On The Street.....Martin Grant Peacoat, Soho

A buyer once told me "drama in the back" was a favorite phrase of one of her salespeople. I always thought it sounded great and , well, dramatic but I have never found a situation to use it myself. Today..(dramatic pause)...is my day.
Comments on "On The Street.....Martin Grant Peacoat, Soho"
I agree. The peacoat suits her frame. And the contrast of the chocolate knee boots adds to the full effect of the her look...
or as yogi berra might have put it, clothes that make a dramatic exit :-)
The coat's quite adorable--front and back; the length is, I think, key.
Coat needs to be worn with a certain spirit, which the wearer here possesses in abundance.
i have a coat very simialr to that one. i love the way she's wearing it.
I almost feel like the Starbucks bag is the perfect accessory for the outfit. One of my fave pictures so far.
that is probably the loveliest pea coat i've ever seen. the details in the back are glorious!
phenomenal picture. beautiful girl. well structured outfit. the whole thing really captures the spirit of the neighborhood...
Dude...she was one of the grad student TAs for my archaeology class this semester.
beautiful coat...might anyone know where it's from?
For you non-New Yorkers, the bag is a Kate's Paperie bag, not Starbucks thank god.
We'll let Seattle keep that little gem.
"Drama in the back" - Brilliant!
Absolutely everything works on this outfit, the contrast of light and dark (with that little white peeking out from the bottom of her coat) is just enough and perfectly placed.
Forgot to add above, love the coat and the boots. She looks like Penelope Cruz, and I mean that in a good way!
SO CHIC!! i love this entire look. her boots are fabulous and that coat, i want one!
SO CHIC!! i love this entire look. her boots are fabulous and that coat, i want one!
Does anyone know who makes that coat?
so chic! i love this entire outfit! the boots look fabulous (color of the leather, the length, the height!) and the peacot looks amazing! i want one!
she looks great.
wondering what's inside the marc jacobs bag:)
ah, methinks it's a kate's paperie bag -- even better. love the coat, love the hat, love the boots -- brava & bravo!
I also now want a peacoat just like hers. :)
As much as I can't wait to see the new photos for the day, I can't help feel more and more jealous of New Yorkers... excellent.
Wow I really thought that was a Starbucks bag when I posted. And I live in NYC. Regardless, I stand by my statement that the bag is a perfect accessory for the outfit.
the boots are pristine!
For me this is not drama in the back, this is fairytale in the back..
Does anyone know where those boots are from? I have been looking for boots like that for such a long time. Hope someone will answer. Maybe the girl from the picture is here to look at the comments she got.. :)
Oh Lordy, she is just so chic. I love Martin Grant clothes. Love them. >sigh<
RE: anonymous 10:12. Grad students in NYC shop at Marc Jacobs? It is indeed a different world there.
I actually think the hat makes this outfit. It gives it a sort of irreverance so she doesn't look too put together.
Cute coat. Looks very comfortable and warm while being stylish at the same time.
Love the clothes.
When wearing a hat, the fashion rule I learned is you're always supposed to have at least one lock of hair hanging down below the hatband and visible. When you hide all of your hair in your hat the way she's done, every single strand, unfortunately people's first thought is that you're in chemotherapy.
She's adorable but more importantly-- where can I get that coat?? I'm sure it's sold out or perhaps on deep discount in far too large a size somewhere.
Oh fashion, why are you so cruel sometimes?
Looks to be a little longer in the back than the front.
Oddly that always reminds me of clothes cut for old and not so-old ladies who have bone loss.
Probably young girls don't make that connection. Automatically puts it on the no list for me (a woman of a certain age!)
oh, she is adorable+ I think this is my favorite woman's look that you have posted, she looks so comfortable and cozy-but still very modern and clean. The little edge of her socks peeking through the top of those elagent boots, perfect+
The simplicity of this great coat makes me wonder why I stopped sewing.
The outfit as a whole is fun - even from the front. Why isn't there cool looks like this in the Bay Area. Guess I am not looking hard enough.
Anon 2:17: Totally. When I was in grad school (alllllll those long PhD years), I could barely afford rent let alone Martin Grant, Marc Jacobs (still can't afford, unfortunately) or even Kate's Paperie. I kept remembering those tales about Italian women in the 1980s who would forego a washing machine in order to buy one navy Armani skirt. And then I'd spend my student loan at consignment stores like Yu and Ina and eat inumerable pasta w/pesto meals. Maybe she's a trustafarian t.a.
God I love that jacket. I saw it at the showroom and I couldn't stop pointing out all the great details to them, which er, they already knew about since they made the damn thing...LOVE it, still want it, phoning them tomorrow...
i'm shocked that nobody has mentioned the striped knee highs (perhaps?) under the boots!
Oh Sart, Sart, you truly are amazzing. How do you manage to get such wonderful photo's. Modern day Mona. This is art. Would love to hear how you do this. Do you pick a particular area to shoot on any given day. C'mon spill the beans and let us know how you work. Have a wonderful holiday and only the best for 2007.
A Daily Reader
Hey, I'm in my 5th year in a Ph.D. program in LA and at 34 y.o., I definitely shop at Barney's, eat like a gourmand at least once a month, and I wear some designer duds (not all but some). Ph.D. students aren't all broke, some of us know how to shop smart and improvise, especially when we're pushing into our mid-30s.
i love that second photo, it's so simple and yet very arty. i would like to enlarge it and put it up on my wall so i can watch it all day. black and white combined in a great way, you are a very talented man when it comes to spotting style! enjoy the holidays! xx
I want those boots. So hard to find such a beautiful shade of deep chocolate brown boots with great shape.
Re: Anonymous 8:15
No, please do not tell us how you do it! The sartorialist is, to me, and I would believe to many others, a beautiful fiction. More than anything, I feel what The Sartorialist is acheiving, is creating a city unto itself.
When I log on, I do not get the feeling of new york, but of something different, a seamless society of beauty and thoughtfulness. Lofty words, but I´m quite serious.
Please do not take away the smoke and mirrors.
where are her boots from?!?
Coats like this make me want to reconsider moving to Florida.
lovely coat...
LOVE her look. its super chic yet very casual. she just looks very comfortable in her own skin!
i adore this shot.
i love her outfit, and you captured it so beautifully. thank you for getting a picture of the back because it is wonderful.
LA PhD: see Yu and Ina ref. Eiko, at Yu, sells mostly consignment Japanese designers as well as some Martin Margiela and Amy Downs and Mischa hats. Ina is where many with money, including Sarah Jessica Parker and the Sex in the City wardrobe department, off-load their one-season-out-of-date duds. But you're right - being older and still in grad school probably helps; more established, I suppose.
Has to be one of the most beautiful woman I have seen in weeks. The outfit is spectacular!! I think I need to go to grad school!
I love that her hair is completely tucked into her beanie, and that her socks are pulled up over her pants (petal pushers?) to break up the darker chocolate and black. Casual elegance with the best accessories: Marc Jacobs and Kate's Paperie shopping bags.
I love her look! The contrast of the white & darker colors. I also love the whimsical air about her..the ruffles on the back suit the vibe she gives off.
Beautiful clothing, beautiful girl.
For any Londoners here, I saw this exact coat on sale in Harvey Nicks today, in a large. Not my size unfortunately, but lovely to see in the flesh.
that coat by Martin Grant (also designs the Barneys line) is marked down right now. they only have the cream version at the Barneys in Boston, alas.
The coat is amazing ! ':)
the marc jacobs bag really completes the look.
adorable simple and classic!
The styles haven’t changed much because the original design is still aesthetically pleasing and appropriate for any activity.