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Comments on "On The Street...Madison Ave., New York"
I think I want to know this guy.
Good style should always look so effortlesss. I like to imagine that his fashion statements are beautiful whispers instead of bold proclaimations.
Love, love, and love your site. Thanks.
'Sometimes the best menswear is the most quiet and subtle.'
..that's what I've been telling people for years.
oh Jacadi ! The clothes I was wearing when I was a little child :)
the smile also does much to elevate this look.
Nice gent.
But I'm not so sure the suit fits/is cut properly. The pants are too long and perhaps too full, and the jacket is too long.
But he's well accessorized, and I like the raincoat length (though its sleeves are a mite long....).
And, in the words of a certain moppet chorus, "You're never fully dressed without a smile!"
*Gags quietly*
Another purple tie + pinstripe suit combo!! :)
adorable. the smile alone is amazing.
I love that the overcoat is just a little rumpled, while everything else is so polished. And what a smile!
He looks full of positive energy. And his clothes look great.
imagine a conversation with him! adore the shoes....
Positive energy or just pleased with himself? The smile does make the shot, 'cause otherwise it is a bit bland. Although it is nice to see an older guy pull off the well dressed but comfortable look.
Well dressed and no scarf...how did he ever make into the Sartorialist?
He used to be Bill Blass's right hand guy - he should know a thing or two about style.
I don't think brown shoes are appropriate for corporate businesswear but otherwise, he looks very well put together.
his smile is his best accessory.