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Comments on "On The Street... Lower Fifth Ave., New York"
Let the eagle soar!
At first I thought he must have been wearing his jacket while painting. But I see that it is a dove. Great attitude.
He has a nice Northern European musician look and a very amiable face. And I like the re-appropriated jacket with the kitschy bird, which reflects the current hot, hot trend in print, textiles and home design. It's a trend I've been seeing for quite awhile though -- I'm personally wary of investing in too much birdy design because I think the trend will reach critical mass and go right to overkill.
My first thought was Libertine as well ;-)
I like his smile.
Nice face, but the rest ...
I've always shied away from buying jackets with graphics on them, preferring to make my own sartorial jokes. This fellow seems to have pulled it off.
Now I'll have to re-think the Comme de Garcon suit with white boot-prints on the lapel, which I saw at a vintage store...
I, as well, thought that he may have splashed a bit of paint on his jacket.
Either way, this is a great casual look.
i don't see whats special about this ensemble? i detest painted blazers ...
Thanks for posting larger pictures.
At first glance, I also thought that the eagle decor was paint; delightful surprise to discover otherwise.
Am all in favor of this kind of jacket personalization....
Love the whimsey . . .
Love it! He looks like a cool Brit to me :)
Amazing style ;)
Totally hot; a peaceful guy! Love the dove!
Funny, I thought the exact same thing janvangogh did until I took a closer look. I love it!
Perfection. Just the rght amount of humor.
great prints
you know what would really make this look even cooler for me, if he put the birds on there himself. i hope he did.
why the remote in his hand?
He's adorable but I think he could have worn a different scarf. This one should either be longer or wider or both. The ironic expression is great and his outfit reflects his confidence.
When I saw the photo I thought "Peace be with you", because I thought that is is a dove. Cool!
perfection? it looks like he got everything at urban outfitters. He's got a nice face, but you guys are crazy...
Dime a dozen trendy. I also dislike the cell-phone as accessory look. He seems happy...I'm a complete misanthrope.
I love this quirky guy; such the intellectual. Can anyone confirm the brand?
As far as tired looks go, jackets with screenprinting are way up there. I can't really understand how this look got popular in the first place. Screenprinting on anything other than t-shirts is a bad idea, and even then, proceed with caution.
A guy carrying a handbag...don't see much of that where I live. I like his bad too. :)
anonymous 1.02 maybe he is holding the phone cos he just used it. Why, because it's in his hand do you assume it is an accessory rather than functional, and WHY in general do some people make it their goal in life to nit-pick about these strangers (who are nice enough to agree to being photographed for our viewing pleasure) as much as possible?
Very nice. Casual and tailored. He looks very comfortable in his clothes and not like he's wearing a cool-hipster-guy costume.
Nothing special at all, except for his good nature. Screenprinted thrift jacket, bad jeans; meh all over.
Nice touch on the jacket but it needs a better scarf! This one looks like Army surplus...
I think he's really cool and totally hot, I bet he's a nice southern gentleman who makes a mean batch of cheese grits. Or maybe he's some kinda architect. I also imagine he has a gigantic cat. Anyone agree?
Love his jacket. I believe sometimes we have to veer away from being plain and just go for prints. This isn't over the top, just right. And I love how he just wrapped his scarf around randomly. He sure pulled it off!
an incredibly attractive look ...
at first i thought they were paint smudges on his jacket, and i thought they were cool. now i see they're eagles, and i don't like it as much. but it's ok. paint that flew off a canvas you were working on is way sexier.