gold. (I.E. gold translated into warm brown/camel.) This I see as working a trend and i liked it a lot the first time I saw but now that I am seeing it so much I am getting over it. So they look nice, very fashiony, but super duper vogue trendy to me because of this. I think i will stick to the classical black and grey combo. Or at least a very dark brown, darker than the grey which never looks trendy.
found the fab boots:
you're welcome ;)
Just great !
Wow, I'm completely miffed on this one. I'm usually so in sync with the fellow Sart'ers, but I just am not loving this photo.
I think the women are beautiful - sexy in a french 'I'm 40 but hot' way a la Jeanne Moreau or Simone Signoret, but the outfits don't do it for me. The tights and shoes on the left - great. The coat and fur thingee on the right - great. But the exposed part of the scarf dress and the boots on the right really take away from the total thing.
I'm just sayin'...
Okay - what is that 'dress" on the left. Anyway the woman on the right looks fabulous. Great shot.
Why can't I view this image? I seem to be locked out . . . and the comments are so intriguing.
Oh, lovely shot! Like the lady with fur!
I found the web site for the stylist,the one on the right...www.anniehorth.com
her work is amazing!TDF,
really sexy...
The lady on the left looks so european, unique,like she's the only one who could pull this dress off.
this is what those juicy couture women, pamela and gela, would look like if they were new yorkers. real and fabulous!
These women are fantastic!
In my day, garments gathered in front were notorious for weight gain, and tended to cause speculation about imminent motherhood. Wouldn't do it with wool plaid in any case. But she's brave to have gone there.
Woman on right: Annie Horth
Woman on left: Nathalie
Annie is a stylist responsible, among others, for dressing Celine Dion.
PS : They are a couple, not sisters.