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Comments on "On The Street.....The Deconstructionist , Soho"
I think he looks homeless, with expensive boots.
love this! i think he looks adorable.
I do love the raw cut hem mixed with the worn boots, no doubt, but everyone please stop with the tan shoes and grey attire, already!! We get it!!! Please don't make this what I remember about fashion in 2006!!!
I think those pants could be easily mistaken for a pair of grey sweats with the bottoms cut.
I would kill for his boots. Does anyone know anything about them?
Very nice outfit:-)
A very Happy New Year Mr Sartorialist - and all the others out there!
Rarely can the homeless afford to go to the lunetterie, never mind hair styling products and such clothing.
The pants are reminiscent of a particular artist from the 70s, his name slips my mind though.
P.S. Happy New Year, Sart and the gang
This is my very first time... And I love,love this blog... And I love, love this photo...
The Super Gòtic Man.
Though some details are pleasing, to me, it doesn't add up. It needs to be pushed further; as is, it has a wear-whatever-came-to-hand quality...
when i first saw the picture, i thought those gray pants were wool or tweed pants and became super excited at the possibility that someone else digs the dress pants with hoodie look! alas... his hair is still fantastic though.
i get such a warm, familiar feeling here...strange since i've never been to new york...
or have i?
love this window, thanks for letting us see, keep inspiring in 2007
adorable. yes, completely, like a little puppy.
Not too crazy about this one, Sart.
Is the frayed edging on the pants intentional? I notice the frays on the Yeager photo below. This fraying reminds me of the Punk look.
Hmm, I think this guy has what is known as "bed hair". He looks like he has just crawled out of a sleeping bag on a grate on the corner somewhere, wearing the clothes he's rummaged out of a rubbish bin outside some rich fellahs house.
janvangoh, I actually thought they were sweatpants until I got to the bottom of the post... I'm still not totally convinced they were proper trousers, even with the closeup.
mmm... I want those boots.
really? really, sartorialist?
i don't know, i usually love all of the photos & fashion choices, but this just looks like he woke up and threw on some clothes
The shoes the shoes the Shoes! Anyone know where they come from?
I love him-he looks like he needs someone to take care of him!
I do love his shoes!
Happy new year!!
i LOVE your blog.... Fan. :)
I really dig the raw cut trousers! I've thought about doing that. I'm re-inspired now.
Thanks Sart.
Happy New Year!
Homeless?! Huh? Why, because he's not holding a boutique bag by the little handles?
I´ve seen all the photos in the blog ( three hours!!! ). And I´ve discovered The Sartorialist himself... Would you like to marry me???
Lots of love.
Happy 2007.
TheSuperGòticMan dixit.
I love the bohemian look for men...quite interesting!!!
and thank you for you lovely blog!
the sartioralist is already a must in my diary visits to the internet blogs!lot of thanks for your photos and comments!
I thought they looked like sweats, too, at first. And something about him brings Willy Wonka to mind. Why do I like this?
The boots are vintage Timberlands, no?
I love his look. I love this blog. I teach in a "ghetto school" and am a good 40 years older than my teenage students. But every day, they serve the same purpose in the same spirit -- "I'm feeling that blouse, Teacher" or "That outfit isn't doin' it, Miss", but with the same good nature and the appreciation that I'm making an effort. As important as Algebra or an appreciation of fine literature, I think. So, Sart, keeping teachin', bro.
I feel like this post is the fashion equivalent to that stunt where some guy convinced a bunch of gallery-goers that the fire hydrant was art.
This guy just looks like someone with old shoes and a pair of old sweatpants he pulled on to run out and buy cigarettes, hoping not to run into his neighbours.
älskar denna sida, den va soft!
så du har alltså kommit till sverige nu också
He looks like someone I'd like to have coffee with. To heck with the pants, the little smile says it all.
When I saw this photo I thought "Woody Allen says hi" ;-))
Wouldn't the word sloppy work?
I love "the absentminded artist" look about him.
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