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Comments on "On the Street.......Beauty On The Boardwalk, Miami"
Scott, what happened in Miami regarding photo action?
Did you capture style, or did you get captured in the Caribbean?
What I love about this image is that it all looks kind of odd yet harmonic.
A woman monk in miami? She is totally rocking the spiritual style.
Miami has some aura of limbo in the early morning..Maybe she knows it.
A happy priestess!
fantastic look - sort of spiritual in it's purity and beauty.
Is she a monk? Was it cold? Tell us more!
I'm completely enthralled by the horizontal linear-ness of that wrap/shawl. And the hair! Perfect!
She looks a little self-conscious because she's being asked to stand for a photograph and yet, I sense some sense of vanity from this lady because of her beautifully crimson toes. Perfection!
This totally an unexpected wardrobe that you see on Ocean Drive(?)/Miami...unless there's a commune or monastery nearby.
For some reason maybe she was part of a Nativity scene???
she makes me think of a character in Thomas Mann's novel The Magic Mtn. either a spa dweller or a very spiritual person. she looks very sweet.
is this woman a member of some sort of religious order? it seems very ascetic.
anyway, it's an outstanding outfit (with the possible exception of the flipflops).
Lovely. This is a woman who cherishes simplicity. Just looking at this photo makes me feel like chillaxin'.
Oooh. No. Not sure about this one Sart. On first glance, she looked like she was a member of a religious sect . . .
Quite ethereal. I could have sworn you were at an ashram, though.
Flip-flops, transcended.
Love that shawl,
P.S. Do hope you're continuing to enjoy your holidays!
like an angel! very serene
I don't know what to say. Don't love it or hate it, maybe it's because I'm too manhattanized? This is outside your usual posts so I'm caught off guard, have to sleep on this one.
this is how i aspire to someday dress like on a friday afternoon.
This is an interesting, very ascetic, nun-like look. It's reminiscent of early 90s fashion ideology but I wonder if it's a retro fashion statement or if it reflects a spiritual lifestyle -- do you know? It's pretty awesome.
She looks like she stepped out of a monestary.
this is what a woman should look like. Jeans has brought a decline to "The Female form". I was in NY last week, and was deeply disappointed by fashion. NY is not the fashion capital of the world by any sense. The fashion capital is MILAN.
Where is the "backwoods Illinois" style? I halfway expected some! :)
I love Sart's eye for classic style, but it's this combined with the way he captures individualism that keeps me coming back. Always interesting! I leaves me thinking about what we all have in common, as well as our differences.
Pretty, kind of Isabella Rossellini-esque. I love all the components, separately and together; hair, smile, shawl, dress. Linen and...cashmere? Wow. And the pedicure and flip flops say she's probably not a monk. More likely an artist.
This lady is just lit from the inside. She truly is beautiful! I'll bet it was one of the rare chilly days in Miami.
Well, I too was caught off guard by the red toe nails ...
She does look like a monk/nun...and not at all what one would expec in Miami...that makes it more interesting of course.
Nah, this one definitely doesn't work for me. I agree with the others, she looks likes she belongs in an ashram.
how so not what you think of when you hear 'miami'. refreshing.
the most covered woman in miami.
Looks like she got out of bed wearing sheets and a blanket as some sort of protest against ever having to get out of bed in the first place.
Sinead OConnor!
Catherina Vaneetvelde is an artist and yes she is a very stylish person.
Probably she is wearing Eskander.
Linen and cashmire for sure !